Chapter 2
Compared to Canterlot, my throne room was significantly smaller. I was actually pretty sure the entire palace of Nocturnis could fit into the Canterlot throne room. But I liked mine more. For one thing, there was very little in the way of walls, the structure had a roof of course because of... well, rain forest. It's in the name.
There were also some glow crystals by the ceiling because not all of the inhabitants in the village could see in the dark, but they didn't give off more than was necessary for reading. If somepony wanted more light, they could bring their own.
Other than that, it was fairly simple and set at the top of the 'palace', giving a good view in each direction and made mostly of wood, the same as the rest of the village. What I really liked was the throne. Originally it had also been out of wood, but about a year and a half ago a Rexosaurus attacked the village. Luckily we had prioritized the construction of a pair of ballista. It didn't enjoy the visit one little bit. So I now had a Rexosaurus skull throne with Rexosaurus leather seating. Of course, it helped that by that time everypony in town had already accepted the truth as it was.
Thestrals are omnivores.
Not quite as hardcore at it as humans are, but we needed at least a bit of meat in our diets, ten percent or so seemed be optimal.
When Sparks gave me that report, I couldn't stop grinning for a week.
Now that has been a bit of a transition for most ponies. Took a while for most to get used to but I think the stint in the 'Pony blood is food' state actually helped, because compared to that, eating meat was way less disturbing. Helped it tasted amazing I think.
"Moon Glow, you're first," I said and got comfortable on my seat, idly picking through my small plate of fruit slices and small pieces of grilled meat. This was when I usually had time to eat during the night, so might as well multitask.
Moon Glow nodded and checked her notepad quickly, "Other than the report of a Rexosaurus, there have been reports from the hunting team that there seems to be a migration of large herbivores approaching from the west. They are significantly bigger than an Rexosaurus and from their spikes and almost tortoise-like shells, they might be what those things usually hunt. The hunters don't think they would be worth trying to hunt however. While they are big, they seem too difficult to take down. Also, too much meat."
Moon Glow wasn't my Guard Commander and despite her name was a pegasus, but she was usually the one to deliver me the report for the day when it came to the guard or hunting teams that worked with them unless there was anything critical, leaving my actual commander free to focus on her tasks. Also, she was in charge of my personal guard which just made it practical.
I nodded and ate some mango before I frowned, "Sounds about right," I agreed, "But if they are their usual prey, they may attract more of them. We should up our patrols."
"Already on it, sir," Moon Glow agreed, "That's it from the guard right now other than that the smiths are reporting that we are running a bit low on steel for ballista heads."
I looked at Tight Bit, "Bit?" I asked the thestral. He was tall for a thestral and so thin he almost looked unhealthy. His coat was a dark grey and his darker mane cut short. His mark was one of a money pouch.
Despite what his name and appearance might make you think, his personality was quite different. When he first arrived here, he had been quite a dour pony, that's true. But his mood has steadily improved since he did. I didn't ask for details, but I suspect his life had been hard before he came to Nocturnis.
Bit smiled and adjusted his glasses with his hoof before looking down at his papers, "Actually, your highness, we're not doing too badly," he said, "While the supply of iron bars is currently low, we are expecting a large shipment with the next train. It seems to be delayed however."
I nodded and Moon Glow spoke up again as I looked to her,
"No sign of it from the scouts," she agreed, "But with some luck, it will arrive tomorrow as it has never been this late. We have a lot of ponies waiting for their mail as well."
"And likely more immigrants," I agreed with a nod, "How's things looking at that front, Hardy?" I asked, turning to look at the third pony.
Hardy Brick was an earth pony with a dusty yellow coat and short brown mane. He was in charge of construction around the village. He scraped his hoof against the floor before he answered with a nod, "Going well, sir. One habitation wraparound is getting close to finish, that's another ten two pony homes and five for larger groups. We have another craftspony wraparound at about seventy percent and then a habitation one at halfway done."
A 'wraparound' as they had started to be called was basically one of the giant treehouses that made up the village. It was built among the thickest branches of the massive tree and 'wrapped around' the main trunk into a full circle as well as several stories into the air. They were all securely anchored to the trees.
