Chereads / Wake up and Run / Chapter 12 - Resistance is futile 2

Chapter 12 - Resistance is futile 2

Nema froze in her place, holding her hands high up, complying with orders she received, and was taken to a room for interrogation without a word. The officer threw her in it and locked the room behind her. 

She sat in the room for almost an hour when finally the door was opened and two men and a woman came in. 

The men each had a weapon in their hands, and the woman was holding a small device in her hand. 

As soon as she sat in front of her, she put the device on the table and started staring at her without asking anything.

Nema didn't give any push, as she was scared on top of the confusion she was in.

The silence continued for almost a minute, which seemed longer than hours to Nema and increased the tension she had felt from the beginning. Feeling awkward from the woman's stare and trying to break the silence, she asked, "Can you please tell me what is going on, and why am I being arrested?" "Didn't you suppose to help me?".

The surprise was evident on the woman's face when Nema spoke and asked the question. With a stuttering voice, the woman leaned back in her seat and said, "I'm supposed to ask you that question," and paused for a second, then continued, "but let's start with the most pressing issue, which is how did you enter our city the way you are?". 

"What do you mean by the way I am?"

You are ... how do I put it?.... I mean, a normal human being, or are you not? Forgive me, that is not the issue, but you speak our language, how is that? "

"To be honest, I am confused. I don't understand what you are talking about. What does being a normal human have to do with anything?"

Another layer of surprise covered the face of the woman. She looked down at the device on the table then continued staring at her again, "Please answer truthfully these following questions," "and believe me, you will regret it if you lie, so be careful." 

"What's your name?"

"I don't know. I don't remember." 

"Where did you come from?"

"I don't remember."

"How did you enter our city?"

"I don't remember." I woke up in an alley near here less than an hour ago, and whatever you ask me, I really don't know, and I don't remember anything." 

"What do you remember then?" 

"I woke up in a strange city in a dark alley. When I reached the main road, a young girl directed me to this building and told me you would be able to help me. That is all I know and remember."

Once more, the woman looked at the device and kept her head down, thinking about what to do. 

This girl in front of her was really telling the truth. Simply put, no human can lie in front of her, and that is the reason she has been called to the interrogation room. It has been over 20 years since a similar incident happened in the city, but what's more strange is that this girl speaks the language of the Androids, and she is just a normal, unenhanced human.

which has also never been seen before, in this land where technology is so advanced in every imaginable way, and every person has been augmented with techniques that enable them to enhance each and every aspect of their brain and body to be capable of doing wonders since birth. 

Even recently, a few miracles happened when a human child was born with enhanced brain function without anyone doing anything to it, but plain and simple human beings like the girl in front of her were never seen in hundreds of years. 

A lot of questions were roaming in her brain, which was capable of handling and analyzing millions of pieces of data in a minute, but she was not able to reach a decision or consultation about this girl. The only answer that came to her after analyzing everything was unbelievable, which is that this girl is an alien to this world. 

That is not an explainable conclusion, but that was the reasonable one she reached. What made her most able to reach this reasonable conclusion was the foreign DNA that was not available in their database, which includes everything known and unknown to the rest of the planet.


The view she saw in front of her was incredibly beautiful, a perfect picture of the way she used to imagine it, when reading the fantasy novels she loved so much. Emma was captivated by the scene of the village she had entered. 

The community was constructed in a densely forested area. By the look of it, each tree was a thousand years old. The trunk of each was almost half the size of a stadium. 

The tiniest one was a minimum of five hundred meters square. All she could think of was the fantasy novel and the way she used to imagine the villages of the elves. 

But all she could see were humans, and she began to wonder if she would see elves and other creatures she had read about.

For example, the beast that almost killed them was out of fantasy, and the only thing that was real was that it was not Earth. It's another world, and she's been transferred to one right now. She has an idea how it's done, but why? She couldn't figure it out yet.

During their travel to the village, she asked the man what happened to him that brought him here, but he said he couldn't remember anything, even his own name, but, on the contrary, she remembered everything that happened to her from the beginning. 

It all started one evening, approximately 3 or 4 days ago, when her mother entered her room towing her elder brother, who seemed half asleep. She remembered the panic and the fear on her mother's face when she woke up to the voice of her mother saying, "Wake up, wake up Emma." The fear that appeared on her mother's face transferred immediately to her, "Mother, what's going on?" was the first thing she asked, "There is no time to explain. You have to wake up and run with your brother right now."

"Mom, at least tell us something," my 

brother said calmly, "What's going on?" My mother, after hauling me out of bed and putting on a heavy dress, replied, "There's no time to explain anything, just remember to run as fast as you can and keep your sister safe." "Where do you want us to run to?" "And from whom, mother?" asked my 

brother, his voice trembling with anxiety, 

despite his best efforts to remain calm.

Meanwhile, my mother finished dressing me up and dragged us both to the door. The final sentence I heard from my mother was, "I can't tell you much, but I will explain everything when we meet again tomorrow." "All you have to do is keep on running because your life depends on it." Run through the woods until you reach the river. Go east on the riverbank until you reach the old factory. 

Hide there, and I will come and get you. Remember, don't stop running. Whatever happens, don't trust anyone, and take care of your sister. And Emma, listen to your brother and do as he says.

I still remember the expression on her face when she was talking to us, and we started running from what? or even why? I didn't know until now, and events that followed did things that I couldn't ever forget.