Chereads / Last Shine / Chapter 144 - Let the Hellfire Comfort pt.4

Chapter 144 - Let the Hellfire Comfort pt.4

Between a sword and a pen, which one wields greater power?

Is it the sword, capable of slicing through parchment, mightier than the medium that inscribes mere words? Or perhaps it is the reverse, that the pen, capable of weaving tales and inscribing lines, holds a far more perilous power than any blade ever created.

In the shifting tides of fate, both might be true.

There's always a place and time for everything, isn't there?

But should such a choice befall you, which would you wish to see emerge victorious? Will you choose the side of the sword, or perhaps align yourself with the pen?


The dual-blade user suddenly flew away, cradling his loot.

The small girl with the rotting touch also disappeared into a black mist.

Then the giant humanoid avatar flew through the clouds, heading in the same direction as the other two.

A few moments ago, just before the System Users departed to meet their "boss," the ship girls,who had been their opponents were left bewildered by these sudden actions of theirs.

"That's not what I thought was supposed to happen."「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

"This doesn't feel like being at their mercy. The girl's face and her companion's actions—something must have happened," Tirpitz remarked, clearly aware that the two other System Users had abruptly left their respective battles for some reason.

"That could be right, but anyhow... all Northern Parliament ships participating in this battle, report your status! If anyone saw how the floating castle fell, inform those who didn't witness it!"「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

Given the danger posed by both the NOMU and the System Users, damage reports from their opponents were crucial at this moment.

Additionally, both the wounded ship girls and the remnants of visible enemies needed to be dealt with as quickly as possible, as they didn't know how long this "break" would last.

"...Of the 73 Sakura Empire ship girls participating, 12 have suffered heavy damage and must withdraw from the battle, more than half of them are Carriers."「Ryuujou」

"We've lost too much air support. How about the other factions?"「Musashi」

Thanks to Suzuko with her Susano'o, there was significant chaos in the formation of the ship girls. Not only did she cleave through the sea and the clouds, but she also frequently kicked and tossed aside several ship girls like toys.

Additionally, she managed to destroy many Reality Anchors that she considered an eyesore. Despite numerous aerial fleets sent to attack her in the sky, Suzuko was still able to inflict significant damage to other place, such as their Barrier and some small nearby island.

"Union has taken quite a blow as well, or so Grey Ghost told me. I'm not sure about the other factions, but I think they're in a similar state," Kaga continued, sharing information from the battle she was involved in.

There were several tears in the clothing worn by the ship girls, but don't forget of the fact that they are ship girls as well. Their bodies have iron-like resilience due to the effects of their rigging, so the injuries they sustained can still be repaired and healed... somehow.

On the other hand, regarding the impact of Katchia...

In the previous battle, Katchia consistently targeted ship girls with white hair. As a result, most of her victims fell into this category.

During her fight, she wield numerous super power abilities akin to those of a superhuman, such as creating clouds of smoke, generating anti-gravity zones, or simply enlarging her arms like a weightlifter.

"... Tsk, my performance was fine. I'm just pissed because I keep getting targeted by her anti-gravity," Tallin, the ship girl who always felt like a yo-yo during the battle, said so.

"She could turn the ocean into ice, only to melt it again with fire. I really wish we had a freak of nature like that on our side. Then there're those blacky," Tallin's comment was echoed by one of her backups, the ship girl Lützow, who crossed her arms while giving her report.

"In my opinion, those black creatures seem similar. They are just smaller versions of the targets you fought," added Rodney, another ship girl who described her encounters with some of the NOMU.

Due to the frequent disruption of their formation, some ship girls often encountered others they didn't know well. Fortunately, they were now on the same side, so even though they still seemed unfamiliar, at least they're able to work together.

And lastly, there's Julian.

"Curse him! He really captured her!"「Ark Royal」

"He got some slick move, I really have to approve of that. But you know, why do I... have a feeling you're rather upset of another thing?"「Harbin」

"...I used my strength to protect my loved ones, that's abundantly clear, especially when they're the little destroyers. Cough, I'm just sick of letting them slip right through my fingers."「Ark Royal」

Far from the two female, Julian spent most of his time engaged in one-on-one duels with L'Indomptable. As a result, he was a foe who didn't inflict many direct hits on the ship girls' side.

Although he frequently launched random attacks while fighting L'Indomptable, targeting both NOMU (allies) and ship girls (enemies), it could be said that he was at least more manageable compared to some other System Users, provided you didn't get in his way.

Because if there's any who tried to interfere, Julian would deal with them with his Starbust.

Aside from Ark Royal and Harbin, several other ship girls shared similar thoughts. For example, there's Shimakaze, who looked like an exhausted rabbit with her bunny ears flopped down.

"Fighting those black creatures, dodging that girl, and clashing blades with that dual-wielder..." As she described, Shimakaze often found herself jumping from one combat situation to another.

Although she wasn't the only one experiencing this, it still required sharp concentration and instincts to adapt to each unique battlefield. "Sigh... I want to take a bath..."

