Just as Chu Wanning correctly predicted, the feathered tribe came to Sisheng Peak after they were done visiting all the other sects at the Upper Cultivation Realm. This of course did not at all mean that they looked down at Sisheng Peak, as the feathered representatives assured them many times.
Everything happened just like how Chu Wanning remembered it in his past life, other than the fact that this time around, all of his disciples were invited to Zhuque.
That was not right.
In his past life, Mo Ran came back with his spiritual saber from Jincheng Lake, but he was not invited to the land of the feathered tribe. This time around he only had the mortal weapon that Chu Wanning gave him, but he was invited. The same could be said about Xue Meng.
Why were they invited?
What was so different about them this time around?
On the other side...
Chu Wanning's eyes swept over Shi Mei, who was invited in both lifetimes.
Shi Mei was also not an extraordinary talent but he was still invited. Chu Wanning lowered his eyes thoughtfully. Maybe there was something else that the feathered tribe saw in Mo Ran and Xue Meng. The possibility was there.
The other possibility would be another set-up just like in Jincheng Lake. At that time too, all four of them were involved.
Chu Wanning weighed the possibilities against each other. A lot of people from a lot of sects were invited to Zhuque. It would not be easy for the perpetrator to make his move. Also, it was a good chance for his disciples to prepare for the upcoming Heavenly Rift.
Chu Wanning thus dismissed his worries as ungrounded paranoia.
The New Year was drawing close, and the feathered tribe understood that it was a special time of the year for the mortals. They thus decided to come again to pick the four disciples from Sisheng Peak a day after the New Year's Eve celebration.
The disciples of other elders were burning with jealousy.
"All those who were invited were Yuheng Elder's disciples. Is that not too much of a coincidence?"
"Don't say that. Young Master Xue and Mo-shixiong are quite good."
"Even that little kid Xia Sini is a great talent."
"But what about Shi Mingjing..."
The crowd abruptly died down when they sensed hot glares in their direction. The disciples laughed uneasily at Xue Meng and Mo Ran.
"Hahaha... Shi Mei is quite decent with healing."
"Yes, yes. Not everything is about killing with swords, haha..."
Shi Mei averted his eyes. He looked calm, but he was clearly affected by what the others said about him. They were right. This invitation was wasted on him. He would not be able to contribute much if the ancient barrier really broke down one day.
"Shi Mei, don't mind them. They are just jealous," Xue Meng pointed out.
"They are. You are great just the way you are. Wait until they need your help, they will come groveling before you," Mo Ran said while gritting his teeth.
Shi Mei lifted his head and smiled in gratitude.
"Thank you both for your kind words."
Chu Wanning said nothing.
The truth was that he had nothing kind to say. In fact, the only reason why Shi Mei stepped up to help Chu Wanning mend the barrier during the Heavenly Rift was that he was the only other person who was invited to Zhuque. The expectation on Shi Mei was as high as the one on Chu Wanning.
And that was unfair.
It was unfair to demand so much from someone as young as Shi Mei, whose skills were only a fragment of Chu Wanning's.
When Shi Mei insisted to help him, Chu Wanning knew that it was not out of confidence. It was out of pressure and the urge to maintain his dignity. In the end, Shi Mei died and things spiraled down from there.
If Chu Wanning had a hand on the selection of the disciples who got to go, he would not pick Shi Mei at all. He would spare him all the pressure. Even Mo Ran or Xue Meng would be better. Although. Chu Wanning sighed in his heart. These two disciples of his were simply not talented in barrier making or mending. They might encounter the same fate as Shi Mei.
It was no good.
Chu Wanning could not rely on anyone.
In the end, he had to rely on himself.
New Year's Eve arrived in the blink of an eye. As per the tradition every year, all elders were supposed to take their disciples to Mengpo Hall to fold dumplings together. This year things were bound to be a little different. Everyone was ushered out to the Platform of Sin and Virtue. On top of the vast platform, wooden tables were put out with red, golden-tasseled cushions surrounding them. On top of each table, big bowls of meat filling, water, flour, and salt were laid out. A large barrier that changed its color every once in a while had been erected all over the platform, carrying a subtle five-petaled haitang pattern on top of it.
