Chereads / Honkai Impact: Invictus. / Chapter 95 - Side Story 5: Little Reunion

Chapter 95 - Side Story 5: Little Reunion

Xiao was ordered by his Archon to locate Ein, and he thought that he is probably in his store located at the outskirts of Liyue. But what surprised him is there were tons of people going to an extravagant building. "Wha? How did he?" He shook his head and thought he was a god. "Of course he can build something like that overnight. I need to find him."

He entered the building and felt strong wind at the top of the entrance, at 1st he thought that it was the work of an anemo vision holder, but that isn't the case. As he looked in wonder and stood there, thinking how does it work.

"Ahem, sir. Please don't clog the entrance, people are entering there." The guard at the entrance spoke as he scratched the back of his head and ran away. Embarrassed, acting unbefitting of a centuries old adeptus.

He then looked around and didn't know what to do. So he decided to ask a worker. "Excuse me, can I know where Mr. Ein is? I have something to talk to him about you see? Can you please tell him that Xiao wants to meet him?" The saleslady smiled and pointed to a map right on a pillar, as he thanked her and looked for his location. He immediately went to his office and knocked.

"Um, excuse me sir. This is Xiao, I need to talk to you." The door opened and he saw him sitting in front of a black table engraved with a golden dragon, holding a handheld device of some kind that was emitting sounds of what he could only think of as fighting.

"Hey Xiao, sup. Did you regress or something? I'm pretty sure I took out all of your karmic debt or whatever it's called." Ein was playing a game that he created. He and Phyllis made a company named mihoyo back in earth. He also copied Fate grand order and was mostly responsible for the anime industry's trillions of dollars of investment, sucking the gacha money out of whales.

"Ahhh, it isn't about that. And thank you greatly for your help in that matter. My benefactor just wants to thank you is all." He started to get nervous as Ein looked at him and analyzed him like a hawk.

"Hmm, well. I have plenty of time and my workers are quite competent, I'm not needed here anyway, lead the way kid." Xiao sighed in relief in his mind as he led Ein to the tea shop that Zhongli frequents.

"Mr. Xiao, Zhongli already awaits you inside. Please come in!" The receptionist at the entrance let them inside and they arrived at a private room. "Please, go in." Xiao gestured as Ein looked at the man sitting and he thought that he was familiar.

"Ein-san I presume? I am Zhong...Li..." He went silent when he opened his eyes and looked at his face. It didn't change one bit, with those slightly glowing green eyes and thick horns that pierce the heavens. Zhongli froze as Xiao got confused.

"Master Zhongli, this is Mr. Ein, he helped me with my karmic debt. If only the other yaksha met him sooner... Master? What's wrong?" Zhongli then gained his wits and a bead of sweat dropped from his brow. 'Does he remember? I sure hope he doesn't. I looked different from back then.' He gave a cramped smile. "Thank you for your help in curing Xiao Ein-san, if you like. We could write a contract that we will surely repay this debt."

Ein waved his hand and chuckled. "No no, it's nothing really. But, do I know you from somewhere? I'm sure I do, I don't forget anything. Did you change your appearance or something?" He then started to feel his aura and energy, it was very similar. But weaker than that time.

Zhongli panicked and stood up. "No no, I am sure you've mistaken me with someone." Xiao looked at him weirdly as he was normally a calm individual, he thought that Ein must be emitting a godly aura that only his archon can feel and it was quite something.

"Ahhh!" Ein put his fist on his palm and grinned wide. "Rex Lapis, it's good to see you again. How's the power rangers? Surely you've found a replacement for that red guy I killed? Now that I remember, he was annoying. You guys must be glad I wiped him off from the face of the earth." He laughed as Xiao's eyes widened from shock. 'He... He killed the 1st Pyro Archon?' He then gasped as he remembered the event that was called the divine cataclysm. He experienced it 1st hand, and it was true hell on earth, mountains cracked. Volcanoes erupted and the lands would split in half while meteorites fell and he thought that the world would end.

"Y-yes, he was replaced shortly and Teyvat was peaceful after that. May I ask what is the reason you've returned here?" He gulped nervously and tried to calm himself down, picking up a cup of tea, but his hands shaked like he has tremors.