"Excuse me, Shimakaze? I think your group is calling you over there."「Dunkerque」

Looking around, Shimakaze realized that one of the ship girls from the Sakura Empire was calling her. "O-Oh... I see, eheh~. Pardon my intrusion just now," Shimakaze replied with a shy smile before heading off.

Although her rigging might not look as pristine as before, the damage she sustained was relatively minor compared to some other destroyers. Despite being one of the ship girls who fought face-to-face with a System User, she had managed to sustain less damage.

"That girl was with you, right? I saw how you fight hand in hand together with her."「Le Triomphant」

"I think so... well, she's pretty fast so she's very helpful I think?"「Le Terrible」

Aside from a few minor moments, while the rest and regroup continued, the Flagships gathered on the other side to discuss the next steps in the battle.

When taking all factors into account, it's estimated that the ship girls have lost nearly half of their force during the previous battle. This confrontation revealed more about the System Users' strengths, which were beyond their expectations.

On the positive side, they managed to defeat all the NOMU forces previously released by Katchia. This victory led them to believe that their enemies had suffered a significant reduction in their ranks.

For now, they will regroup and reorganize to form a new fleet to address the vacancies left by the ship girls who had to withdraw due to the damage they sustained.

"...I think there's some need of assistance from Academy, it'll be better to form another escort fleet."「Warspite」

"We don't have much resources here as well, but... if it turned out someone around the level of those three, then maybe we should think this well."「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

"I have a suggestion: a few submarines with depleted ammunition should accompany them. Also…" Musashi continued with her thoughts for the group.

"...Commands have agree with it, let's proceed quickly and precisely."「Tirpitz」

"A reasonable decision."「Littorio」

After organizing the new fleet formation with the Flagships, they divided their roles into three categories: retreat, escort, and pursuit.

Retreat involves those who are too damaged to continue the fight and need repairs either at the port or in a safe zone. In other words, they must exit the war zone immediately.

Escort consists of ship girls with medium damage but depleted ammunition. Their role is to protect the retreating ship girls as they move to the rear lines, after which they will choose to either assist there or return to the front lines.

Pursuit has a clear objective: to track down and pursue the enemies who have fled.

"Aren't we pretty short in people? And where's Helena? She could really give us a help in tracking them, especially around that huge flying fortress. I'm pretty sure they're around there!"「Washington」

"Aneki isn't here either, and she's not with the Escort group…"「Montpelier」

After trying to estimate the System Users' position, the fleets of ship girls set out towards the presumed location, leaving the rest to retreat to the Academy.

Their current objective was the location where The Hanging Castle of Babylon had sunk, along with the nearby small islands that could be reached. They hoped to find clues at these points.

But fortunately, while they were underway, a message from Helena suddenly came through their transmission channel. It was the same SOS message Helena had sent to anyone nearby.

This meant they wouldn't need to search extensively and could head directly to the position Helena provided. It was quite far from their initial location, but still within reach given their current fuel levels.

"Pretty far to the west. It's weird, there's barely any Siren around here either."「Kaga」

"They're weirdly quiet these days."「Enterprise」

"Doesn't matter if there is one, though. I just need to tear them apart!"「Roon」

"Tear them? ...I really, can't understand this girl."「Roma」

With great enthusiasm, the ship girls marched toward the appointed direction. Although their numbers had significantly dwindled compared to before, their spirit and resolve remained undaunted.

Even the remaining submarines were full of enthusiasm as they cut through the waves beneath the ocean. Each of their engines roared with life, driving them forward to the end of the battle and the war.

Eventually, they closed in enough to see one another.

"That looks like Cleveland, along with San Diego and Helena over there."「Enterprise」 

"Hm? If it isn't her presence~ She looks fine, at least," Le Terrible mused, spotting one of her sister ships.

"Is that… Eldridge? What's she doing over there? She should be with the retreat group."「Oklahoma」

Thanks to their rigging and remaining armament, their vision and detection capabilities allowed them to see several miles away. Thus unfortunately, they're able to spot the floating object, The Flying Throne Vimana too from a distance.

"That person… ugh, so he has joined the fight," more or less the same as her, some ship girls expressed their surprise. They had seen Yulijer on top of the flying object.

The ship girls displayed a range of reactions to this sight.

"Fortunately, they haven't engaged in confrontation yet."「Enterprise」

For now, putting aside the diverse responses, Warspite urged them to get a grip, "Let's be quick! Things could get worse if we let them face that man alone—" knowing that moments like this were bound to come.

Towards their nightmare, Warspite promptly quickened her pace, followed by the remaining Royal Navy fleet. However, her steering wheel suddenly jolted when she saw someone who shouldn't be there.


There were Eldridge and L'Indomptable already in a defensive stance, San Diego with some seaweed inexplicably on her head, and Helena and Cleveland positioned in the center of the formation alongside another individual.

"That person doesn't look like any ship girl I know. Hmm... wait? J-Just hold on! What does this mean, Enterprise-senpai?!"「Essex」

"I'm not sure either, but… New Jersey, care to explain?" Enterprise asked, turning to the ship girl in question. However, New Jersey herself appeared equally puzzled and at a loss for words.

