Chereads / The Timeless Soldier (WIP) / Chapter 3 - Day One

Chapter 3 - Day One

The sun barely broke the horizon. The chickens just slightly woke up to greet us today, but I wasn't on the farm. I was deep within the castle, completely knocked out from last night. My eyes barely break the seal as I wake up in a bed surrounded by servants waiting for me to show a sign that I am awake. I roll over and look among them. They are slave girls dressed up in royal garments. Some are tiny like they haven't seen a meal in days, but they still listen attentively. I whisper for one to come closer, and she etches over to me. When she is within reach, I grab her arm and speak.

"If this is what it means to become queen, then I don't want it."

I let her go and signal for them to leave my chambers. One after another, they leave, and I am alone in this room. I give it a couple of minutes, then jump out of my bed and run to the closet. I open it and grab the sword inside. The blade has droplets of dark within it. It must've been from that fight at the village. I wonder if the inhabitants survived. I did try my best to save them, even if they knocked me out afterward. I should inform my father of the monsters attacking our villages. They were burned and were on fire like they were from hell. I put the sword back in its sheath in the closet and sit on the edge of the bed. I can hear footsteps getting closer to my door. It makes me tense as the door handle opens up. In comes Hazel in her morning gown. She sneaks in and quietly closes the door behind her. Her face is red, and Hazel looks like she's been doing something she shouldn't have. she whispers.

"I've done it. I finally lost my virginity."

my eyes widen. I could never believe it.

"who was it? A peasant boy or something; why so secretive? We can finally tell your father you've found someone. So he won't keep looking for you a husband."

She smirks and stands up. She's looking me dead in the eyes as she answers my question.

"Your father!"

"WHAT," I say.

I stand up in disbelief and disarray. How could my best friend say such ungodly things about my father? He would never do that.

"There must be some mistake," I say.

"My father would never betray my mother, and what are you, some harlot? How dare you say that of such a great man."

She recoils and shoves me.

"Let me explain before you get angry. I drugged your dad," she says.

"How would that not make me angrier I'm even more furious. You took advantage of my father in his weakened state!"

I'm yelling now, and she notices the silence outside the walls and tries to quiet me down.

"I did this for the better of the world. I finally get what I want. My father won't be able to give away a pregnant daughter as a bride, and with you becoming queen, I get to roam while being protected under the strongest empire freely. We both know our empire will last forever, and I won't tell anyone else that this is his child. I'll live a happy life."

I'm fed up with her words and slam her against the wall.

"That doesn't excuse what you've done! If anyone finds out about this, our family could devolve into civil war, and we don't have the men to fight each other and an invasion from the Horsemen. Let's not also forget that YOU FUCKED MY DAD!"

"Listen, Klay; I've always loved your father. Any woman would be lucky to have him. But I knew he would never betray your mother, and imagine how that must make me feel. I was born at the worst time imaginable. If I had been born just twenty years before, I might've had a chance with him, but I was unlucky. I just wanted one thing in life, and that was to be with your father. It was just for one night, and it won't happen again, I promise, but I couldn't live with myself knowing that I would be shipped off somewhere, never to see my family again. Who knows what my father had in store or, even worst, what Cnut had in store? I didn't want to be a slave to them, so I became a slave to someone else. Someone I love. I'm sorry, I truly am, but please understand killing or hurting me will only hurt your father's child and pity me, Klay. I loved him. I would wait behind the fences admiring him. I would watch you two fight with training swords and dream of joining him by his side. I would watch your father try his best to talk with Cnut. Just let me be happy this once."

This 'Heartfelt' speech she prepared got on my nerves. I let her go and sit on the edge of the bed. As I sit here and mope, a child forms in her stomach. I'm going to be a big sister.

"Tell me how it happened," I say.

"After the feast, we all began having our little after parties. Remember when I took you into the royal room with all the nobles? Well, as you got drunk to all hell, I slipped into the knights' room and begged my father to let the knights have some fun. They were guarding the rooms, but no one would dare try anything with Joesph and your father roaming. It took hours to convince my father, but he finally said yes. This was the signal I needed from God. I rushed to your father and challenged him to a drinking contest. Finding a servant who would drug Sir Frank was near impossible, so I had to do it myself. Your father is known for having an iron belly so he could handle his wine. I needed to find a way to slip it into his drink without anyone noticing, and when someone ran up to him before the contest started saying you were hurt, it was a perfect time. Luckily you weren't, but I know it was a sign from our lord. Everything faded together after our match, but I swore when I took him to my chambers, he cried, saying he hadn't felt the touch of his wife in years. It made me feel guilty at first, but then he jumped on me and made me a promise. I told him I'd be his wife that night, and he agreed. The drug I got was supposed to be him to sleep, not to make him hysterical."

I brush my hands through my hair and look at the ceiling.

"Where is my father now?" I ask.

"Still in my bed chambers. It took forever to get him off of me. He sleeps like a log."

She laughs after that. I give her a stern look, and she stops laughing. I grab my royal robes and tell her to lead me to her room while we talk. I begin.

"I have had too much going on today to worry about you or your situation. I will speak with my father, and this will be the end of this. Do you understand?"

