I have have seen 3 chapter comments by SLXXPY who has taken his time to comment on 3 different chapters stating that I copied this story. Let me clear this up for this idiot and many other foolish people who are quick to talk nonsense but cannot take the same time to read the story synopsis where I clearly state this is not my story not only that but I always state who the author is and give the author his flowers whether it's been abandoned or completed or if I am going to continue the story due to it being abandoned. It's even stated in my bio that I upload underrated stories from other platforms and always give the author there flowers (recognition).
Now to the people who keep talking shit and talking about copying rather than reading the story synopsis. Do you know the definition of copying? Cause at no time have I ever passed anyones story off as my own. When I take over an abandoned story a "Not a chapter" will be posted where I state I am now taking over the story.
If you have problems with me uploading other peoples stories then DO NOT READ the story cause no one is asking you to or forcing you to.
From this point on I'm not addressing this I will just delete your comment or sometimes maybe talk about your mother it depends how petty and childish I'm feeling…. Toodles