There were barely any figures wearing a Navy Commander's hat at the Academy, and as they focused their attention on what they wanted to see, their thoughts became somewhat disorganized.

The figure in question should have been far from the battlefield.

But there he was, right before the assembly of the final boss.

The turmoil rivaling the ocean waves began to churn within them. Their pace quickened, and the waves became insignificant in hindering their sailing.

"…This isn't a dream? Then why is my child playing over there?"「Friedrich der Große.」

"He's much more different from what I remember."「Kronshtadt」

"Jeez, so this is what Saratoga meant by him being different."「New Jersey」

Some displayed a slow smile, others immediately sharpened their gaze. There were those who appeared shocked, while a few seemed to have anticipated this outcome.

Their rigging, which had previously seemed incapable of functioning at full capacity, was now pushed to its limits. The injuries they had sustained felt like they no longer mattered.

Without further ado, they continued their voyage with renewed vigor and fervor. Drifting in the ocean not alone just like the storm that is approaching... they've been awakened.




Observing the series of events that have become one with the sequence of the timeframe, there is an Elite Siren, the Observer, who is casually leaning on the tentacle chair of the Siren rigging that she owns.

"Ah... there he is."「Observer」

Ever since the fall of the Hanging Garden of Babylon, and after the conclusion of a battle that was too boring for her, the Elite Siren has been trying to find traces of the Evoker (the commander) whom she could not find beneath the sea.

Stealthy and invisible, she looked into the sea and searched for anything beneath.

But thankfully she had found him now. "Well, well, what do we have here? This could be pretty interesting~," she said, as she recognizes several ship girls and the System User who're in very close proximity to him.

"He looks awful over there."「Observer」

Like a Siren in that world, the Observer certainly had no intention of helping either the Ship Girl or the System User. She could help them, but only if it was within the bounds of the agreement she had made with the commander.

Her actions were bound by that agreement.

She had established a give-and-take relationship with that man during certain moment in Academy. By being there, she was simply upholding her end of the bargain.

But well, "Oh? Is he going to fight along with them? Huhu... since those Mirror Sea Generators are still with me, I think I could stick around here a bit longer," along with that muse, seems like Observer also intended to gather one or two interesting facts around her Evoker (the commander).

Following her words the Observer chose the best position to slip her tentacles between her arms, they smoothly brushed against her tender and juicy skin. As they moved, hidden within the coils of those flexible additional hands was one of the Mirror Sea Generators she had just mentioned.

It was among the Siren's tech that the commander hoped he would have in his possession, a hidden card he had prepared together with Observer. During her battle with the NOMU, the Observer had also used one of these Generators to trap the artificial superhuman there.

And who knows who might be trapped in that device next.

"The loser will be taken into my custody~ Just kidding~"「Observer」

With a sly smile, the Elite Siren gazed deeply at both sides. On one side were the chosen humans with god-like powers, while on the other were a mere human and ship girls bearing their wounds surrounding their body.


Despite the evident changes to his injuries and attire, his gaze remained exactly as she remembered from their first encounter. It was a gaze blazing with duty and responsibility, yet tempered by a surprising touch of naiveté.

It seemed... the outcome of this battle was already clear, or so she thought.


「Command and Center room」

Returning to the room where the upper figure from each faction gathered in one place.

Just a short while ago, these ship girls were still performing their duties to compensate for the commander's absence.

They're high-ranking leaders within their factions, possessing leadership abilities and charisma that could rival or even surpass that of their commander.

They're the ones orchestrating the battle, from the moment the colossal meteor appeared, up to when the System Users had retreated to an unknown location, as reported by the ship girls on the field.

This retreat by the System Users granted them a brief moment of calm. During this respite, while trying to devise another plan, the faction leaders made the most of the "rest" period for those putting their lives on the line.

In addition to using this time to gather and reorganize their respective fleets and receive reports from the ship girls still active in the battle, they had also reached a crucial decision.

A decision that would have a significant impact on their fate and destiny.

"That should be enough, right?"「Clemenceau」

"You sure take your time."「Saratoga」

"Haha, pardon me. I had my own matters to handle after hearing your story, just like everyone else."「Clemenceau」

 [Execution Approval Column]

1. [Eagle Union: Represented by Lexington-class aircraft carrier - Hull Number CV-3, Saratoga.]

2. [Royal Navy: Represented by Queen Elizabeth-class battleship - Hull Number 001, Queen Elizabeth.]

3. [Iron Blood: Represented by Bismarck-class battleship – Bismarck.]

4. [Sakura Empire: Represented by Nagato-class battleship number one – Nagato.]

5. [Dragon Empery: Represented by Seaplane carrier - Chen Hai.]

6. [Northen Parliament: Represented by Sovetsky Soyuz-class battleship – Sovetsky Soyuz.]

7. [Sardegna Empire: Represented by Vittorio Veneto-class battleship – Vittorio Veneto.]

8. [Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion: Represented by Richelieu-class battleship – Clemenceau.]

"Yeah, that's alright."「Saratoga」

The names and signatures now inscribed in ink had grown in number.

