Chereads / Swordsman's Era / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: The Side of the Glitch Mobs and the Dark Mobs

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: The Side of the Glitch Mobs and the Dark Mobs

Date: Æ1289 23, 3

Middle of the day. Glitch mobs, Dark mobs, Dark Swordsmens with the Undeads are marching out in the dense forest as they come towards the fifth army intent to kill.

Suddenly Unknown swordsmans are on the front of the east. Shira swordsmans standing in front of Chief Makurin with his fifth army behind him.

"They're advancing quickly, we can't believe that they're already here," Chief Makurin said as the Shira's looked at him directly.

"Tell the army to back away, they can't handle them," an Unknown Shira said as he suddenly vanished in front of Chief Makurin.

Chief Makurin turned around and signal the army to leave. She raises her hands and pointed back to the front gate. The fifth army turned around and quickly got back in.

The guards opened the gate from inside. Chief Makurin stayed outside as she looked at the dense forest. She's with a couple of Shira's around her with other unknown swordsmans.

Shikari Gakure walks to the left side of Chief Makurin. "Go inside... We can't prefer losing another Chief," Shikari Gakure said as he walked by past Chief Makurin.

Chief Makurin thinks a little second and slowly walks back towards the gate. She turned around again and she sees Shikari Gakure walking to the dense forest alone. The other Shira's looked at him as he slowly vanished in the dense forest.

Shikari Gakure walks alone in the dense forest as five of Shira's remains behind him. Explosions occurred inside the dense forest as big trees got blown up making it fly above.

Suddenly Shikari Gakure vanished as he suddenly sees Hiroshi Gakure fighting hundreds of Glitch mobs in front of him with an army of Dark mobs with the undeads and the Dark swordsmens.

He quickly charges towards where the glitch mobs are and where is Hiroshi Gakure. They're now both on the dense forest.

They continued fighting as the other powerful Shira fought in the other part of the dense forest. The other Shira flew right at the army of glitch mobs as the Shira rotate his sword and glowing cutting a couple of Glitch mobs.

The glitch mobs quickly jumped high up in the sky to dodge the Shira swordsman. Shikari Gakure reached Hiroshi Gakure. Shikari Gakure quickly pulled out his sword and turned his left eye into a full white eye. White particles glow on his left eye as he suddenly vanished.

Suddenly his sword glow up into yellow with white color on it with thunder as he steps on his left foot making the air grumble as he quickly vanished. Lightning particles started to move around his body as he vanished in the air teleporting to the glitch mobs cutting them as he swing his sword as he vanished.

He quickly flew up killing the glitch moms who jumped up in the sky. He quickly changes the course of his sword as other more Shira's join the fight.

"Well..! Looks like you're having fun already, you just got here are you kidding! HAHA!" Hiroshi Gakure said as giggles and laugh as he suddenly pulled out his sword turning it into a yellow one with a white particle on his sword.

He walks normally towards the darks as the dark mobs and darks swordsmans quickly teleported in front of him intent to kill. Suddenly Hiroshi Gakure vanished in front of them.

He's behind them. Hiroshi Gakure suddenly glows up even more as he cuts the Dark mobs and Dark swordsmans that attacked him. He quickly run as his footsteps didn't make any sounds as he walk towards the dark mobs and dark swordsmans.

He quickly shows his demonic aura in front of them as he charges right at them. He quickly runs towards them and his footsteps are not making any sounds as he continues to charge.

He swings his sword in his right hand to the left killing a Dark mob as he jumps to the left standing left side down in the tree. He quickly jumped on that tree making a big impact on the tree. The tree got destroyed as he quickly flew towards the glitch mobs who is on the other side of the dense forest.

The other Shira's arrived at the Dark mobs and Dark Swordsmen's area as Hiroshi Gakure flew towards the area of glitch mobs in the dense forest.

Suddenly in the front gate. Six swordsmans arrive. Therewith Fukushima Gakure is still hurt from what Shikari Gakure did to him last time.

"The Shira Swordsmans are advancing on the far distance of the dense forest, are we gonna join them? Lead?" Maffin asked as he looked around and hears a lot of explosions inside the dense forest.

"We're not going to the dense forest, it's too dangerous, we can just stay here in case they go for the village," Fukushima Gakure answered as he walk by past seven Shira swordsmens in front of him.

Fukushima's swordsmans are behind him standing and looking around them as they are quickly on guard.

"The other Shira Swordsmans are in the dense forest already, we're outmatched, we need more Shira swordsmans here in front of the gate," Luaki said as he kneel his left knee on the floor as he continued to look around.

Another big explosion occurred in the far distance in the dense forest. They can see the explosion because some of the remaining debris of a tree flew up in the sky.

The fifth army remains inside as Chief Makurin goes up in the wall to look from the sky. She sees Shikari Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure fighting side by side as they kill glitch mobs in the air and they flew up in the sky.

"They're fighting instantly, I can't imagine how they're fighting these things... Species whatever they're called! We're outmatched and out of place!" Chief Makurin said furiously as she continues to watch from up. The other guards continue to watch.