"Oh, thank you, Klay. I knew you wouldn't bring harm to your father or me. I love you, and when the child is born, you will..."

"when who's is born?"

We jolt our heads to see where that question came from, and I know that voice all too well. Cnut is covered in royal colors for the first time since his return. He eyes my body seductively and walks around me. Spinning me into his web with his mind, only good knows what he's thinking. I hate the feeling his eyes give me when he looks at me. This is no longer the brother bond I had with him long ago.

"I know my wife is not carrying a child nor my sister, so pray tell who is expecting a child so soon," Cnut asks.

Sweat beads down my forehead, and I look to Hazel, standing in fear. I spoke up, but before I could, my father came around the corner.

"ah, my wonderful daughter, hazel, and Cnut, what are we all doing here."

" I was snooping behind KLayah and Hazel when pregnancy came from their lips, and I questioned them, and they have yet to answer me," Cnut says.

"Let's leave the women to their gossip. No need for us to be in womanly business. We have to meet with the king soon."

My father is trying to deter him from asking us that. Cnut looks at us, and from his eyes, I know he won't give up. My father grabs his shoulder and pulls him around the corner. I turn to Hazel, and her face is freaking out. She can't hide this secret forever.

"Could you help me just a little, hiding it from him? Cnut is a difficult man; father wouldn't care too much because we have you. But Cnut would burn and kill everyone to get revenge."

I turn and start walking away. She runs over and begs more.

"Please, I can't have my child hurt by him."

"Listen, I want absolutely nothing at all to do with this. I will question my father when I have the chance. If I could, I'd wish you didn't tell me what happened, but depending on what he says, I will leave you with this by yourself or help you," I say.

She finally shuts up and nods accordingly.

"We should prepare for breakfast. The peasants are gathering the food, and we don't want to miss it, or it may look suspicious."

Hazel takes me into her room and puts on some better-appropriate clothes.

"You got anything for me?" I ask.

"If you weren't so giant. Here take this."

She hands me my father's shirt and pants... I ignore the fact that she has them and smell my father's shirt. It smells like him, and I nearly tear up when I think of the past. I put them on and walked behind her throughout the castle. We walk by many servants and commoners that still littered the hallways. The aftermath from last night was just a start to what we had in store. We all have no clue what is going to happen today. We open the grand hall to the royal court and see everyone waiting in their seats. We spot our family again sitting at the edge of the table, nearing the king. I ran up to my father and spoke with him.

"Father, I must talk with you about urgent information. Can you come with me?"

"If it's urgent, of course, I can."

I drag him back away from the table. I look over, and Hazel is looking down, twisting her thumbs.

"Father, what happened last night?" I ask.

"I had a few drinks with the guys and watched over the parties until the night ended. After that, I retreated to my chambers and slept."

I look my father in the eyes. He's always been a terrible liar. I look at him with a softer expression. I'm wrong; my father has a stern face. He doesn't break a sweat. He's a fantastic liar; I know him.

"Klayah, I'm not going to lie to you. I had sex with a young woman. I can't remember who it was, but I fear you do. So please tell me whom you were talking about earlier today—you and Hazel."

He doesn't remember. He cheated on my mother, and he doesn't even remember. I start to cry. My eyes can't bare the weight of all this excessiveness in my life. He brings me close to him, hugging me and speaking. His words feel like warmth, while his arms make me feel safe.

"I can see it in your eyes. I've hurt you by doing this, Klay, but you must understand. I haven't been able to see your mother in months, let alone feel her touch. I only receive her letters and meals. I love your mother, so please keep this secret between us. Please tell me who it was so I might fix this problem immediately." He says.

"What are you going to do to them, Frank?"

"Don't call me by my first name again, and I will have to end them before that baby grows, if there is one."

"It was Hazel. I don't think killing her will be possible." I say.

"Dam, I knew something was wrong when I woke up in her bed, and she said she found me outside. This complicates things, especially with your mother arriving-"

"Mother is on her way?"

"On her way; she should be here by now."

Just then, the door opens, and in comes three men. One is taller and older. He carries a cane with him. He has rags slowly falling off his body. He looks like a commoner. The next is a man of a slimmer build. He wears a shirt that is cut off at the stomach. He has a scarf covering his head made of red silk. The other is fully plated in shiny armor. Followed behind them is a convoy of women. Their clothes differ from ours significantly. The women aren't dressed resembling wealthy farmers like us. They wear gold on their faces that pierce their skin. They are tiny in stature and look more feminine than I. Their faces are covered with silk, and their hair is unseen to the eye. They hide behind silk masks, and you can barely see their skin through them. The King rises from his seat and bellows loudly enough that the feast goes silent.

"Welcome in, my foreign friends. Come, have a seat at my table. I know you're all here for the proposal of my daughter's hand in marriage."

I look over to Hazel, and she's under so much stress. She looks like her head is about to explode. Her father continues.

"For the second day, we bridge a gap with an old enemy. We allow them to bring their armies and kings and queens to join us in our celebration."

The females from this foreign land carry baskets and begin handing out food and treasures around our tables. When they get to me, the peasant-looking man speaks.

