Chereads / Adam's story / Chapter 7 - A good day of adventures...

Chapter 7 - A good day of adventures...

Adam entered the spiral stairs, heading to the 5th floor of the lower level.

Unlike the marble stairs, these stairs were made of rotten wood. The sides of the stairs resembled those of a cave. The stairwell was not lit by oil lamps; but on the walls of the cave, there were blue mushrooms that shone, dimly illuminating the steps with a bluish light. The scene was quite beautiful but somewhat dangerous.

Adam carefully climbed down very slowly. But his heart was racing a bit; today had been his first day of school, and he had managed to go up to the middle floor without anyone noticing that he didn't belong to those floors.

Adam lived on the 'lower' floors with his father. Adam's father came up with a plan to get his son an education so he could offer him a better future. Since education was impossible to obtain for the inhabitants of the lower levels.

This ladder had been discovered by Adam's father in the days of his youth. Unfortunately, when his father discovered her, he was already too old to be a student; so he was never able to get the black robe. Adam's father knew it well: it was not a simple robe; it was the right to know how to read; it was the right to be able to live well in this world.

Adam finally made it down all the wooden steps. The bottom of the stairwell was a cave lit with hundreds of mushrooms. In the cave, there was a small lake and a path of stones.

Adam carefully jumped over the stone path, until he reached the other end where the cave wall met. Reaching the wall, Adam placed his hand on it and said:

β€” A good day of adventures. But it's time for the hero to go home.

The stones of the cave began to shake, and little by little it showed on the wall: the drawing of a door that seemed to be made with chalk. Adam pushed the drawing and the door did not move, it seemed that someone was outside.

Adam waited a while in the cave and tried again, this time the door moved and showed the corridors of the 3rd hex on the 5th floor below.

The hallways felt much more elegant than the hallways on the previous floor; its floors and ceilings were of finely carved marble with flower patterns. Its shelves were made of gold and silver. And the oil lamps were statues of angels.

However, Adam knew that all this beauty was worth nothing in this world, the only thing that had real value was knowledge and most of the books on this floor were full of useless doodles.

Adam walked briskly, if not running, through the halls; they weren't safe and he had to get home fast. Just now, Adam noticed that he forgot to bring another set of robes; the ones he was wearing were very new and might draw the attention of dangerous people.

Along the way he came across many people, luckily they knew him or had no intention of robbing a defenseless boy; so he was able to quickly reach hex 10 of lower floor 5.