Clutching the paper, Saratoga could see the truth with her own eyes.

As she scanned the room and the faces of those who had signed, a realization struck her with chilling clarity. She had really become the role her commander had envisioned for her, and the gravity of it almost made her laugh in dark amusement.

Not only had she masterfully deceived the ship girls, but she had also coerced them into signing the death warrant of the very commander who had once saved them. The audacity of it all was staggering—truly, what a witch she had become.

"If it's all settled, I'll take my leave."「Akagi」


For those unaware of the full truth, tensions simmered as they struggled to find a way out of the dilemma. They were caught between duty and responsibility, weighed down by their own pride and conscience.

Had Saratoga not been there, Akagi might have swayed the faction leaders' opinions.

But alas, thanks to the detailed information provided and the harrowing past Saratoga had shared with them, duty and responsibility emerged victorious. No miracle could alter the outcome.

"...What else can I do for you, Nagato-sama?" Akagi's voice was soft, yet it concealed a barely contained frustration, a reflection of her seething rage over the faction leaders' decisions.

"Your unease is clearly visible on your face, Akagi. I might have been on your side not long ago, but now..."「Nagato」

"Just say what you want," Akagi cut in, her patience wearing thin.

Summoning her courage, Nagato finally spoke, "...Don't release your anger and hatred on those who don't deserve it." Her words were a heartfelt plea to her comrade, urging her to channel her intense emotions wisely rather than letting them consume her.

Nagato would deeply regret it if Akagi turned her resentment towards her.

Yet, Akagi remained silent with her expression unreadable.

Akagi walked out never once glancing back, her movements exuding a calm that belied the storm of emotions within. The air seemed to crackle with unresolved tension as the door closed behind her.

"She's gone," Chen Hai observed quietly.

"Is it alright?" Sovetsky Soyuz asked, concern evident in her tone. "That girl seemed to harbor a lot of resentment towards you."

"Spare me from such thoughts. This was bound to happen... it can't be... helped," Nagato's voice carried a note of melancholy. "But we need to keep moving, how about the commander's whereabouts. Have you heard anything about him, Akashi?"

After wrapping up one matter and moving on to the next, everyone's attention shifted to a green cat nestled in a corner of the room. Akashi appeared stiff and tense, clearly overwhelmed by the events of the day.

But despite her visible strain, she continued to speak to them.

"It's true that, as far as Akashi know nya, commander's last transmission came from around the floating fortress nya. It's important to note that the fortress is enormous nya—so vast that I'd even say a whole civilization could exist on top of that floating structure nya."「Akashi」

"It's highly likely that Akagi will head there."「Vittorio Veneto」

"But now, it's been destroyed, so the possibility of him still being there is merely a hypothesis. I won't dwell on the worst-case scenario, but the pressing question remains: where is he?"「Bismarck」

"I-I don't know nya..." Akashi replied, her head drooping along with her ears and tail.

Clues had been found, and Akagi had set off to follow them based on what Akashi had uncovered, but the mere breadcrumb trail wasn't enough to satisfy them. Furthermore, with the sinking of The Hanging Garden of Babylon, they were no longer sure if the commander was still there.

As Bismarck had indicated, the worst could very well have happened.

Silence began to envelop them, a dark premonition lingering in their thoughts. Then out of sudden, Queen Elizabeth's voice broke through the tension, "...The worst scenario, huh?"

There was a possibility that the commander had perished along with the floating fortress, another that he might have intended to collaborate with Yulijer, and yet another that he could be trying to escape just like their first commander.

Their heads were spinning, overwhelmed by the conflicting reports of damage from the ship girls and the possible outcome of the commander. Their emotions were tangled, especially after trying to reconcile these with the fragments of truth Saratoga had revealed.

If the commander was not here, then no one could be sure if Saratoga had been speaking the truth. What a fitting reflection of the inner turmoil each of them faced.

But even so, they're neither afraid nor resigned to their fate.

"I... can't believe that servant would simply run away. After everything he has done, I don't think he would abandon his efforts so easily," Queen Elizabeth said firmly.

Back when he first arrived in this world, ship girl Queen Elizabeth was among the many victims of Yulijer's past cruelties. Her limbs has been torn, and her senses had been broken in a nightmarishly vile environment together with the others.

It was hard, it's very very hard for her to forget about those tragedies. Thereby why she's unwilling to harbor ill thoughts towards the commander who had once rescued her and the many ship girls of Royal Navy.

Even though she had been a part of Saratoga's elaborate scheme, the blonde-haired ship girl remained determined to find another way to aid her commoner servant (the commander), refusing to give in to despair or resignation.

"Bearing the name of Sakura... I acknowledge the man's abilities. Not only did he surpass Kawakaze, but if it weren't for him, the White Devil would likely still be wreaking havoc at the academy."「Nagato」

"Even worse, if it hadn't been for the commander he might have caused even greater chaos somewhere else. Although, of course, that's just my opinion," Chen Hai added.

Nagato could make such a statement because she had witnessed the commander's first battle against Yulijer, she was there standing alongside her trusted aide Kawakaze at the time.

