°•○● Table of Gods! - Chapter"8" -/ T
"Live Broadcast in the Earth" °•○●
An Ordinary Day In World..
It was March, and the upper hemisphere of the Earth was in winter and the lower half in summer.
A great earthquake started near the Red Sea, which includes the island of Cyprus, Egypt and Israel in the region.
At least for the first hours, everyone was sure that this persistent tremor was an earthquake. There was arguments and small talks of this strange and unrelenting earthquake all over the world.
The strangest part was that no tremors had evolved into earthquakes or destruction. The trembling did not grow, nothing cracked, there was no movement on the fault lines were the points that made things strange. It was as if an endless vibration had begun in the Middle East and it was not going to subside.
In fact, this situation caused people of all religions to fear the apocalypse. It was a frightening coincidence that the vibration was especially close to Jerusalem and the Holy Land of many religions. Some states even held meetings to draw up doomsday precaution plans.
But as if mocking the fears of the world, not a single house was destroyed, not a single human or animal life was affected by this vibration.
There was fear and panic for just 24 hours.
Exactly 24 hours later, lights appeared in the sky above the Mediterranean Sea, in the sea region northwest of Egypt. He had appeared in the morning when it was still night. One moment there was nothing, the next second there was a sharp light in the air that could be seen clearly even in nearby countries.
The strangest part was that people who took videos from their phones and broadcast on the internet showed that animals behaved very strangely. All the animals that were near or could see the light sat with a strange calmness and stared at the sky as if waiting for orders.
In the first hours, the thoughts of humanity, which awaited the apocalypse and demons, instantly changed. The modern world, which has spent the last 30 years with all those Hollywood scenarios, focused on something else.
At the end of the first 24 hours, all the countries of the world agreed on one issue.
But the UFOs or strange civilizations didn't communicate like everyone as expected. In fact, the thing shining in the sky didn't even attack the approaching planes or helicopters. It didn't descend or launch a bloody invasion.
There was nothing but vibration and a luminous object.
For a full week, there were many communities trying to communicate with the luminous thing, but nothing could come close or accurately picture the object due to excessive light. Some countries banned getting too close to the object and recruited linguistic and scientific experts as consultants, just like in the movies.
Another thing that the whole world agreed on was that this light should be seriously contacted. A missile or even a single bullet could be a nuisance and perhaps anger these high-tech aliens.
All the countries of the world, including those on the other side of the world, have sent ambassadors, experts, volunteers and politicians to this sea.
So many warships were blocking civilian ships and planes in the Mediterranean that international flights and sea voyages were also banned from passing through this region in a short time. Even the maritime trade line, which was of commercial importance for the whole world, was cut. It was possible to go to Suez Canal further north side or you had to turn back.
It was strictly forbidden to pass through that area, and an order was given for the destruction of trespassers.
Exactly eight days after the appearance of the light, the first communication was made.
All of the devices over the world that could be considered technological and have electrical functions paused for a moment. In that moment, as if time had stopped on Earth and a strange invisible current swept the planet. Then few seconds later, time and technology kept flowing.
But now, all screen devices showed a single light, the alien device in the sky.
The whole world has lost its broadcasting power and technological control.
"Hello, B-42. On the planet you call Earth, we say hello to a race that has recently gained intelligence, namely you humans.
You are a humanoid race and a lower evolutionary creature. We can't say for sure as we haven't done any research. But we think you're at a level 2.5 evolutionary point with respect to the Federation's Universal Living Category.
You are now communicating with the Nameless Federation, which brings order and cooperation to the entire known and unknown universe.
Your planet is a C-level planet according to the Federation Planetary Category. The material, light, energy properties are either ordinary or inferior. But your planet is a miraculous minor planet that can have a lot of life despite these disadvantages. Due to the interestingness, joy and live population of this situation, it was deemed appropriate to be at B level. In fact, it was decided to be at number 46 among the billions of planets in level B.
You have been sanctioned by the Federation and have been temporarily confined to your planet until your race's level has been measured. From now on, you are prohibited from communicating and reaching outside of your Star System except for your primitive aviation needs and to your satellites in the immediate vicinity of your planet.
For the Temple Ranking, which will begin very soon, people from B-46 will be randomly collected according to Federation Standards and sent to the center of the Universe.
We would also like to remind the selected people.
The fate of your entire planet and race will be shaped by your future success. Low success will result in your domination of the planet, failure will result in this fertile planet being cleared from you and handed over to other deserving creatures.
But with successful results, the Federation will approve both technology and knowledge and your participation in all universal activities. Teleport Ports will be granted to you technologies that enable high energy production and use, and your trade rights with federation (i.e. with the entire universe).
If you want to oppose what is said in this announcement and do something offensive for no reason, the entire B-46 (Earth) will be instantly cleansed and you will confirm that you have transferred all your rights over your planet to the Federation and give up the Temple Rankings. It is the duty of the Federation to clear impulsive races that don't know their own boundaries and doesn't have logic.
"As the Neutral and Nameless Federation", we wish you good luck!
