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Silence in the Wind

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Chapter 1 - Azulu Tamashi

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Silence in the wind

A story by: Azulu Tamashi


In the slight chance that one day the world would stop. The slight chance that all your hopes and dreams came true in the blink of an eye. The tiny chance that you get a chance to see worlds inside of worlds. Well, that's what happened to me.

Some people go their whole lives, living in sweet bliss. But among us, there are some that see past the blindness of others. Some people hear nothing but silence in the wind, but me? I hear voices. Who am I?

I am Azulu Tamashi, known in this story as Samaya Barnhart, or Void. My story began when I was around 3 years old. In my first house, as far back as I can remember at least. It was old, made of wood, and small.

Back then, it was just me, my mom, my dad, and my big brother. And my dogs of course. Missy and Chubs. I was playing outside...

In her backyard, a little girl was humming a song while sitting on her favorite log. She loved it back here, it was calm. Around her was forest, and her little tree house that her dad had made for her. She was happy with where she was, happy at home, with her family, so oblivious.

She sat there for a while, humming her song, dancing around, as if she were in a castle. Then it got dark. Her head spun faster and faster. Her whole body began shaking violently.

Her mind went blank, there was nothing but her own voice. She wanted to scream, but her lungs were filled with water. She was drowning, but on land. At this time, she had no idea what this event would cause in her life.

Her eyes eventually blinked open rabidly, only to be blinded by light. Once her head stopped spinning, she looked around. Her world had changed. The forest was still there, but now silhouettes walked through them.

She looked Infront of her, there was a girl standing there, the only one with color. She was much older than her, but she had the same short blond hair and bright blue eyes as the girl. Her hair was ruffled, as is she had been hit by a huge gust of wind, one of her giant gold wings had fallen off as feathers blew away, she had a bandage over one eye. She smiled at the little girl.

The girl looked at her as the Angelic looking women stepped closer. "Hello Samaya..." The girl said. Samaya looked at her, lost for words. "You have quite the imagination little one." The girl said.

The girl swiped her hand, and Samaya saw a young girl with bright orange hair and pink eyes, beside her, a blue bear cub. "Blossom?" Samaya asked, shocked. "Hey Samaya!" blossom said. The girl grabbed Samaya's hand.

"Do you want to always see her?" The girl asked. "Yes!" Samaya answered instantly. The girl smiled gently, then disappeared. Samaya looked around happily, expecting to see her imaginary friends.

The disappointment that followed was heart-breaking. Samaya believed that she had only imagined it. That she would never be able to truly see her friends. And that's one of the worst feelings a little girl can have.

Chapter 1

A year later....

"I swear bubby! You like one the cool kids in movies at high school that lean with one-foot against the wall with hair over there eye." I joked. Christan looked at his sister annoyed, but still smiling. I leaned against the counter and put one foot on the wall and frowned. "Meh, I'm mean, and I hate everyone, and my name is bubby." I teased.

Christan laughed a little and sat on a bench to start eating. "Samaya what are you doing?" A voice asked. I jolted up and ran to my room. Once in my room, I blinked rapidly, a figure formed Infront of me.

"Willow!" I yelled excitedly. I closed my eyes, and my appearance changed. I now had the same long blond hair and blue eyes, but now I also had a suit on, and My pupils were toxic symbols.

I rushed over and hugged Willow. "I thought I only saw you in my dreams!" I exclaimed. Willow laughed and hugged me back. "Ya, but you're getting stronger little Nyx." Willow said, ruffling my hair.

I laughed. "It's good to see you in the day Brahma!" I yelled. "I missed you to." Willow said with a smile. "Willow! I told you to leave her alone!" A voice hissed.

"It's ok Nya, he's just visiting." I said. "So! I wanted to visit to!" Moonlight hissed. Moonlight, or as I call her, moon. She was my best friend, and a love wolf.

Moon, however, was 2 years older than me and willow, meaning she was 6 currently. "Leave her alone guys, now, Little Nyx, how was school?" Midnight asked. Midnight, Moon's older sister, was 4 years older than me and willow, making her 8 years old. "I haven't started yet?" I said, confused.

"She means training." Moonlight explained. "OH! It was great! Queen Rose herself came to visit!" I exclaimed. "Really? As in like, in person?" Moonlight asked, excited. I sat down with her, talking about the visit while midnight stared at us, unimpressed.