Chen Hai on the other hand, this ship girl appeared to be well-acquainted with the broader developments outside the immediate scope of her home or Azur Lane Academy.

Her insights delved into matters cloaked in secrecy, whether it concerned the City of Rite, which once been corrupted by gambling and money laundering, or other critical locations such as their Naval HQ and other pivotal sites that had been influenced by Yulijer.

Each of them had their own "pieces" regarding their second commander, and guided by these fragments of insight, they pondered the solution that seemed most fitting to them within their mind.

These "pieces" would prove their worth in time, but for now...

They were jolted by Saratoga's sudden loud exclamation over the communication device, "Say whaaat?!" Her sharp, piercing voice cut through the room, startling the ship girls and pulling them out of their reverie.

"W-What's wrong?!"「Queen Elizabeth」

"...Share with us, Miss Saratoga."「Vittorio Veneto」

As attention refocused on her, they could faintly hear parts of the report Saratoga was receiving. She was getting updates from a ship girl named Helena. "O-Oh... alright, Akashi should know about this? Got it. Thankfully, he's safe... hmm? Not 100%? 90%? 70%?! What's happening over there?!"

The small ship girl with pink hair's expression revealed a flicker of worry as she absorbed the report, though she masked it with a controlled smile that she carefully kept hidden.

She intended to relay this news to the faction leaders because, despite Saratoga's deception, they deserved to know the status of their commander. It was crucial to prevent anyone from acting impulsively like Akagi in the future.

However, unexpectedly, as she lowered her communication device, she received another connection from someone else who also wished to speak with her. "Hmm? This is... so it's you," Saratoga murmured.

Her surprise evident as she realized who was on the other end of the line.

That ship girl had no choice but to answer the call. "Yes, I agree," she replied, her voice formal and distant, a stark contrast to her earlier, more relaxed tone with Helena. But the transformation was not limited to her tone only.

Her gaze became sharp with fury, her voice sank down just like a crashing stock price, and her entire demeanor seemed to radiate an unsettling aura. It was as though she was conversing with an entity she deeply despised.

Yet found herself powerless to confront.

"We're still in the meeting now. Geryon, calm down."「Bismarck」

Strangely, the atmosphere in the room seemed to darken at that.

"Somehow... I feel sick, what's happening?"「Queen Elizabeth」


Fortunately as Saratoga concluded the call, the charged atmosphere began to dissipate. After a moment of reflection on her words, she turned to face the faction leaders who were assembled.

She steeled herself, ready to drop another lore bomb that'll shake their understanding.

"Akashi, prepare the Big G. You should know the rest of it... that's what he says."「Saratoga」

"Big G, you mean that BFG nya? Well it's already charged and good to go nya, maybe it could do two or three shots. Just in case I'll contact the operator there nya. What is the target nya?"「Akashi」

First, Saratoga instructed Akashi to prepare one of their key assets for deployment, detailing both its purpose and the intended target. Her voice was firm and precise, leaving no room for misunderstanding about the critical nature of the task at hand.

Then, she turned to deliver the next set of news. "Good news and super bad news." She revealed that their commander's whereabouts had been located, thanks to Helena's report, along with the dire circumstances they were facing.

The ship girls were taken aback, their expressions shifting as they awaited more details from Saratoga. However, the initial sense of relief was quickly overshadowed by the gravity of the new, troubling information.

"…We need to act swiftly and retrieve the commander, before it's too late."「Saratoga」

Saratoga's words were laden with worry, marking the ominous beginning of an impending catastrophe. Because something like this wasn't even a part of her plan.

The rest pressed the Eagle Union representative to elaborate on her grave statement, but Saratoga only instructed them to wait. Sure enough, within moments, the room was filled with the urgent ringing of communication devices.

"Ughhh... that's much too soon than what I thought."「Saratoga」

Every faction leader's communicator sounded simultaneously, and as they answered, they discovers that the calls all originated from the same source, it's from the high command at HQ.

But wasn't the personnel in HQ had been manipulated by Yulijer and his friend?

As if sensing each other's doubts, the ship girls glanced at one another before responding to the urgent transmission. They behaved as usual, as if nothing were amiss, and eventually the other side ended their call.

Curiously, at the same moment.

"...It seems they are truly serious about disposing of the Commander."「Vittorio Veneto」

"From the beginning, I recall how that man and his associates manipulated several people at HQ. I'm convinced this decision is related to them as well."「Sovetsky Soyuz」

In summary, they had just received a direct order from the high command at HQ. The order instructed the ship girls to withdraw from all activities and remain at the Academy.

No sorties, no patrolling, and not even anything related to illegal operations.

In other words, Yulijer's words had become reality. He had used the voices of important figures to enforce his decision, facilitating his revenge against the Commander. But the ship girls are not that stupid either.

"We still have a chance to turn the tide," Chen Hai proposed, echoing a similar sentiment shared by others. "We should withdraw the Commander with us and hold him here. With this execution order, we can deceive them into believing the Commander is dead."