The guard looked down and sees the Shira's and the other finest swordsmans outside the gate on guard. The finest swordsmans are Fukushima Gakure with his other swordsmans behind him.

Fukushima Gakure remains awkwardly silent as his swordsmans behind him talks out loudly. Fukushima Gakure looked around and the area in the dense forest is getting thin fog slowly.

"The air, the dense forest is getting more dangerous as time passes," Chief Makurin said as she continued to look around. She turned around and sees her fifth army that they were getting frustrated with waiting.

She sees the sergeant of the fifth army. She signals to the sergeant that they can sit down for now but just be ready. She quickly turned around to continue looking outside the dense forest.

She quickly looked around the dense forest that is now getting darker and darker. "The middle of the day is near to its end, the dense forest will get dangerous and dangerous as the time moves or past," the guard said in a dark voice who is next at Chief Makurin.

Suddenly an Unknown starts grumbling in the distance. A couple of Swordsmens jumped in the far distance of the dense forest as big trees flew by the swordsmans.

The swordsmans quickly got in a defensive position as they fall downs on the ground. They quickly change the course of their swords and they look around them.

Shikari Gakure is on the ground finishing a couple of glitch mobs remaining on the dense dark part of the forest. Shikari Gakure normally walks as he sees a lot of glitch mobs running back to their portal as the body of glitch mobs glitches turns into different colors.

Shikari Gakure sees in the far distance up in the sky in his left that Hiroshi Gakure is in the sky fighting as he slays some of the glitch mobs as he falls. He quickly flew down as he slew some of the glitch mobs on the way down.

Hiroshi Gakure landed on the ground holding a glitch mob in the neck as he break the grounds as he lands. He stabbed it with his sword killing the glitch mob. He quickly flew up again to dodge the explosion that will happen when the glitch mob is killed.

The glitch mob explodes. He got back on his ground as another ten glitches surround him as he stands calmly and shows his demonic aura in the glitches who seems to not be scared.

Monoke Gakure in the dimension. He sees a lot of spirits around him. He turned around him and sees a spirit who is not looking at him. He sees that the spirit who isn't looking at him is a swordsman from the Ancient Eastern Mount Canyon. The swordsman has a blue scar on his left forehead.

Monoke Gakure reaches his left hand to his right. He opened a portal to the world, he slowly walks in as he remains his eyes on that spirit. He walks into the portal as he can finally breathe normally.

He appeared in the front gate of the east as Fukushima Gakure is stunned as he turned to his left and sees Monoke Gakure. "What the hell!?" Fukushima Gakure said as he looked at Monoke Gakure who is deadly serious.

The portal slowly closes behind him as Fukushima Gakure walked towards Monoke Gakure. He slowly walks towards him as he looked around.

The other swordsmans are terrified as they walk with Fukushima Gakure from behind. Monoke Gakure looked at him menacingly. Monoke Gakure turned around to the dense forest and begins to walk.

Fukushima Gakure stopped as his sweat dripped on his forehead. He looked at Monoke Gakure who calmly walked as a Glitch Mob suddenly appeared behind him. The glitch mob sword is pointed right at him as Monoke Gakure just walks by past the glitch mob.

Suddenly the glitch mob got decapitated leaving glitching colors behind and after a couple of seconds, the body of the glitch mob falls to the ground dead and exploded.

Fukushima Gakure quickly steps back as he realizes that Monoke Gakure is in serious mode. He walks back as he watches Monoke Gakure slowly walk to the dense forest.

Monoke Gakure walked by past the Shira swordsmans who remain standing. Fukushima goes back to his line as he watches more Shira's come into the dense forest.

He sees some of the finest swordsmans running into the dense forest and walking by past Monoke Gakure. Shikari Gakure is fighting one of the glitch mobs in the dense forest as the glitch mobs become more powerful and powerful over time.

He meets Hiroshi Gakure in the dense forest as they run towards each other. "The Dark Mobs may be troubled, but we can't prefer to lose a village or any swordsmans from now on!" Shikari Gakure said as he stopped in front of Hiroshi Gakure as they both looked around.

They both turned around and looked at their surroundings and they were getting surrounded by hundreds of Glitch mobs and Dark Mobs. Some of the glitch mobs and dark mobs are on the big tree branches above them looking at them.

Shikari Gakure sees a glitch mob who is holding a small glitch staff. "So we meet again... I honored you for coming his far but this is where you will end," the glitch mob said who is holding the small glitch staff as his body glitch and his speaking cuts off and cuts off as he speaks.

The glitch mob who holding the small glitch staff pointed right at Shikari Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure signaling to attack. A Dark Shira suddenly appeared on the left side of the Glitch Mob as it leaves dark trails behind the Dark Shira Swordsman.

Hiroshi Gakure and Shikari Gakure fight side by side as they go in a defensive position in the middle of the dense forest. They both see that the glitch mobs are glitchier than the other ones.

Suddenly Shikari Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure feel a strange blow of wind around them. They all stopped as the glitch mobs stop too and looked around them.

