Chapter 58 - Green Hell, Part 2.

"How much more, till we find a village?" Xayah asked as she leaned against a tree to rest. For the past four hours, they ripped and tore through the jungle in an effort to find somebody. In the end, they decided to stay there for the night.

"I don't know. This place is a mess." Lanius replied.

"At least you're here with us, otherwise we'd die from the heat." Rakan exclaimed.

"If...its that hot during fall, how hot is it during summer?" Akali wondered.

"I don't want to know." Kayn replied.

"You really don't. You'd get a heatstroke only from hearing this." Lanius joked and sat down, followed by the rest.

"Do we have anything to eat?" Rakan asked.

"We do. I packed some stuff before we left the ship." Sett replied and placed two large satchels on the ground, where he proceeded to open them and search. "What do you want?"

"Chocolate?" Rakan's eyes lit.

"That's not real fo-" Xayah opened her mouth.

"Can't change my mind!" Rakan replied and took a small bar from the satchel.

Xayah sighed and looked at the satchel. "Any wine?"

"We have, but not for you." Sett replied. "Getting drunk in the jungle is dangerous."

"It was one time!" Xayah replied, getting irritated. "And why does he get to have what he wants but I don't?"

"Because drinking with an empty stomach is a good way to get drunk. Personal experience." Sett tossed her some fruits. "You'll eat and then we might come to terms."

Xayah grabbed them and sat down with a defeated expression.

"I'll go get some wood so we can start a fire." Ahri said and got up.

"Be careful, don't go too far." Lanius warned her. "If you need anything, call for us, okay?"

"Gee...I'm not a child, Lanius. I think I've proven that I'm capable of defending myself." Ahri replied to him.

The young man rolled his eyes and didn't reply, so she vanished into the woods.




"My Yunalai, are you sure that they went this way?" Bayal asked.

"Bayal, I suppose that you'd be blind to not see the sliced up jungle in front of us." Qiyana continued to walk forward without looking at him.

"My Yunalai, I know that you do this for Ixtal...but please reconsider your thoughts. You don't know what they're capable of." Bayal said.

Qiyana stopped and looked at him. "You doubt me? If you have anything against me or how I act, then say it here and now."

Bayal sighed and uttered only one sentence, which prompted Qiyana to continue. "It is characteristic of a servant, not to say what he believes." (~Euripides).

"I'll take it as a no, then. Let's go, they're closer than you expect." she said.




The hunter kept waiting on the tree, watching her. Just as he expected, the demon was there. The fact that she stayed with the others, hunans and vastaya confused him...but he paid no attention. Another confusing thing was that man in the black coat. He seemed to covered with her scent. Then there was something else wrong with him, something he couldn't describe.

He now readied himself as she distanced herself from the camp. The hunter silently followed her. With a jump, he quietly landed on a nearby branch. He then spun his bola in his hand, ready to hurl it at the demon and as she finally stopped. The hunter smirked and raised his hand over his head as he was ready to pounce.




Ahri's ears moved towards the direction of the whistle, as the bola tore the air and wrapped around her before she could even summon her orb. She let out a yelp as she fell on the ground with a soft thud.

The vesani tried to free herself, but it was tightly wrapped around her.

A thud sounded behind her, followed by a low growl that caused her blood to freeze. Something then clicked around her neck, causing the vesani to turn around and see a bulky vastaya that looked like a white lion. The vastaya chuckled as he placed his clawy hand onto the ropes and picked her up with ease.

"Well, well..." he said with a victorious grin. "At last I found you, fox demon!"

She tried to use her magic, only to find out that she couldn't use it. Did the thing that lock around her neck have petricite?

Ahri grit her teeth. "I don't know what you're saying, but untie and put me down now!" her ears flopped back in frustration. She then glared daggers at him.

"It's quite weird...when the prey threatens the hunter." The vastaya's clawy finger drew a small invisible circle on her cheek.

Ahri grit her teeth more. "LAN- MPHHH!" She tried to yell, but the hand sealed her mouth.

"Shhh! They're not going to hear you now!" the vastaya said.

He then yelped and dropped her down as she bit his palm.

Ahri began yelling again. "SOMEBODY!! HELP!!"

The vastaya gripped her by the collar and closed her mouth yet again. "You make too much noise..." he said. She felt something enter her mouth. It was wet and hat a very sweet taste.

Ahri began feeling sleepy. She tried to fight it, but it overtook. The last think she thought was the bizarre amount of times she had been abducted in two weeks.




Rakan feared for the worst as he followed Lanius towards the screams. His eyes were fierce and he had already drawn out his weapon.

Rakan's fear was confirmed, as he saw the lion vastaya with the now unconscious vesani on his shoulder. The panther growled towards the Winter.

The Winter growled back and rushed towards him, prompting the lion to rush off.

"Crap!" Rakan yelled as he followed the Winter, who began running like the wind.

"Twice in two weeks!" Lanius yelled in anger. "Not even a royal gets kidnapped that often!"

Rakan wanted to laugh, but he understood that it was not the time. He heard footsteps behind him, and saw that the rest of the Ionians had followed him.

"Twice in a row...what a pain..." he thought and kept running.

He then saw the young man raise his weapon in the air and slam it down. "Stop him!" the Winter yelled as two giant ice wolves emerged from it and rushed forward.