"Where's Foxy?" Willow asked. "Not sure, Little Nyx, do you know?" Midnight asked me. I shook my head. Suddenly, my head started spinning.

I saw a blinding light, so bright that all I could see was light. A loud ringing filled my ears, making it impossible to hear anything. When it cleared, the group was no longer black figures. "Void?" Moonlight asked, shaking me.

I could see her. She had long faded blue hair, bright blue eyes, a white shirt under a jean jacket and a pair of leggings, and she had two small pink wolf ears. I looked around, midnight. She had faded purple hair, Violet eyes, a black hoodie with purple stripes on the sleeves and a pair of jeans, Black wolf ears.

Willow, his skin was grey with glowing blue markings, solid white hair, Black where the white in your eyes should be, along with Purple, a suit and tie with black pants, demon horns. I jumped back, confused. "Void?" Midnight asked. "I can see you guys!" I yelled.

"Ya, couldn't you always?" Midnight asked, confused. "No, I mean color." I explained. The other three looked at each other, something passing between them. "Samaya, do you see anything else?" Midnight asked.

I knew this was serious now, Midnight never used my real name. I looked around my room, it was completely different. "My room..." I said, my voice barely a whisper. What had once been a room with pink walls, grey carpet, a small closet, bins of toys, and a pile of stuffed animals changed completely.

The walls where a grey color, pockets in the walls filled with books I had never seen. The floor was a wood floor with a fluffy carpet on the ground. A desk sat nearby, with piles of books and papers on top of it. "What's going on?" I asked, confused and scared.

"Her power's growing faster than I thought..." Willow mumbled. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late." Foxy walked in. Foxy had bright orange hair fading into black, sunny yellow eyes, a grey shirt and a pair of jean shorts. "Foxy, she can see us, as in in detail and color." Midnight said.

"She can?" Foxy looked at me. I saw something spark in one of her eyes, a flash of gold as she smiled at me. "Well then, I guess you can start the actual training then." Foxy said. Foxy, she was the oldest of all of us, 5 years older than me and Willow, so about 9 years old.

She was also responsible for my spirit training. Willow did physical training, Midnight did magic, and Moonlight did basic. "What? Foxy she still only 4!" Midnight protested. Foxy looked at Midnight, before walking out, Midnight close behind her.

I could hear her and Foxy arguing outside my door. Willow looked at me and sat beside me. "I'm sure it'll be ok Little Nyx." He said, pulling me into a hug. "What's happening to me guys aren't supposed to be real." I said on the brink of tears.

Willow looked at Moonlight, silently pleading for help. Moonlight sighed and sat by me. "Well Little Nyx..." She started. I looked at her, still in Willows arms. "How do I put this...well, there are worlds inside of worlds Nyx. A place only certain people can see." Moonlight said. "We call those people "Host" which means they can have Gaurdians." She continued. "Like a Guardian Angel?" I asked. "Sort of, its more complicated than that." Moonlight looked at Willow.

Willow's marks began glowing a gentle shade of blue, my room dimmed, and scenes of flying sparks filled it. I stared in awe; I had never seen anything like it. "Long ago, it was only the physical World..." Moonlight said as the spark flicked to show an older version of our world. "People and Hybrids lived in peace, Hybrids used their powers to protect people, people used Knowledge to teach Hybrids." Moonlight explained, a gentle smile on her face.

"However, as time went by, People got jealous of the powers Hybrids controlled, they chased us out." Her smile faded. "The Hybrids where forced to leave, so our leader, with the last of Her strength, Made the Spirit realm..." The sparks flipped rapidly, Changing into a beautiful scene. The land stretched for miles, animals ran happily across open plains, and magic seemed to be in the very Air. "We got to work, deciding how we would live in this new area. However, we soon discovered it was far too small for all of us." Moonlight explained.

"We fell into war, everyone fighting to be on top, until a group of warriors rose up to save us." Moonlight said, her smile returning. "Luna the bright-hearted, whose kindness outmatched anyone's, Flare the Gentle, whose caring hands could heal anyone, Lukiri the honest, whose mouth only spoke the truth, Mike Ness the leader, who trained them to be Warriors, and Foxy the survivor." Moonlight listed the names as if they were names of lost friends.

