Drake was seated on the chest of Mr Hao, one of his arms arced, about to be brought down in the face of the laughing man.
It was really difficult to believe that that was the Mr Hao Drake used to know. He found it quite difficult to adjust to that fact.
And to think of it, the man had just pulled a joke at such a critical moment. At such a moment which could had cost the life of one of them.
Though Drake knew too well that if it wasn't for Mr Hao, the other man might hand killed Esme. And to make up for his mistake, Mr Hao had killed the man.
He brought down the fist so heavily that he yelled on top of his voice. But the punch collided with the earth next to Mr Hao's left ear.
Drake couldn't bring himself to hitting the man. Not only because he considered him older, but because ---
"That was dumb... so fucking dumb!!!"
He stood up from the man and walked away. He needed to empty his rage.