"Ahhh, those were some good times. Sorry about that. Te he~" He stuck his tongue out and made a silly pose. "Some kids I know were last felt here, don't worry man. I am just a little merchant in Liyue now, I want to experience the culture here. Though where is Ei and Makoto? I gotta show them something." He had a picture of Mei, and Mei side by side. Looking like they were twins, he thought they'll be surprised and think they're them in a different dimension.

Zhongli sighed in relief and started to really calm down. Downing some water 1st before he talked. "The electro archon is in Inazuma, though the times hasn't been kind to them. As all immortals do." He closed his eyes and reminisced for a bit.

"Osmanthus wine taste the same as I remember, but where are those that share the memory." Ein then tried to remember Ei's and Makoto's aura, but the only one left was the former as he frowned. "I see, so her sister died. Well, I'll visit her later... Maybe give her a present for that video they did. The Mei's did give me a good laugh when I showed it to them." He sighed.

"If that is the only purpose you have here. I welcome you to Teyvat, just... Please be aware of the people, the population today is drastically different, they're more fragile now." Ein waved goodbye and left after drinking his tea.

Xiao that was contemplating then asked. "Master... Is he the one who caused the divine cataclysm? But he looks so peaceful and kind, what triggered it?" Zhongli sighed as he looked outside the window, having visions of the lands being destroyed. And it was even more brutal than the cataclysm at Khaenri'ah. The world almost died that day in just a couple of minutes, and he doesn't even want to think what would happen if Baal didn't bowed down and begged for their lives.

"He did, and it was our fault. Well, technically it was the Pyro archon's. He attacked suddenly and was then turned to a red stain on the ground after the next second. He didn't even attack us, just deflected everything we threw at him and the lands cried out in pain. Baal saved us all that day, and he restored the lands in a few hours then left." Xiao couldn't even imagine what happened at the epicenter of the titanic battle. He killed the Pyro archon who was called a god of war in an instant, and the remaining 7 couldn't even scratch his skin. "He. He's quite something alright." Xiao shivered as he remembered almost dying that day.


Ein was walking leisurely in Liyue and saw a pharmacy, "Bubu pharmacy? It looks fancy." He then went inside to check what does this world's medicine looked like. He was checking the ware and they were all eastern medicine, he was looking for the receptionist but he felt a little kid behind the counter that was hidden.

He frowned when he felt that she was an undead. "Hey little girlie, what's your name?" He leaned on the counter as the girl with bone white skin looked up at him. "Hello, I am Qiqi. A zombie... And I forgot what comes next." His brows narrowed as he sighed. "You the receptionist here Qiqi? I am Ein by the way." He patted her head and she looked at a diary, reading it for a bit. (Pic here)

"Yes, Qiqi is the receptionist at Bubu pharmacy, what do you need? I will forget your name Ein, so don't bother please." He sighed again and pinched her cheek. "I see, can I have a list of the medicines here and what they do? I'll have one of everything too."

She didn't flinch and just started to pack everything one by one, though he noticed that rigor mortis was slowly settling in her body. "Hey Qiqi, what snack would you like? Such a hardworking girl deserves one." He gave a smile as her eyes shone for a bit. "Coconut milk. It's from the legendary adepti beast cocogoat. But I don't know where it is and where they sell it." She shook her head as she continued to pack his medicines.

"Hmm, how about this?" He took out a glass of chilled coconut milk and gave it to her. "Ohhhh, are you the friend of that adeptus?" She then drank it and sighed. "Oooohhhhh, that's the real one. I can't taste it, but I can feel it."

His brow twitched and he decided to just ask. "Do you want to taste it?" She looked at him and shook her head. "I can't taste anything. I am a zombie, and even the gods can't make me taste it again." She then continued with her work after thanking him for the coconut milk.

"Well, how about I put a little magic on you?" He pinched her cheek and patted her head as her skin started to turn pinkish. Her heart started to beat again, and she then started to taste the remnants of the beverage on her tongue. She touched all over her body and looked at him with wide eyes. The expressionless face she always shows was broken for the 1st time in hundreds of years.

"I... Am I alive?" She teared up as he patted her head and gave her some candy and a glass of milk tea that used coconut milk. "Yeah, do be quiet though. It's our little secret okay?" He winked at her. She then hugged his leg. "Thank you, Ein-sama. I, I can eat again. Taste the cuisine... And truly live." He chuckled and lifted her up, patting her head. "Well, hard working girls deserve a reward. Go on then, continue your work." She nodded and packed his items at record speed as he stored them all in his inventory.