It was very miraculous, fast and frightening that this text and sound were shown in different languages according to countries all over the world. It's been shown even on devices that aren't connected to the internet, down to small wall-mounted tablets for watching videos in smart refrigerators and bathrooms. It was published as an article for those who could not view the screen, and as both text and visuals for others. It was translated into their language for people with visual or hearing impairment to read, even on devices used by them. The fact that such an accurate language translation was made even in the least used languages was actually impressive.
If this translation wasn't used for such a terrible event...
Turning off the TV didn't work because as long as it was plugged in, it was turning back on and repeat the same image and phrases. When you turn off your phone, it turned back again, and even if you tear it apart, you'd listen the broadcast on someone else's phone or on the street billboards.
Every device, be it military, civilian or children's toys, conveyed this message to humanity.
The real question in mind was how serious this was.
All the biggest countries of the world held a meeting in which all countries (even North Korea) would attend. The meeting was held in Iceland, which is neutral, has no problems with any country, and is far from trouble due to its location. Even countries that are too small to be considered in the world had a seat at this meeting. 414 people attended a meeting, with two representatives each from exactly 207 countries. First for hours and then for days, they argued loudly.
There were so many different ideas and language problems that even solving them all and avoiding fights slowed down or hindered conversation about space issues.
The common idea, which was formed somehow with certain rules and rights of speech, was to continue to sit quietly for now.
A temporary platform was to be built on the sea in the north of Egypt and the luminous object would be examined. All the great powers openly threatened the minors so that no reckless or dangerous act would be made.
It was decided to ignore religion, language or culture, and to ignore superstitious or mythical beliefs for the time being, and a detailed agreement was made accordingly.
For the first time in the history of the world, all the countries of the world had to sign the same agreement. This agreement spawned a historic document called the "2022 Extraterrestrial Protection Act" but will always be known to the general public as the "alien agreement".
But things got even weirder just as the meeting was over.
Because now the messages and voices of all devices around Earth has changed and another live broadcast has appeared.
The image featured an average young man. He looked like he was 16 or 17 years old and he didn't look like he was having a good day at all. At the beginning of the scene, he was able to kill a robot-like creature with the knife in his hand and not prevent another spear from piercing his body. When he killed 4 robots and 3 cat-sized spiders with quick movements, he passed through a passage on all fours and entered the resting area. Before laying down on the ground, this young man was smiling, making a victory sign to a blue-haired alien with his hand. He threw his bag on the ground and threw himself on the ground. After the first few seconds, he fell asleep. Afterwards, the alien's speech into the air continued with a light from the air engulfing and healing the child, and the alien washing and dressing the child.
Two aliens appeared next to the image as the whole world wondered in shock about this boy and what the image meant. As the events of a blue-haired alien and an ordinary Earth boy continued, two people appeared on the screen of the live broadcast.
It was obvious that they joined the broadcast later, like a television reporter, and had nothing to do with the video. Even though the two aliens appearing on the screens intervened, people watched with interest the blue-haired alien in the background playing with the body of a human child and engaging in sexual harassment while he was sleeping.
The two aliens, who appeared on the screen through small windows like a t*itch broadcaster, were also quite different from each other. The size of one was too prominent. It was scary, with lava stripes and horns running around its body. Behind this creature, green fires appeared right next to it, and a woman with her burning hair hanging in the air was waiting.
Both were dressed in formal attire with strange symbols on them.
The green alien, who was a woman, had a mouth and smile that was close to human standards. She looked like she was smiling a little and showed the image of the human child behind her.
"Ehem Ehem! (Clears her throat..)
"Acaba bu görseldeki çocuğun daha gezegeninize biz bile daha yeni gelmişken nasıl Tanrıların Tapınağına tek başına gittiğini biriniz açıklayabilir mi? Çünkü tüm inceleme komitemiz ve evrenin en güçlü ırkları bile Tapınağa tek bir girişten ulaşabilir. Ve bu giriş fiziksel olarak gidilmesi gereken bir yerdedir. Işınlanmak imkansız. Üstelik bu giriş en iyi Federasyon Ulaşımları ve Işınlanma Portları ile kısaltılsa bile gezegeninizden 6 ay mesafede. Ve-"
O sırada yandaki devlere benzer vücudu ve kızıl saçları ile sinirlenmiş yaratık araya girdi. Açıkça meraklıydı ama duygularını göstermemeye çalışıyordu.
-she means, just "HOW" a fu*king human is there!
That day, both the Earth and the Federation's Planetary Surveying Commission, which was always working smoothly, and all the planets communicating in the entire known Universe (several million habitable and several billion uninhabitable planets) began to follow and watch Eren.
Eren gibi alt seviye bir canlıyı geçersek, evrenin en güçlü ırk ve türleri bile Evrenin en eski bilinen mekanı olan "Tapınağa" girmek için fiziksel olarak girişe gitmeye ve sıkı bir kontrolden geçmeye mahkumdur.
But Eren was clearly inside and YOLO in the Temple's lower floors.
The question of "who is this?" in all languages began to echo throughout the universe.