The disciples could not help but shout in admiration.
"Oh my God! How beautiful!"
The disciples ran into the barrier full of excitement. After they were inside, they found out that the ever-changing color was the least amazing property of the barrier. It was designed to repel the cold air and also heat the air from the inside. The fragrant smell of haitang flower filled the air, not too strong but also not too weak.
Only one person in the whole Sisheng Peak was able to pull this trick. It was the Yuheng Elder who could not make it to the New Year Eve's celebration.
The four disciples of Chu Wanning which included the little Xia Sini gathered around a little table. The atmosphere around the table was rather gloomy while the four disciples got to work.
"Shizun..." Xue Meng softly whispered. "I wonder if he's feeling better already. I really miss him."
Little Chu Wanning threw a glance at the sluggish Xue Meng. The teenager looked as if he had just lost the love of his life. Mo Ran gave Xue Meng the easiest job of all. He was in charge of putting the dumplings in trays for boiling. That was it. And yet he could not focus on his task at all.
Mo Ran ended up hitting Xue Meng a few times with the chopsticks to remind him to do his job. Xue Meng would usually get angry and fight Mo Ran when given the slightest provocation, but on that evening he was simply depressed and was not in the mood.
Shi Mei helped Mo Ran to mix the dough while Mo Ran rolled it and made dumpling wraps for Chu Wanning to wrap the filling in.
"Shizun cannot make it to the celebration, does that mean that New Year is canceled?" Mo Ran asked. "Stop sulking or we won't have New Year dumplings to eat."
Xue Meng let out a sorrowful howl and planted his face on the table like a willful child.
"We are leaving for Zhuque soon. And then we will not see Shizun for a few more months. When we come back, will he even remember me??"
Xue Meng burst into tears.
"Shizunnnnnnnn... Ahhh... What if, what if we never see each other again? Wahhhhhh..."
Chu Wanning furrowed his brows. What was this silly disciple babbling about?
Of course they would see each other again.
Of course...
Chu Wanning was suddenly not so sure about it. The training in Zhuque did take a while to complete. In this life, even with the knowledge from his previous life, Chu Wanning still failed to make everything happen the way he wanted them to. Could they really meet again safely after these few months had passed?
The little boy threw glances at his three disciples one by one.
Xue Meng was still leaning his head on the table depressedly. Shi Mei was wiping the sweat off Mo Ran's forehead with his sleeve. Mo Ran was smiling so happily while chatting with Shi Mei.
Chu Wanning's eyes went back to Xue Meng.
He would love to spend New Year's Eve with Xue Meng. As for the other two, they would be fine together.
Having made a decision, Chu Wanning passed the dumplings that he had folded over to Xue Meng, then he stood up from his seat. The other three immediately questioned him.
"Shidi, where are you going?"
"I need to go for a bit," Chu Wanning said before jumping off the platform and going away.
His three shixiongs exchanged curious glances.
"He needs to pee."
"Yea, I think so."
"He could act more spoiled, that child."
Chu Wanning went back to the Red Lotus Pavilion and took out the one last pill he had remaining. He had saved it up for an emergency, but one pill was not going to help him at all when there really was an emergency. What was the use of being an adult if he could not use his skills freely? In that case, maybe he could be an adult just to make Xue Meng happy. One last time before they all went to Zhuque.
On the other side, meeting Xue Meng meant that he would also meet with Mo Ran.
He was not ready to meet with Mo Ran face-to-face. He was not ready to forgive Mo Ran for laying a hand on him, with or without the Hatred Flower.
What to do?
Chu Wanning sighed.
He swallowed the pill and transformed into an adult.
By then, all the elders had finished giving their performances and everyone was just enjoying the feast.
Everyone but Xue Meng.
Xue Meng was drowning in sorrow. In the end, Shi Mei took over his job and handed the dumpling trays over to the little snowmen to carry to the kitchen to boil. Xue Meng did not want to eat dumplings, so he drank and drank.