"Mike Ness turned on the Group, causing them all to perish, all but Foxy the Survivor. In the last stand of the battle she stood, her friends dead around her, her father with their blood on his hands in front. It is said she cast a spell, one that trapped her and Mike Ness in a realm where they wouldn't age, and the Spirit realm was divided." She stopped to take a breath. "The other realms formed, people said their goodbyes and split, each realm living its own life, away from the thoughts of others, however, some did remain in the Spirit Realm." Moonlight, finally, finished.

The sparks telling the story died down, the light returning to my room. I had just learned the thing that would change my life, forever.

About 4 years later.... (Moonlight: 10, Willow: 8, Midnight: 12, Foxy: 13)

3rd grade, probably the worst year of my life. I had a lot of friends! I swear my life one it! But this year, they all decided to move away or leave.

I fell into this group of girls; I had no idea how toxic they were at the time. I was having trouble with a lot of things. But the word "No" was the big one. When people asked me for anything, I almost always said yes, giving away most of my food.

Eventually, it had earned me the title of "Nicest girl in school" for a while. Now, I was on the way home in my mom's car. Once we got there, I grabbed a snack, kicked off my shoes, and sat down to do Homework. Now don't get me wrong, I love Ms. Anderson, but sometimes she is a

"Hey little Nyx!" A voice called. I looked at the seat next to me, a black figure. "Spirit eyes, on." I mumbled. A flash of light blinded me for a second, before revealing the Willow was sitting beside me.

"So, how's school?" Willow asked. I nodded; I couldn't talk to him out of fear my mom might think I'm crazy. Willow nodded back. "So, I'm starting to notice that we still don't know what you are, like a Wolf of a Cat or-" Willow began but was cut off.

"Willow!" Another voice called. Looking over, I saw Moonlight standing there, looking angry. "Uh, yes Moonlight?" Willow asked. "Did you eat my pie...?" Midnight asked.

Willow laughed nervously. "Well look at that, time for me to go! Bye little Nyx!" He called before vanishing. Moonlight disappeared after him. I laughed quietly.

While yes, I had friends at school, my true friends were here. "Mom, I'm heading to my room now!" I called before dashing into my room to grab a few things. I rushed back out and hung over to the side of the couch. "Actually, can I go outside?" I asked.

"Sure, just stay where I can see you." My mom answered. I rushed to the back door, stopping to pet Chubbs before running out. Once outside, I felt like a huge weight lifted off my chest, now I could talk to my friends and mom would think I was playing a game. "Foxy!" I called.

Foxy appeared in front of me. "Yes, Little Nyx?" she asked. "Can you help me with something? In Eclipse pack I mean." I explained. "Sure, come one then." Foxy said, with a small smile on her face.

I clapped my hands together, another blinding light, then peace. The area around me was swarmed with life. Hybrids where everywhere of all different species. Some practicing magic, some working, some getting ready to hunt, and the kids playing.

I rushed over to the training grounds. "Ok, I want you to help with my flying, I'm still not good." I Called to Foxy, who simply nodded. A lot had changed since the first time I saw my friends in color. For one, I have powers now!

Well, not many, but I can for sure fly...kind of. Anyways I also learned to control spirit eyes more, I can choose when I want to see my friends and call them. I've figured out how to bring them into my Physical body as well. But I think the best of it all is that I can see into the Spirit Realm!

I can see the land Moonlight told me about, and I can talk to other Hybrids! Here, they call me "Void" or "Void, the human" but its ok. And you want to know why? It's because I can be myself here.

I don't have to worry about people needing me to give up stuff for them or worry about people leaving me. I join the Kids for stories, tales of Battles and Victory, I join the Teens for training, and sometimes, I even hunt for the pack. This pack is my home, that's the way I want it to stay.


But all good things end. Nothing ever lasts forever. Not in my life.

1 year later...(Moonlight: 11, Willow: 9, Midnight: 13, Foxy: 14)

4th grade, the grade that forever changed my life. I had finally gotten away from my toxic friends, the problem was, now I didn't have any friends. I was sitting at breakfast, eating my waffles when a girl walked up to me and sat beside me. I had never seen her before, and I knew almost everyone by name.

She had medium-length brown hair and a faded red Hoodie on. "Hello!" She said. I didn't answer. "My name is Chassie, I'm new here." She explained.