"I have heard great things from your father, princess K'Layah."

I blush when he says my name.

"I would jump at the opportunity to bring in an alliance with the kingdom knowing we have him on our side. So for that, I have prepared a special gift for you. The King told me how much you admire your father, so I got a replica helmet made by our finest smiths for you to wear in battle."

King Scott looks confused, and he speaks.

"Our women do not fight in our ranks with the men."

The older man speaks up again.

"I was told that your nation is a warring country. To assume the stories of fierce women on the battlefield are wrong would be absurd. Klayah's mother was a warrior also, or did she not know this?" he asks.

I am shocked at this fact and look over at my father, hiding his face. I stand up and speak next.

"Yes, we are a warring nation. We were built upon men and women fighting alongside one another, so I gladly accept this armor. I hope one day I might wear it on the battlefield."

Applause begins once I finish my light speech. I get embarrassed and quickly bow and take my seat. The King raises his hand and points to the older man.

"I would be grateful if you would seat your son next to my daughter Hazel, king Ismail. My daughter, please show Jerry a good time in our lands."

Another noble walks up to me bearing a gift. It is a dagger wrapped in silk. The Old King speaks when the noble approach me.

"He says that this dagger was the weapon that killed our seer. He gifts it to you so you may use it to kill your enemies."

I look amazed as I thank him for it. I notice behind him that a line forms with people from servants to nobles besting gifts—all towards me and not the king.

After the breakfast meal, we all part ways. I walk my father to his room while Hazel tries her best to distract this man named Jerry.

"When will my mother arrive?" I ask.

"She is to be here soon, so prepare yourself. I will tell her everything."

"No, don't. It will only cause more confusion in the kingdom. Hopefully, we won't need it."

My father paces back and forth around the room. He's lost in thought again.

"I still don't understand what happened to me usually; I can handle my alcohol."

He turns back to me.

"Am I genuinely getting old, my daughter? Tell your father if he needs to retire."

I jump up and grab hold of his hands.

"Look at yourself—you're sweating. The great Frank will never get old. They will remember you for ages to come. Now rest, father. We will speak more to mom when she arrives," I say.

He is losing his mind. He didn't think he was capable of capitulation with someone other than my mom. They have been together for years. They met on the battlefield when my father was defending this kingdom. They spoke of the warriors, and from there, they had a connection. From what I was told, my mother was a medic, not a soldier. I have to meet this Old King and ask more questions. How does he know of our extensive history, but I don't? Just as I turn the corner, I spot Hazel and this man named Jerry speaking to one another. I overhear their conversation.

"This is our castle. It can't be as grand as yours, though." Hazel says.

"No, it is okay. It has so much history. I've heard stories of how our best soldiers attacked these walls and still couldn't get through, but who knew all it took was Klay getting married?"

"What do you mean? I thought our marriage solidified our kingdoms union."

Jerry looks back to Hazel. His eyes seem to light up like demons in the sunlight coming through the windows.

"I never had plans to marry you. I mean, look at you. You aren't capable of bearing my children. But I've made a deal with Cnut. He will give me a chance with Klay once they are married. Oh, the things he has planned for her. Why don't you be useful and prepare me a drink?"

Hazel is shaking with rage as she slowly turns around. As she prepares his drink, her facial expression changes a thousand times. She quickly searches the room, and our eyes meet. I give a shot towards her room and mouth for her to meet me there. She calms down and fixes his cup. He doesn't even acknowledge her as he continues speaking with other nobles. I rush to her room. Today has been a hectic day, and it's only noon. I swing my body through crowds of people and politely tell them to wait to question me. I need to get to her room asap. Once I make it there, I realize I'm early, and I past the time by going through her belongings. She has a dairy. I found a book with those words embroiled in it. I jump to a random page that dates a week ago.

"Today is a fantastic day. I got to see Frank before he left out for another expedition. I whispered for him at the table, and no one cared. I'm finally old enough to be considered a wife, so I'll do that. I will be a wife to him. I need a plan to get him alone he's always surrounded by Cnut or Joseph. They are so far up his arse it's impossible to get him alone.

It's been two days since I last saw Frank; my bosom bled almost twelve moons ago. It yearns for him like no other man, even the thought of him has my body aching. I can only imagine one night with him. I can't wait to see him again. It jumps to another date. My father has announced that Klay and her family will be here soon. I must prepare to capture Sir Frank as I've always wanted to. I plan to lure him into my chambers the night he arrives. This will be my only shot. I need to get him away from his family and get him drunk enough until I slip him this pill the witch gave me. I can't find a servant willing to drug this great man, and I only have one day left. I will need to improvise.

Just then, the door opens, and in hops Hazel. I don't stop reading as she watches me. Her eyes widen, and she snatches the book from me.

"Respect my Privacy. I've told you the truth. I swear it." Hazel says.

I crack a smile as I speak.

"I heard everything Jerry said about you and me. We have to tell our fathers of this spite. It may bring us into a civil war, but these men can't use us like this."

"I agree. Tomorrow, we will..."

Just then, a servant barges in.

"Princess Klayah, your mother has arrived."