Shikari Gakure smells something where he's currently standing. "Wha-- a fire?.." Shikari Gakure asked as he looked to the ground and feels that is something is burning. He smells that something is burning.

Suddenly an earthquake occurred breaking the ground itself. The whole part in the middle of the dense forest suddenly starts to collapse. Shikari Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure floor started to break apart as they see lava flows below them.

A big cave started to open. A massive ravine starts to show as lava flows around the ravine. The glitch mobs fall to the lava and some of the darks. Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure jump high up in the sky as they watch the ground get eaten up by the lava.

"Lava? What is happening! This isn't normal! We need to team up with the other Shira's! Here grabbed my hand!" Shikari Gakure said as he looked to his ground and starts getting eaten by the have. Big trees and the leaves started to burn down.

Shikari Gakure reaches his hands towards Hiroshi Gakure on his right. He manages to hold his hand and they teleported out.

The glitch mobs the dark mobs and the dark shira swordsman leave the area immediately as the unexpected events started to happen. The glitch mob who is holding a small glitch staff started disappearing as his body glitched out leaving no trace behind and suddenly vanished.

In the front gate of the east. Suddenly they felt an abnormal abrupt of the ground. An earthquake occurs as the big tree moves abruptly. Monoke Gakure stopped walking as he stopped right at the right time before walking into the dense forest.

Shikari Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure teleported behind Monoke Gakure. Shikari Gakure left eye slowly turned into a normal eye as his left white eye slowly vanished.

They pulled back their swords and stand up straight. Monoke Gakure turned around pulled back his sword and begins to walk towards Hiroshi Gakure and Shikari Gakure.

"We're gonna report to the heads, the other Shira's can take care all of them but they still might die any time," Shikari Gakure said as he begins to walk towards the front gate.

The guards up in the wall and Chief Makurin are stunned as they see Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure who don't even have scars or blood or hurt in their bodies except for Hiroshi Gakure who still hasn't been changing clothes.

Hiroshi Gakure's wounds are already healed up as he walks with Shikari Gakure on the left side normally. Monoke Gakure quickly walks with them to the right. He looked around as they walk back.

Suddenly Monoke Gakure hears a sword-fighting left and right and a sword collided. The finest swordsman fighting a Dark Swordsman in the dense forest behind him as they both flew away. Monoke Gakure ignored them as he continued to walk.

Fukushima Gakure sees Shikari Gakure and the others who are dead serious. Fukushima Gakure looked straight and the swordsman behind him are looking to the other side.

Shikari Gakure Monoke Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure walked by past some of the Shira swordsmans and Fukushima Gakure and his swordsmans behind him.

The guards opened the gate as the fifth army looked at them. Shikari Gakure looks angry as they step aside and give away for the three. They walked in the front gate walking into the village.

The fifth army looked at them as Shikari Gakure Monoke Gakure and Hiroshi Gakure looked straight ahead not giving any vibes as they continued to walk.

Chief Makurin in the wall looked at them as she looked from high. She sees that those swordsmans are unbeatable. "Those swordsmans are unbeatable, like the Five Greats," the guard said in a dark voice as he walks towards the left side of Chief Makurin.

"Yeah but they're losing another man, it's Gakushin Gakure who is currently in the far south we haven't heard any reports about him since he leaves the village," Chief Makurin said as she turned around and looked back again in the dense forest.

The guard continued to look at the three. He sees some of the soldiers in the fifth army bowed at them as they continued to walk.

Fukushima Gakure begins to walk towards the dense forest as the sky starts to get darker. He put on his dark masked as he begins to walk. The other Shira's that are in front of him step aside to give away from him.

He flew towards the dense forest and the other swordsmans that his leading remain at the gate. Fukushima Gakure runs around the dense forest as he has his masked covering his face.

Suddenly a dark white particle started flowing on the Fukushima Gakure's sword. White particles started to flow on his mask as he looked around him. Big trees around him with big tree branches and covered with leaves.

"Monoke Gakure, go to the left side of the dense forest help the other Shira's and remain in the area keep them restrained, me and Shikari Gakure are gonna keep patrolling in the middle of the dense forest and the right parts of the dense forest we will keep it protected," Hiroshi Gakure said as he turned around at Monoke Gakure and sees him nodded they walked by past the whole fifth army.

"The other Shira's can handle the other part of the villages, we also have the finest swordsmans, and the Æ's, we also have powerful swordsman who isn't named Shira's or Finest," Shikari Gakure said as Hiroshi Gakure smiled.

"That's entertaining and good, those people will keep the village safe," Hiroshi Gakure said as he smiled even more. As he continued to walk he remembers his wife and his little son on the way.

In the middle of the dense forest. A ravine is slowly showing up as the earthquake stopped. Lava flows like a lava sword slowly show up in the ravine.

An army of Glitch mobs and Dark Mobs walk by past the lava swords in the ravine as they march in the sides of the ravine stays apart.

A Dark Shira Swordsman walked by past an Unknown Dark Portal on his right as he suddenly flew towards the east. The Dark Shira Swordsman pulled out his sword and dark magic started showing up in his sword as it flows around his sword leaving black particles on it with a dark spell cast.