Still no answer. However, the girl continued to pester me, asking all sorts of questions about the school. Eventually, Breakfast ended, and I think I may have run faster than ever before after that. I went through the school day like normal, work, avoid people, work, avoid people.

I rode the bus to my grandma's that day, since I had church. I brushed my hair out, changed my clothes, and put my hair up. After, I sat down to eat dinner with my grandma. "So, how was school?" My grandpa asked.

"It was fine papa," I replied. "Did you meet anyone?" He asked me. "Some new girl, she was kind of annoying though." I answered and cleaned off my plate. My grandma got up after me.

"Alright then, lets head out." She said. I put on my shoes quickly and followed her out the door. "Bye papa!" I yelled before shutting the door. "Bye Sam!" I heard him yell.

I sighed, I really hated it when people called me Sam. We eventually got to church, where I saw my one true friend, Alexis. Then the worst thing happened. Alexis introduced me to her new friend, Chassie.

"Hey it's you!" Chassie said. "You know her?" Alexis asked. "She goes to my school." Chassie explained. Alexis looked at me, she knew I had trouble making friends, and I knew she had a plan.

This was going to be a long day....

Chapter 2

1 year later... (Moonlight: 12, Midnight: 14, Foxy: 15, Me: 10)

5th grade, me and Chassie are friends now, if you can believe it. I told her about the "Spirit Realm" and then she said she believed me! Recently, she even started looking into the realm. However, while having another friend is great...ever since I meant her, Willow has disappeared.

I miss him a lot, I feel a part of me went with him, I still have no idea what happened to him. Moon, Midnight, and Foxy are still with me though. Anyways, now at school, I'm eating breakfast with Chassie. We were talking for a while, until this girl sat by us.

Her hair was short, like her. Somehow, this girl managed to ask more Questions than Chassie did. Apparently, she had just moved here from New Mexico, her name Was Samantha, or Sami. While Chassie talked to her, I stared.

"Well, nice to meet you Samantha, I'm Chassie, and that's Samaya." Chassie said, pointing to me. "Hi!" Sami said. I waved back and kept eating. "Don't worry, she's nicer when you get to know her." Chassie said.

I glared at Chassie, and she laughed. I looked at Sami, my spirit eyes on. She smiled at me, and I saw a flash of gold in her eye, just like Foxy. I sighed, "Hello Sami." I said.

"Void?" Moonlight called. I looked at her, sitting beside me, and split so Void could talk to her. I had recently learned that Void, my other Half, was a whole other person. She was a Kitsune none the less.

I turned back to the others and started talking to them. After a while, me and sami became friends. And after a lot of debate, we mentioned the Spirit realm. Sami, could also see into the realm.

While sami had her down-sides, she brought a lot of new friends, like Hailey, one of my closest friends. Hailey introduced me to the Series "Warrior cats" and that's when it started. I devolved a love for Writing, and my strength with animals grew. I already had a connection with animals, my favorite experience being when I was in 2nd grade.

My and my friends, right before the Butterfly migration, found a hurt butterfly. They were having trouble flying. So, we kept it safe, bringing it to flowers, giving it water, and keeping it from ants. One day, I was letting it sit on my hand, when I decided to blow on it gently, to keep them in the habit of flying.

While blowing, they started flying again, about 2 days before the migration, and they were better. Anyways, I had started to notice that the spirit realm was in danger. The pack, Blood pack, was trying to take over Eclipse pack. I had to start training again.

I soon realized that Chassie was a wolf, and Sami was a Griffin. It took longer to figure out what I was, but we did find that I was a Fox. One day, I found a yellow marble while playing outside, I kept it close, playing with it during class. One day, I used Spirit eyes on it, that's when I realized what was going on.

I asked Foxy about it, and indeed, it was a Golden stone. Now that may not sound important, but that was what people found when they became Golden warriors. I rushed to the bathroom and looked at myself in spirit form. Sure enough, my right eye was a glowing gold color with a red pupil.

So was Void's. And apparently, Foxy was THE Foxy, as in Foxy the survivor. So, with me, Void, and Moonlight all being Golden Warriors, let Foxy train us. We learned about our Golden power, and how we could use it.

Soon enough, Sami and Chassie also became Golden Warriors, that made 6, counting Foxy.