"You mean… we use a body double for HQ and let the situation settle before letting the Commander leave or something like that?"「Queen Elizabeth」

The order they received was to cease all activities at the Academy and immediately halt or withdraw any operations outside. So, what if we retreat along with the Commander and then lock him up in the basement until everything clears up?

Given that there are many legitimate activities at the Academy, such as studies, research, marketing, and others, they could use these to cover their movements. Once the storm has passed, they could let their Commander go with his head still attached to his shoulders.

"But that means… he'll be leaving…" Queen Elizabeth said, her voice trailing off.

The air grew somber suddenly. "Not like he's spent much time with us or anything," Saratoga interjected, trying to shift the mood and refocus the discussion.

Moreover, Saratoga understood well what the System Users were capable of. If her instincts were correct, their current plan could easily be dismantled by them.

They were ordered to do NOTHING at the Academy. So, if Yulijer and his allies arrived at the Academy, they'd be powerless to act, making it just another chapter in their old nightmare.

This fight would become meaningless, and surely, it's not what their Commander truly desires.

"Let's focus on our current Operation for now, it'll never end until each of our girls retreated, right?"「Clemenceau」

Moreover, the Commander had entrusted her with a heavy responsibility "I will entrust the affairs of this world to you…" Saratoga would definitely lose face if she failed to fulfill this task after calling him "newbie" so many times.

So hopefully, the ship girls would be able to save the person they wanted to keep alive.


Beyond the frontline


"That should take care of the rest." ☆Yulijer☆

Sitting comfortably atop his flying chariot, the king in white placed his communication device into the golden ripple of the Gate of Babylon. Confidence still radiated from his handsome, white, striking, and regal face.

At this moment, he had set his "Trap Card" for his enemy. It was ready to be activated whenever he wished, and it was only a matter of time before his target would fall into it and be ensnared, just like a stupid mongrel.

"You think they could save your ass? You stupid mongrel." ☆Yulijer☆

Everything was falling into place as planned. Should any disturbances arise, he would crush them personally. There would be no escape for the mongrel under his watch.

As for the mongrel himself...

"Gnnhuhh?!"「The Commander」

He appeared to be having the time of his life. With the ship girls having arrived and quickly forming their formation, Yulijer was certain the mongrel was thrilled to be surrounded by beautiful girls willing to protect him.

"S-Stop it... I can't breath..."「The Commander」

His arms were enveloped by the softness of countless pillows, and his vision was obscured by the beautiful faces surrounding him. Yulijer watched the scene unfold below with eager anticipation, relishing the thought of claiming this moment for himself.

Indeed, once he killed the Mongrel Commander, everything would repeat for his own pleasure.

Yulijer allowed himself a moment to recall the faces of each ship girl he had once tasted, the defiant stares, the reluctant compliance, and the fleeting moments of resistance before they succumbed to his will.

"And that'll be soon, soon! Haha, now System... show me the thing I've asked you to do," he commanded, his voice dripping with anticipation. Following his words, the interface of the System he relied on instantly materialized before him, displaying the information he had requested.

〈Group Mission: Revenge for Yulijer!!!〉

Current Leaderboard: 

1. Suzuko ( Merit=410)

2. Yulijer ( Merit=387)

3. Katchia ( Merit=331)

4. Freidhard ( Merit=283)

5. Julian ( Merit=280)

6. Mourgant ( Merit= 6)

"...Cheh, that old fart. Whatever, show me what you know about that black ball." ☆Yulijer☆

The interface shifted, now displaying details about the mysterious black sphere.

From the previous battle, the Astra Sphere had piqued the curiosity of the System User. The object, which he had only just now noticed with the commander, seemed peculiar.

Was it an item belonging to the commander?

If so, what were its capabilities?

These were the questions Yulijer sought answers to.

〈Displaying analysis results...〉

〈Item Name: Black Ball of Stars〉

〈Description: A spherical object with white specks within, shimmering like stars.〉

Seeing the unsatisfactory results, Yulijer's frustration grew. "What?! Is that all you know?" he snapped. Unfortunately, that was indeed the case. The [System] could only present information stored within its knowledge base.

It couldn't reveal anything more than that.

Now, shaking off these thoughts, Yulijer switched his sight to the rest of his companion,"I won this time! Ahaha!" and as he glanced over, he saw the white-haired girl lifting both of her hands high in victory.

It appeared that the trio was once again engaged in their rock-paper-scissors game, much like before. From what Yulijer observed, Katchia had emerged as the victor this time.

In other words, she would be the one to make the first move—or in this case, claim the second-First Blood.

"Why would you guys keep doing that? Can't you just jump on them all together?" ☆Yulijer☆

"That won't be fun!" Katchia replied with a mischievous grin.

"Besides," Julian chimed in, pointing towards Suzuko, "I really don't want to get chopped up by her while flying again." His expression conveyed a mix of irritation and weary resignation, clearly hinting at past encounters.

Noticing the jab, Suzuko chose to ignore it.

The black-haired woman with Sharingan eyes responded nonchalantly, "Not my fault you were in the way," as she ascended into the sky, Susano'o manifesting around her as before. "Go all out, Chi-chan! Sweep them with your Quirk!"