I nodded, "Good work. Hopefully no more than twenty will show up. How many do we still have that live in the bunkhouses?" I asked, looking at Bit.
"Fifteen, sir," he said, not even checking his notes, "They should get first pick."
We were technically still running this entire thing on crown money which was what even made it possible for me to afford all of this. But the line of credit was getting up to numbers that I really didn't like the look of. Last time I saw that many zeros in a row, I was playing pinball.
"How are we looking for exports?" I asked Bit.
He smiled and shook his head, "Steady but slow. What wood isn't used for construction is being transported to the edge of the forest to be sold. Even with the river going in the right direction almost all the way, moving them to the train isn't easy. But some of the herbs and fruit are showing great promise for exports other than what we do already."
I sighed softly and nodded, "Well, at the moment it's the best we can do. But I think you're right that fruit and other herbs are likely going to be a major export in the future."
"You're not wrong about the timber," Hardy agreed with a sigh, "Well, at least once most of the construction is done, we can sell more of it. We are getting pretty good bits for it, it's good quality lumber."
"And other goods," Bit interjected, "The train leaves here with a cargo cart full of fruit and some of the local wines have already started to sell extremely well even after only six months."
I frowned at him, "How're the figures looking? With all our exports, ignoring current construction costs... Are we covering our expenditures?"
Bit sighed softly, "...No, sir. We're just barely making enough to cover our interest payments to the crown and that's including our taxes."
I shook my head, "It will get better once we start to ramp up local businesses, not focus everything on building the town."
I really, really hope so.
"What's everypony's morale like?" I asked, turning to the forth pony in the room.
Fluttershy looked amazing. Okay, that's not quite fair, she had always looked amazing. There was a reason she had been a model after all and her real form wasn't exactly worse looking than her old illusion.
But that wasn't it either. It was the way she carried herself after almost two years of not being afraid of being discovered. She didn't hide behind her mane when she spoke anymore, I hadn't heard a stutter from her in months. The transformation was... amazing.
"Almost everypony is doing good," she said with a small smile, "Some I talked to would like if mail service was a bit more often than once a month when the train arrives, but they're understanding. We might want to look at hiring some mail pegasi that dosn't mind flying to the closest village. Some are worried about the creatures of the forest, but that's not new and understandable, some of them are quite dangerous to unaware ponies. A few miss where they lived before, but in all they are glad they moved here. Most ponies are doing good."
Everypony liked Fluttershy. I mean, how could you not, she was just so... Fluttershy. So I had recruited her to keep a hoof on the pulse of the town in addition to her animal tending duties. Her observations so far matched what I gathered from their dreams. No unusual surges in bad dreams, most ponies seemed to get sleep like they should.
"That's good to hear."
"Also," she continued, stretching her wings for a second before relaxing again, "Some ponies are curious if we are planning anything for the anniversary of the creation of the city."
"Founding Day," I agreed with a nod, "I think that would be a good idea, we're a bit short on holidays right now."
This summer has been odd. There was a petition handed in this summer that we don't have the Summer Sun Celebration in Nocturnis. Midnight and Sparks had both been a bit... Well, agast isn't too strong of a word. It was as much a celebration of Celestia as it was for the longest day of the year. But if the great majority didn't want it... and I had put it to a general vote... something like 83% of the population didn't want it.
So we didn't do it. Not as a town anyway, everypony was free to do as they wished so there was a small thing with the ones that wanted to show up and we had held a private ceremony just for us.
But if they didn't like that one, it meant that some others were likely out as well and ponies needed things to celebrate. Which meant that we needed to find some new ones.
"We'll figure something out," I said and looked at Fluttershy, "Think you can get with Sparks and Sunset and figure something out? I think you three together can come up with something good, fun and symbolic. Flower can help you organize it."
Fluttershy smiled and nodded with a small graceful courtesy, half spreading her wings, "Of course, your highness."
I nodded and then turned to Flower Rain, "and on that note, I think it's time to open things out to the public