Chereads / Wake up and Run / Chapter 90 - Beginning of the Invasion Part 2B

Chapter 90 - Beginning of the Invasion Part 2B

Chapter 39

Beginning of the Invasion

 Part 2B

Rohonda appeared to be listening to a report from some type of recorded device when the countdown started; although her attention was directed to what she was listening to, she didn't miss the quietness of the place with hundreds of people being silent at once. She put the device that she was listening to and collected another one from her desk drawer and started recording a message: "This recording is from Section One; the time is 17.00 hours, and today is the first day that officially Project Zero One started finally. I hope we have enough time to implement all the security measures that we have been working on." Without a second thought, she pressed the send button and returned the device to the same drawer. With a sigh, she rested her back on the chair she was sitting in and said, "I wonder if this was all a perdition or planned; I don't know what they are thinking, fighting an alien invasion with abducted aliens." and one more big sigh came out without her knowledge, even though she closed her eyes.


As previously mentioned, this world consists of five main continents, which take up most of the planet, including a few dozen islands and archipelagos scattered all around the major continents. It is surrounded by three oceans, which means the land mass is bigger than the water, unlike Earth; the seas and oceans alone are bigger than the whole planet Earth. Remember, this planet is more than three times the size of Earth; you can imagine the rest. The biggest continent is called Angariya, which sits on a landmass of more than twenty-eight million square miles, more than one-half of both North and South America combined.

Angariya is not just the biggest continent, but also the most populated. On the north-west side of this continent is the country that is also the biggest country on the continent, which also carries the same name as the continent, the Kingdom of Angariya, with a population of over ten billion, and a landmass of 6.5 million square miles, almost the size of Russia, and its capital's name is Abjadiya. That is the country that Emika by herself was in charge of, the security of which was more than a headache for a few dozen people to manage, let alone one person. There was now a meeting was being held nationwide with a remote conference for those who were not able to attend; the rest was in the tower's large meeting room, with all the ministers and heads of each and every department in the country, including the Council that rules and manages everything in the country.


The second country is the Thames Kingdom, which is located in the southern part of the kingdom, just below Angariya. Its population is more than eight billion people, and with a landmass of 5.8 million square miles, the capital city of this kingdom is called Duhura. In a building on the far east of the city in an unmarked location on any map of the city, although the whole area is populated with all kinds of buildings and businesses, and this building looks like any other building in the area and is not suspicious at all. On the top floor of that building, which has a view to all surrounding buildings and area, a single moderate office desk was there, not in a corner but in the middle of the room. Across the desk, the two chairs sitting on them were two gentleman dressed in normal business suits; one of them was reading a report, and the other two were listening. When he finished reading the report, he looked at the man in front of him and said, "Sir, do you think there is a connection between the captain's disappearance and the guest?" The man sitting behind the desk didn't answer; he was thinking deeply about all the events that had occurred in the last 12 hours. Since the captain disappeared with the guest he was guarding, they looked everywhere and went through every scenario possible, but the result was nothing. Although the country is very big and can swallow one Pearson easily, the captain was not a normal person, and as the second in charge, Jahin, was having a hard time filling the captain's shoes. The biggest question was how they could disappear. In this age of technology, everyone on this planet is implanted with an AI—not everyone exactly, but almost everyone.

So how can that happen? No one can answer that so far, plus that is not the only issue at hand at the moment; the anomaly that appeared in several locations in the country was something else. This phenomenon that no technology could detect or analyze, he was sure, was an alien, like the quest they received without consent, from nowhere, so the other question that comes to mind is, does he have anything to do with it? It's hard to believe that all this was a coincidence; for sure, there is something else at play here, but what is it? So many questions without any answer, and the one who could answer some of them at least was missing: "I don't know, we can't sit here just questing things, we have to take action." The other man looked at the device in his hand and said, "Sir, we have taken all the precautions possible to close all the areas where the phenomenon appeared; we have also been coordinating with the military and city security to guard each and every location with the maximum force possible, since all the investigations into the anomaly came out negative and without even one single detail to use, that was only another option." The other man also nodded too and said, "There is also a report I received that this phenomenon appeared all over the world, mostly in the most populated cities, and by the way, they all appeared at the same time everywhere."

At the same time, the three of them received a message: {An emergency meeting has been scheduled at the Kings Palace meeting room; please head there immediately.} Jahin looked at the message with a wide eye. "The castle? That is strange, but with whatever going around, I think nothing is strange anymore," he said that, talking to himself. And in the Kings Palace, where the castle was gathering everyone who has a position in the government for the first time ever in the whole history of the Kingdom, not aware that the same thing was happening in each and every country, kingdom, or empire on the planet.


Today began like any other day in the morning, but near evening, every single person in the two countries heard an alarm coming from their communicator along with a message from the government. The message was as follows:

{This is not a drill}

 {This is an urgent message}

{A joint message for the both Ayata and Numira governments}

{This is not a drill}

{Every citizen must take shelter immediately}

{An unknown phenomenon is happening all over the two countries; please take shelter in the closest location to you in doors; if you are home, stay there, all work stations, business places, commercials, and privates should shut down and be closed immediately.}

{Stay in your shelter until further notice.}

{All kinds of transportation will be suspended within the hour; please evacuate in a considerate manner. Everyone will be guided through your communicator; please follow the instructions immediately. Your safety is important to us}

{This is not a drill}

And the message repeated itself once more.

{This is not a drill}

 {This is an urgent message}

{A joint message for the both Ayata and Numira governments}

{This is not a drill}

{Every citizen must take shelter immediately}

{An unknown phenomenon is happening all over the two countries; please take shelter in the closest location to you in doors; if you are home, stay there, all work stations, business places, commercials, and privates should shut down and be closed immediately.}

{Stay in your shelter until further notice.}

{All kinds of transportation will be suspended within the hour; please evacuate in a considerate manner. Everyone will be guided through your communicator; please follow the instructions immediately. Your safety is important to us}

{This is not a drill}

This was the first something like that happened in both countries, or in fact any other country in the world they heard of. Not without any worries but with anxiety, the citizens followed the order from their governments, and everyone headed to the closest place that he or she thought was the safest for them. The heads of the two countries were in a meeting remotely by live video call behind each of them their cabinet members, executive officials, and each and everyone who held a position with authority was present, the leader of Ayata and head of its affairs since he was the older between the two leaders, and by the way, they were cousins to begin with, although very few knew about those relations, even if everybody thought it wouldn't matter. King Hartan, although he really used the title of king and no one addressed him by it except foreign dignitaries, but today's meeting involved two countries with people, some or correctly most of them never saw each other in their lives. He was obliged to use that title, and he started the meeting. He started by greeting everyone attending and started his speech, not knowing that this day was a new day in tier history, and today was the day that everything will change forever.


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