Ethan didn’t say anything, but he turned around to face me directly. I could feel his eyes on my face, and I quickly glanced down at the floor, scared to meet his eyes.
“You don’t have to act so formal around me. It freaks me out,” Ethan whispered close to my ear.
Suddenly, he was so close. My body froze as his warm breath tickled my ear. Without knowing how to respond, I just nodded my head slightly.
“You’re free now, right? What about a coffee?” Ethan asked casually.
I opened my mouth to decline his invitation; however, the slightly tight grip of his hand around my wrist told me that I better reconsider my response.
“Ethan…” I said his name as I started to pull my arm away.
His grip immediately tightened, and I started to feel eyes on us.
“Come along, Malissa. You don’t want to make a scene here, do you?” Ethan whispered softly. His tone as calm as ever.
“We can just talk here…” I said.