"Well, tell me stories of you trying everything again when we meet. See you later girlie, I wish you a good day." He then disappeared like a ghost, and she pinched herself thinking it was just a dream. She still has his milk tea that was cold and took a sip. "Hmmm~ I think I'll ascend to heaven." She drank it greedily as her head bobbed left and right. Enjoying the warm breeze that she once hated as it would decay her body faster.


Ganyu was working as she was the secretary of the 7 Liyue Qixing. Tirelessly aiding them for centuries since Liyue has been established. Honoring Rex Lapis' contract with her to oversee the nation. She then started to read the next set of paperwork. "Isekai Walmart? Is this a new establishment?" She then saw it was Ein's new general shop and smiled. "He works quickly, he already has a shop. Maybe after I finish here, I'll come over and take a look." She quickened her pace to go to his shop as it may close at night.

Ein returned to his shop in a good mood as he quite liked the little kid. Striving to live even as an undead, forgetting almost everything too. "Her memory was getting deleted like Hua, I just hope she'll live a happy life drinking coconut milk from now on." He chuckled as he entered his establishment and saw a woman dressed like a Miko with pink hair and fluffy fox ears, looking around in wonder. "Hoo boy, that kinda hits home. With the exposed side boobs and all." He remembered Sakura's get up when he 1st saw her. (pic here)

He then saw her face and his eyes widened. "What the hell, she looks like Sakura too. I guess this world is a bit too similar to mine, I just wish she won't introduce herself like a samurai again." He chuckled as she was too formal and followed the bushido code.


Yae Miko travelled to Liyue to visit her good friend Ganyu. She also brought some souvenirs and thought of messing with her diet. "Fufufu~ I hope she likes these." She brought with her all kinds of edible plants that would fit the Qilin's vegetarian lifestyle and wanted her hard working elder sister to lighten up a bit. (She's just like a sister. Not literally.)

She arrived at Liyue's harbor and was about to go to Ganyu's office to surprise her. But an interesting building entered her sight as it was playing japanese music. "Ohhh? An establishment made by someone from Inazuma perhaps? I have to make sure it is respectable then." She entered and was pleasantly surprised, as it looked different from the inside. She then roamed around and saw the clothing. There were a myriad of them, from clothes that matched Mondstad and Liyue, to the ones people wore in deserts. Even kimonos and yukatas from Inazuma.

"Ohhh, maybe Ei would like these?" She saw a purple yukata that was quite risque, as it was for cosplay. She giggled and thought that Ei would look wonderful in it.

"Hi, I'm Ein. The owner, I've never seen someone like you here before, are you a kitsune? I know someone that looks just like you." He greeted her as she looked at the tall man. 'A god? Or an illuminated beast running a store? Interesting...' "Why hello, I am Yae Miko. A visitor from Inazuma, you have quite the interesting shop here Ein-san. And you are an illuminated beast I presume?" She gave a smile as he nodded.

"Yeah, everyone asks. Maybe because of the horns, but I wish you would enjoy your visit here then." He winked at her and left, she chuckled at him and grinned. "Hmmm, an interesting one indeed. There's no one like him in Inazuma as far as I can remember, so why does he have the clothing from there. We haven't exported these many, I need to ask Ei about this." She left the establishment and went to see Ganyu, but she just missed her.

The half Qilin went to Ein's store and was surprised at his building. "Woah, how did he build this quickly? He must have powers to help him." She then entered and asked for directions to his office. Arriving at the door, it suddenly opened as she saw him. "Hmmm, Ganyu. What do I owe the pleasure? Surprised that I have such a nice store?" He chuckled as Ganyu pouted at him. "You should have told me, now I look silly because I genuinely wished you good luck. But I guess that wasn't needed."

"Hahaha, it gave me a little boost. Pretty girls cheering you on will give you some motivation, no?" He then stood up and they walked. "I'll congratulate you, how about I treat you to some food? This is monumental after all, an illuminated beast building a business." She has never seen one able to attract humans in her hundreds of years as a secretary of the Qixing.

"Hmmm, that sounds nice. Though you're quite daring Ganyu." He bopped her nose and laughed. "Asking me out on a date already, you smooth talker you." She blushed and squinted her eyes at him. "It's just a small celebration! And this is the 1st time that technically one of my kin was successful as a merchant." He smiled and patted her head. "Let's go then? Take me wherever you want."