As Yulijer observed his three companions preparing for their roles, he reclined comfortably, a charming smile playing across his face. His striking red eyes and shimmering white hair radiated an undeniable regal presence.

Indeed, he truly embodied the title of King.

Well anyway after their brief exchange, Katchia stepped to the forefront with a confident smile. "Here I go," she announced, extending one hand as she prepared to unleash her devastating Quirk.

The hand she stretched out gleamed with an otherworldly whiteness, reminiscent of a finger capable of bestowing a touch of frost. A chilling mist began to envelop her hand, as if holding an eternal winter that could freeze the very sea itself.

"I appreciate you all chasing us so diligently! Since you keep running here and there, let me make things a bit more challenging for you!" ☆Katchia☆

True to her word, as Katchia swung her ice-encrusted hand...

"Line up and freeze, all of you!" ☆Katchia☆

A burst of ice fragments erupted from her hand, spreading with breathtaking speed.

The ocean below was swiftly transformed into a vast expanse of eternal frost. The relentless advance of the freezing ice encroached upon every inch of the sea, even reaching the area where the Commander and his ship girls were stationed.


「His PoV」

What do I say... hmm.

Right now, I think I'm definitely dying.

I feel this intense cold all over me, and my vision is spinning, making everything look like it's tilting. My head is light, like it might float away with the clouds above. Ahh... the sky is as blue as ever, which at least makes one nice thing to focus on.

Is this truly how it ends for me? Is this the final view I'll ever see?

"Can't you how frail commander state is?! Keep your distance!"「Warspite」

"We're still under enemy sight, learn self control!"「Kaga」

Well, it looks like they're not going to let me go so easily. Really, I have to admit, I never expected these girls' feelings to develop this much. According to the game theory, I didn't do much to actively increase their affection.

No secretaries, no sorties. All I did was give them another chance, improve their living conditions, offer them beautiful dreams, and then grant them a bit of the abilities they had in those dreams.

Wait, now that I think about it, that does sound like quite a lot.

❛We're not in the game, my friend. Emotions from the heart can grow and change in unpredictable ways. More importantly... let's prepare for their incoming attack. Talk to Helena first, then join Enterprise and the others at the front.❜

Alright then, whether it's this warm and fuzzy sensation or the burning feeling inside me, I'm sure it'll be very useful for Sengoku and Amour who're fighting out there.

And of course, I'll make sure not to forget to act like their commander as well.

"Our status?"

"Yes, a total of 62 ship girls have arrived as reinforcements. Most of them are in a condition suitable for continuing the sortie..." I glanced at the gathered ship girls and let Helena continue.

"Each Flagship awaits your orders. Please lead us, Commander!"「Helena」

"Enemy status."

"...They are deciding their turn order. Their actions are exactly as we've experienced before. Once their game of rock, paper, scissors is complete, they will commence their attack."「Kaga」

As we prepared ourselves, the other girls shared additional information about the User's behavior in previous battles. And once again, they've created a scene just because I'm walking on water without Helena's support.

But to think they're trying to determine who attacks first?

Whether they are overconfident or simply viewing this as a game from their System, I should take advantage of their self-assurance. Your enemy is your own greed, I think I can use this at the end part of everything.

With a steady breath, I stepped forward to the front lines, accompanied by the shipgirls who had been stealing glances at me. Curiosity, doubt, suffering, fear—I could sense the myriad of emotions swirling in their minds.

Additionally, it seemed their health and preps needed some adjustments. I believed I could quickly handle this matter. With that thought, I called Astra and proceeded to do what I had done before.

"Heal their wounds, rearm their ammunition."

[Initializing mass implementation usage for targeted subjects.]

With this, they should be able to fight at their full strength.

Mustering a proud smile, I tried to reassure them if there are nothing but child-play for me, however... as a chill wind brushed the back of my neck, I realized my energy hadn't fully recovered after creating the training island for Hylia and the others.

It'll be too dangerous to use Astra further than this, but... welp, who cares.

"What is this... did you do something? I thought only Kashino could do this."「Kaga」

"My wounds... they seem to have vanished... and my cannons are fully loaded again?" Warspite added in disbelief.

Seeing their confusion, I explained that I was merely utilizing the logic embedded within their world. Something like Quick Finisher, Emergency Repair, and Ammo Refuel—these features are part of their game's after all.

Realizing I could heal wounds, the girls suggested that I should pay attention to my own well-being first. But... how do I put this? Healing my own body seems somewhat pointless. I mean, I'm just going to get injured again, right?

"Wait, Commander! You intend to join the battlefront?!"「Helena」

"That's absurd given your current condition. Stay at the back line and command us."「Kaga」 

"I'll command you, but from there."

I quickened my pace, brushing aside their concerns.

Sighing, I looked at those gathered here and found myself in another deep thought.

From the beginning, I hadn't intended for them to be involved in this battle, let alone face that fake Gilgamesh again. Their painful memories should have been left to fade away, like dreams slowly forgotten.

But reality had other plans.

Amour had bestowed gifts upon them, Cera had entrusted Hylia to my care, Saratoga was set on handling things her own way, and now I found myself dealing with the Users once more, just as in the past.

