We returned to Aethernum posthaste. I was not in the mood for anything other than finding a bed to lie in without the need to fear the worst.
I took the mudball along. She was even more of a wooden log than expected, freezing up at the sight of the magnificent front door.
If not for me being kind enough to kick her in the rear, the lizardwoman's heart might have stopped then and there given how little air she inhaled at that time.
In hindsight, it should have solved the problem once and for all. Yet now, what to do with her was that other question weighing on me.
Back in the garden, I was soon surrounded by faithful gardeners and a sorry-looking Sovereign Gardener.
"Interjection: Welcome back, Master." "What put you in this state?" I asked just for the sake of asking.
"By the looks of it, somebody dragged you through the mud, patched the holes in your clothes up with your intestines and shat on the grand creation."
My sarcasm must've been thoroughly spent on the high elves, for I sounded lame and beat. In short, my voice lacked bite. Not that the automatin would've understood sarcasm...
"Reply: Butlers intrude upon my grounds, tearing caretakes apart." "Butler Supreme did? We are anything but ready to face that multipurpose torturer."
The whole squad slowly rotated around us as we approached the fire fairies resting place. I sorely needed some uncomplicated interpersonal exchanges.
This was what the Great Consciousness informed me about, as did the memories I'd received from Spice in part.
As I wearily shuffled over the sub-lane, I noticed some burnt marks here and there. "Inquiry: How to handle wanton destruction...?"
"...it does appear that the fire fairies helped you in overcoming our common enemy. Sure, parts of the garden are scorched, but that's the reason you're still standing, Sovereign Gardener."
"Interjection: Vandalism has no stake in altruism." The construct sounded snobbish as it voiced its discomfort with the quality of their good intentions.
I affirmed once more that there was something akin to a personality hiding within that shell, and shelved the thought soon after.
"You there," I gestured at the nearest gardener who then came clumsily over, "here's a... plant. Just for you."
I extended my tail its way, intent on getting rid of the dead weight stuck to it. "First prune, then water, then burnish, and lastly, disinfect yourself and all your peepers discover.
That's some really contagious shit, alright." This, of course, included me and the youth too. While we weren't happy about that in the slightest, I had no need for illnesses at such a dastardly time.
The rest of the way, I heard some heavy pants, moans and strange accusations coming from right within that tentacle mess the gardener exposed for all to see.
For some strange reason, the tentacles seemed more... fleshy than last time. "Whatever. Aye, mate. Let's hang in there, right?"
She looked at me totally innocently, before the two of us were doused in disinfectant. As the liquid was usually reserved for plants, the smell and consistency were somewhat funny.
She... didn't protest as much as I'd thought she would. Instead, two pupils stared holes at me, hosting a world of anger and reproach.
But then her ears twitched, as did my tail. Pretty loud soundwaves came from the direction we were heading in.
Heavy drums, squealing trumpets, roaring flutes and other instruments I could swear were totally unique to that bunch. I soon came across the gaggle.
The sight of madly dancing fire fairies, an abundance of cultivation resources piled up high and reserved for snacks and some songstresses engaging in a screaming contest made my eyes water.
In between drugged fairies were some shrewd merchants scattered about, each one at the right distance to not mess up the neighbours' good fortune.
I was sure that what repeatedly changed fervent hands was gold for shit. But it might also be me and my backward thoughts from ancient times long past.
I wouldn't be so sure I still understood the world as I did back then, after all. "Scaly-ey beauty-y, you came tohooo! Received... invitatio-on!"
The ancient fairy must've woken up on the wrong, drugged side. "Gonna end up as a meal. Not juicy, not nutritious..."
At the sight of it-her taking on a female appearance that simply could never exist in nature and shooting into my embrace, I had to fight the urge to kick her away and escape from here.
"Yah-ooouuu!!" She landed right in my bosom, taking some of the youth's precious space for herself. "No meal..."
Needless to mention, she was anything but accepting of the change. Clutching onto me, she brabbled on and on without garnering results. "I'm disgusting..."
In the end, while Nova Twinkleflame spun me around the place with surprising force and accuracy that somebody in her state shouldn't possess, the youth gave up.
"Taste worse than a cockroach." She only clutched me tighter, glancing at the merry group with newfound interest.
Yet whenever a fire fairy came close or even expressed the wish to invite her, the grip on my clothes increased.
"No roasting—" "Shut it, please. I'm depressed, but you are downright devastating." I couldn't help but berate the now washed lizardwoman.
Dressed in still wet pieces of random vegetation just like the savage she was, at least her new clothes visibly dried up given our fiery company.
She promptly slumped down, gasping for air while fanning madly with her arms and tail. Which reminded me that lizardmen had a low tolerance towards fire.
In any case, the fire fairies wouldn't allow for any creature to feel bad when they were conducting their famous bazaar.
Which this was. While other races didn't copiously feast or dance on such an occasion, fire fairies couldn't do without one good party per day. No matter the reason.
"Laugh-eyyy! Smil-eyyy!" Nova Twinkleflame pulled the most hilarious faces of all, increasing the laughter in this corner of the bazaar that was basking in her presence.
For some reason, I too couldn't help but chuckle. The darn negative emotions swamping me from earlier didn't seem so bad anymore.
Even the damn contract binding us that ate up thirty days due to some freak accident didn't look as depressing.
Yet before I could truly live with that, many more parties would be needed. Many, many more... Until then, I might as well let out some steam.
And perhaps get myself drugged? Maybe... Nova Twinkleflame appeared especially radiant, after all.