"Fucking piece of rotten shiiiiiiitttttt!!!" Ironically, it was at the time I was losing it that my long-lost friend suddenly came knocking on my door.
Rather appalled, the Great Consciousness did its best to convince me otherwise. To drive the point home that what I had on my mind was just this ruinous.
But when sanity was already gone, when fury overtook even the most rational grey cell, when the body produced mana by sacrificing everything else... what was there to stop?
How could I even stop? Therefore, ignoring the Great Consciousness wasn't even a hard matter to do. It came to me quite easily.
Suddenly, I felt Supreme Butler powering up until he crossed the threshold with the power he exuded.
That automation had really crossed the wall just like such a small number of elite creatures could throughout the multiverse.
But to me, he could have as well powered down his state of existence and started washing his neck. It certainly wouldn't change his fate!
"[Greater Distortion Blast III] and [Greater Nothingness III]!" The latter was a destructive spell so tremendous he ranked second from the top within all spells falling under my first authority.
Casting that beast soon after a distortion blast made me puke buckets of blood. Not that I cared any longer.
A ray of oscillating darkness raced through the vast expanse, falling perfectly onto Supreme Butler and his excessively baggy stomach.
Every other element seemed to get destroyed upon contact, quickly followed by an explosion originating from the instability it had conjured in the area.
As true darkness—a patch of something even darker than the vast expanse was—continuously ate at the space, creating an oval sphere, the other spell kicked in.
Nothingness... did just what its name implied. It erased everything that had no copious amounts of karma or fate protecting the unlucky objects subjected to its wrath.
Of both, Supreme Butler had small but precious amounts stuck to his persona. Therefore, the spell didn't do what it usually did.
Nevertheless, to counter that adverse effect, Supreme Butler consumed a sizable amount of the positive influence, leaving mostly negative strands of karma and fate intact.
"Y-you dare!!" He hollered with such ferocity I was pushed back a few light years. As he came after me, eyes blazing with fury I soon understood why.
The attire he wore had been partially ruined, exposing his sickening flesh below. It was the very same formal wear originating from my blueprints.
Supreme Butler cherished that to unholy degrees. Therefore, the extent of the fury he felt could only be understood by him alone.
His acceleration coupled with the mass coming at me would have made sure I died on the spot. Had I been hit, that is.
"[Greater Chaos Roulette III]..." I spat another mouthful of blood, ominously floating around my mouth area and sticking to where it didn't belong.
Not that anyone heard me... After all, we were mostly communicating with our thoughts, fighting a bitter battle even on that level. Had to admit that he lacked lots in that department.
Still, a certain problem was persistent. I wasn't sure of the state my body was in. However, I was fairly certain it was nothing too advantageous—if not to say it was quite terrible.
In any case, chaos roulette was a spell that not even the caster knew what it would do. Explained in spellcaster terms, the *spell* model was simply a disaster.
Made to never be understood, beyond what any genius throughout the ages could ever hope to entangle, all that was known of the spell was that the effects would be random. No destructive material, right?
But what if the object it was cast upon was already suffering from reduced positive karma and fate? Then, the outcome should heavily tilt in my favour.
So casting that spell right after nothingness was a favourite of mine back in the days, a staple if you so will. Back to Supreme Butler.
In the seconds after the spell was cast, he changed direction. Half of his body pulled in one direction, the other half in the opposite.
From what I could perceive, even his mana pathways had been reversed and his *bones* or what it was that served as skeleton to provide stability was pulled out to cover the flesh instead.
The tractive force his body was suddenly subject to was no joke. Supreme Butler elongated considerably, just like noodles submerged in water with a weight attached to the end.
But that was not the most bizarre thing happening to him. His appearance as an arthropod was sickening, to say the least.
Just imagine a ball of raw flesh forced through insufficient wrapping paper where the uncovered parts spilled out without mercy.
Yet I had stalled while admiring my work for too long. Next thing I knew was a terrible gravitational force pulling at me from all sides.
His doing, no doubt. Acceleration magic at its nastiest. However, time was up for good. The required break I needed had been granted.
"Original Arbiter—unlock!" My very essence was merged with the entirety that was the multiverse. Needless to mention, my greatness compared with *everything* was minuscle.
As I felt the backlash eating away at my life, rewriting what I truly was starting from the most basic level, I used the next three seconds to frantically cast my spell.
Without an ounce of doubt, the price could be but one. But! What I was pulling off warranted such a great price. "[Greater... Karmic... Extinction III]," I muttered word by word.
The entirety of my surroundings was spinning around me as I lost myself within. My consciousness was just barely chipper enough to realise the outcome of the forbidden spell.
A blank state did not exist in the multiverse. Merely *existing* already added an entry to that *blank* state, so having no entries went against the very rules of creation themselves.
These entries were called karma in some civilisations, some referred to them as the lasting scars of fate, others had different names but all were used to describe the very same concept.
My point? A blank state equalled no karma equalled no existence. Erasure if you so will. Henceforth, the multiverse shall not have any concept known as Supreme Butler.
Neither in the past, present nor in the future! Even while seeing the result of my spell, certain bits and pieces of my memory were slipping me irrevocably. Until...
...what was I still doing here? I was too tired to even think. Why not let everything be and sleep soundly for once? Darkness was everywhere and I nowhere.