And not to forget... there's someone eagerly waiting for my return.

❛One of life's greatest beauties is that each path is filled with unexpected surprises, my dear friend.❜

The current situation was somewhat manageable, with only Als serving as the guiding voice in my thoughts. Though cunning and far from benevolent, Als represented my past self—someone singularly focused on their goals.

If Sengoku or any of the others were still in my head...

"Why would you guys keep doing that? Can't you just jump on them all together?" Happiness inquired.

"That won't be fun!" Happiness replied.

"Yeah... aside from that, I don't wanna get chopped by her when flying, again." Happiness added.

"Go all out Chi-chan, sweep them with your Quirk!" urged Happiness.

Without this focus, I might have lost control and quickly wiped them out, which would certainly complicate my current plans. I need to figure out how to deal with the System they're using—they'd be far more useful in Hylia's hands.

However, my anger still simmered beneath the surface. If I were to measure my fury using the scale from Asura's Wrath, I wonder just how high it would rank. Also, how're they doing there?

❛Don't worry, they both are still defending it.❜

Well that's good, now then where was I again...

"Commander, are you sure you don't want to reconsider? Being at the back doesn't make you a coward. With you leading us, we can advance with full confidence."「Warspite」

"I appreciate your concern, Warspite-kun, but I've made up my mind."

I could sense a wave of negative emotions from the shipgirls.

❛They're from that era, my friend. Just like sailors who love their ships, their ships will love them in return. It might sound odd to describe them this way, but they genuinely don't want you to suffer any more than you already have.❜

Their affection... it's becoming almost overwhelming.

Upon reaching the front lines established by the ship girls, I observed several faces I had seen only a few times, alongside those I had often encountered at the academy.

For instance, New Jersey, whom I had met only twice before, Rossiya, who was in a similar situation, and Roon, whose breathing... seemed erratic and labored for some reason, among others.

Once again, I had to address their familiar attitudes. I handled it appropriately so they would understand, but despite my efforts, they frequently stole glances at me, their eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern.


"...That, I think the winner of their game is the white haired girl." 「Enterprise」

Following Als' guidance, I received an explanation similar to what Helena had provided.

Looking in the direction Enterprise indicated, I saw a white-haired User girl who seemed poised to carry out something nasty. I noticed her arms starting to be covered in ice, as if they were becoming an extremely cold freezer.

I see. It looks like she's planning to freeze this ocean, much like what Kuzan did at Marineford.

Since she's a User from Boku no Hero, that means she must have done something to the original Quirk Users in her world. I don't know how she acquired and collected their Quirks, but whatever. Let's deal with this.

"...freeze, all of you!" (Happiness)

By freezing the ocean, she'll reduce the girls' mobility significantly and likely cause additional afflictions that will impair their performance. Moreover, I doubt the submarine girls will appreciate being frozen.

The wave of ice began to encase the ocean, and I could feel it would only take a few seconds before it reached us. The glittering landscape of serenity expanded and approached, turning the once vibrant waters into a motionless expanse of frost.

Despite this, I noticed that none of the girls were moving, firing their cannons, or deploying their aircraft. They seemed to be waiting for something—namely, my orders.

"You have a plan to attack them?"「Tirpitz」

"I do have one... attack."

Before the shipgirls could process my words, I had already moved ahead with my usual decisive steps. They attempted to stop me, but I was already out of their reach. Astra began to orbit around me, and I started executing my orders as usual.

"Switch out."

[Divine Key Oath of Judah has been returned to reduce the current stress level]

"Yamato, the motivated one."

[Constructing weapon suitable for current user's preference... succeed]

[A weapon matching the entered keyword has been constructed... Yamato x1]

❛Sigh, it's enough to use your fist.❜

They're unworthy of facing the techniques of Fuka-san.

Ignoring the headache and the poison coursing through me, I took a deep breath to increase my speed and precision. My body's temperature gradually rose, like a fire rekindling in the embers with a gust of wind.

Even in the face of this ice tsunami, the cold could never dampen my motivation.

"Commander—Huh?" Enterprise's voice trailed off in confusion, I think.

Though I didn't catch every detail of what transpired, I could feel the ocean gradually regaining its serene tranquility.

The towering ice wave that had surged like a tsunami had vanished without a trace. Before me lay only the sword I had unsheathed, its blade catching the sunlight and casting a dazzling reflection.

"All ships, battle stations!"

I raised Yamato high, directing its gleaming edge toward the astonished and bewildered faces of the Users. The moment had come for these girls to unleash their full might. And as I glanced back, I saw the girls are poised and ready.

"No point in backing down now. Forward and vanquish our enemy!"

Even without turning to witness it, I could feel the roaring surge of bravery resonating from their very souls and Wisdom Cubes, a symphony of courage and resolve echoing through the ranks.

With my purpose for the Judgment Cut now complete, I would shift my focus to protecting and aiding them in their battle. "Give me a hand," I also need to synchronize our moves when Akashi fires the BFG-9999 much later.

[Yamato has been returned to alleviate the current stress levels]

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