"Oi, oi, that's enough," Mo Ran said as he wrestled the n-th cup off Xue Meng's hand.
"Dog, fight me," Xue Meng babbled in his drunken state.
"I am doing this for your own good, Mengmeng."
Mo Ran grabbed a warm dumpling and shove it into Xue Meng's mouth.
"Eat more, drink less!!!"
Xue Meng choked and went to punch at Mo Ran's shoulder. At that time, a piece of ethereal music sounded and was heard clearly throughout the Platform of Sin and Virtue. The person who played the guqin was not visible, but everyone on the platform could picture the deft fingers flying from string to string to produce such heavenly music.
Xue Meng propped his head up and gazed dreamily into the distance.
"So good. I wonder who it is..."
"Yeah, the guqin player is really good," Shi Mei agreed.
Mo Ran filled a cup with wine and downed it with one gulp. He did not need to guess who it was. He knew who it was. The others could only imagine the fingers, but Mo Ran could see the whole person at the back of his eyes.
Chu Wanning in his immaculate white robe, playing the guqin made of paulownia wood by the red lotus pond. Despite his status as a prisoner, despite the countless humiliation and cruelties that he had been subjected to, Chu Wanning was always able to keep his back straight. He had breakdowns, but he was always able to bounce right back where he was.
Chu Wanning was Taxian-Jun's greatest support.
When Shi Mei died, Mo Ran's heart was broken. What about when Chu Wanning died?
When Chu Wanning died, Mo Ran died with him way before he committed suicide.
Taxian-Jun had drunk from a jar of wine on top of his palace roof the night of Chu Wanning's death. His loyal companion, the scabbardless saber that slew from town to town, lay on his lap like a tamed beast. Mo Ran stroked the glistening blade while taking one gulp after another.
His tears had fallen that time.
-You will never return again.
-I will never see that contempt in your eyes again when I place my head on your lap and ask you to pamper me.
-I can no longer see you again after I come back from those bloody battles.
-I can never hear your heart beating again when I press my ear against your chest.
-I can never again feel the only warmth that was left in this world, whether you were willing or not.
Warm tears dropped from Mo Ran's eyes in the present time.
His Shizun was a decisive person. When he had decided to go, he would go without turning his head even once.
Chu Wanning had left without regret.
Taxian-Jun on the other side never recovered from the regret.
Why did he have to be such a beast to his own Shizun? Was Chu Wanning really such a bad person? Why did he really leave Shi Mei behind when the Heavenly Rift happened? Was it out of selfish desire? Because he wanted to attain the glory? Because he wanted to survive?
No, a small voice in Mo Ran's head spoke.
Chu Wanning left to mend what Shi Mei failed to mend. You know that precisely.
If he had not done so, then everyone would have died. It would not have been only Shi Mei. It would have been all of them.
Mo Ran's eyes turned red from the realization.
He drank another cup of wine.
And then another cup.
And then another cup.
Anything to numb these excruciating feelings in his heart.
He had hated Chu Wanning out of his foolishness. And Chu Wanning, he had endured everything. He swallowed all the accusations that Taxian-Jun flung at him without a single word of defense. When he opened his mouth, it was always to beg for someone else's life.
-Please, don't lay waste to Rufeng Sect.
-Please, don't kill Xue Meng.
-Please, don't destroy Kunlun Taxue Palace.
Chu Wanning never even once begged for his life.
And how did Mo Ran respond to all those selfless requests?
He had used the opportunity to trample on the virtuous and untouchable Shizun.
Mo Ran had personally crushed the proud and stoic Beidou Immortal under his feet.
Until he had no way out.
Until he was completely destroyed.
He broke Chu Wanning with his own hands.
-Mo Ran, you...
-You are the worst.
"A-Ran? What's wrong?" Shi Mei grabbed Mo Ran's shoulder. He was alarmed to see the tears on Mo Ran's face.
Tears kept streaming from Mo Ran's eyes without any sign of stopping.
"I... I think I drank too much."
Mo Ran wiped at his face, but the tears kept coming.
-How embarrassing.
Xue Meng started to cry as well, wailing for Chu Wanning to come and spend New Year's Eve with him.
He was so loud that a nervously laughing Xue Zhengyong personally came over to drag his son away before he embarrassed himself even more. While everyone else was laughing at the scene, Mo Ran took the chance to wipe his tears away with his sleeves. For once, he was glad to be sitting at the same table as the drunk Xue Meng.
-I want to see him.
-I want to see him badly.
"A-Ran, where are you going?" Shi Mei asked.
"Me? Oh. I just need to go for a bit."
Mo Ran jumped off the platform and walked away from the crowd. He was not in the mood to celebrate anymore. He wanted to go somewhere to calm down himself. Somewhere away from all the noise.
The teenager walked away without knowing where to go. Interestingly, his body knew where to go due to habit.
His feet took him to Red Lotus Pavilion.
Mo Ran gaped at the locked gate in front of him in an awe.
At first, Mo Ran did not understand why he ended up walking toward the Red Lotus Pavilion. And then he remembered that Taxian-Jun had preserved Chu Wanning's body in the Red Lotus Pond after his death.
The man was no longer there, but the body was still intact.
Taxian-Jun developed the habit to visit Chu Wanning's corpse every time he felt uncomfortable. Some times, he went to insult the corpse. Some other times, he went to beg him to wake up and say something.
Only that at this time, Chu Wanning was still alive.
He was inside the Red Lotus Pavilion.
Wasn't he?
It was not a cold corpse, right?
Mo Ran pushed at the gate doors, but the barrier repelled him.
Hesitantly, Mo Ran knocked at the gate.
-Wanning, please.
-I want to see you.
-I want to apologize.
-Please say something.
-Feel free to kick me out.
-I just want to hear your voice again.
-Just let me know that this is not a dream.
-I want you to be alive.
Leaning against a haitang tree that bloomed year-round near his pond, Chu Wanning turned his head in the direction of the gate.
A guqin was lying next to him.
With his cloak draped around his shoulder, Chu Wanning waited for the firework display to start. He did not need to ask to know who was knocking at his gate.
Mo Ran.
Chu Wanning's eyelashes trembled slightly when the name popped up in his mind. He pulled his cloak tighter around his body and continued to gaze at the sky.
Mo Ran knocked a few more times, but then he stopped when the fireworks shot into the sky and illuminated the dark night.
Brilliant bright colors filled the sky, blooming and disappearing like short-lived flowers. Everytime a firework was launched, the disciples shrieked happily.
Some elders had enchanted the fireworks to assume various forms and characters. The sky was emblazoned with the words "Happy New Year" and other New Year's greetings. Fireworks in form of hilarious animals and characters also appeared one after another to make the night even livelier.
After the firework show had ended, Chu Wanning rose to his feet to walk back to his bedroom. He stopped in his track when he came to remember the disciple who knocked at his gate previously.
Mo Ran in this life was quite stubborn.
They had to go to Zhuque the next day, so he should get Mo Ran back to his dormitory.
After heaving a sigh, Chu Wanning went in the direction of the gate and opened it slightly. Just as he thought, Mo Ran was still there. He was leaning against a gate pillar and was soundly asleep.
Chu Wanning stared at Mo Ran's sleeping face. In his sleep, Mo Ran looked innocent. Who would have believed that this teenager would be responsible of the death of so many people in Sisheng Peak, including his own uncle and aunt?
"Mmm..." Mo Ran mumbled in his sleep and shuffled to the side.
The slight movement was enough to alarm Chu Wanning, who flinched and retreated defensively. Thankfully, Mo Ran was still sleeping. Chu Wanning's heart pounded hard in his chest.
The man pressed a trembling hand at his chest. He realized something just then.
It was not only about the readiness to forgive.
A part of him was afraid of what Mo Ran could do to him. Not the Taxian-Jun of previous lifetime but Mo Ran of the present lifetime.
He had experienced the young Mo Ran's burning desire, and it terrified him immensely.
Despite his reluctance to approach Mo Ran, Chu Wanning took off his cloak and draped it carefully around Mo Ran's shoulder to keep him warm.
And then, he closed the gate quietly and went to sleep.