Ganyu then checked her wallet but she noticed it wasn't there in her rush. "Ahhh, I forgot something Ein. Let's go at my office real quick." They went to her workplace and was surprised to see Yae waiting there.

"Hmm, it seems you finally ditched work and found yourself a man sister Ganyu." The pink haired woman gave a grin as she stared intently. "I apologize, it seems you guys are going to a date. Fufufu~ have you climbed the stairs of adulthood? Please do tell."

Ganyu blushed an atomic red as she glared at Yae. "He's an acquaintance of mine! And we're just going to celebrate his successful opening of his shop!" She snatched her wallet and narrowed her eyes at Yae.

"Fufufu~ whatever you say. Though I did not expect you to woo her Ein-san, well. You do look like a womanizer." She looked at him more clearly and he looked insanely beautiful. With long smooth hair that shined, if you don't look at his body or sharp jaw, you'll mistake him for a world ending beauty.

"Thanks, you're quite the looked yourself." Ganyu got confused as she stared at them. "Wait, you guys know each other?" Ein decided to tease her a bit and looked at Yae with a knowing look.

"Yes, we go ways back. You did notice I had clothing from Inazuma in my shop right? She actually told me to look for you in the docks before daybreak. A beautiful lady would help me there." Yae chuckled at his antics and instantly liked him better. "Ohh, that's right. I also sent him to take care of you, you workaholic." Ganyu was speechless as Ein laughed.

"Mumumumu! You guys are making fun of me." She pouted at Ein and huffed. "Well, you're quite fun to tease, Yae went by the shop earlier. Must have missed you when you came as well, I'm the one surprised here. What a small world." He shrugged and Yae stood up.

"Then, if it's not a date. I can come with, isn't that right Ganyu?" The Qilin got flustered as she straightened up. "That's right, is it all right with you Ein?" He nodded as they went to Ganyu's house, as Yae brought some souvenirs with her.

"Look at these, quite amazing aren't they? They're the best produce of Inazuma." Yae gave a sly smile as Ganyu gulped at the sight. 'No! I have to watch my weight... But they look delicious.' She had an internal battle as Ein observed the produce.

"Ooohhh, I haven't seen those before. Maybe I can have a contract with Inazuma to sell these at my shop? By the way, Ganyu, Yae, I'm quite the adept cook you know? How about I prepare some of these for you guys?"

Ganyu gained her wits and smiled wryly. "Please just don't put animal products in mine, if it's impossible. I'll prepare mine by myself."

"Oya? You're a vegan Ganyu?" She shook her head. "Qilins are vegetarians you see, but I can eat dairy. No fish and eggs though." He thought for a second and started to prepare their meals.

"So... How did you meet such a fine man sister Ganyu? And you even took him to your house, what a naughty girl you are." Yae gave a smug smile as Ganyu choked on her saliva.

"Wh-what are you talking about!? I did meet him at the harbor, and I thought he was an illuminated beast or adeptus. Though he asked me about them which was weird. Before I went to my duties he asked directions where he could establish his business. His horns and eyes were hidden at 1st too, he just showed it to me."

Yae listened intently, wanting to know more about the mysterious god or mythical beast appearing like smoke. "Ohhh? Did you let him touch your horns too? Such a lewd girl you are." She gave a sly smile as Ein heard it loud and clear. "Yare Yare daze, Yae will kill her with embarrassment."

After some time, Ganyu and Yae smelled appetizing aromas as they await for Ein to give them his food. "Order up, some eel kabayaki for the fox lady. And a fresh margherita pizza for the horn-y lady." Yae laughed as she gulped, seeing the beautiful and shimmering eel. Grilled with a sauce that glazed all over it.

Ganyu pouted, and sniffed the pizza and didn't notice anything wrong. She then gulped, not making a fuss about her diet as the delicious looking dish steamed.

They took a bite as they moaned in delight. "Hmmm! This can't be even called delicious. This makes my tongue and cheeks squeeze from being overwhelmingly good." He smiled as they ate with gusto, but still looking quite elegant.

They then finished and looked at their plates with a blank stare. "That was good." Yae mumbled as Ganyu sighed. "Yeah, it was... I wish I had more of it."

Ein chuckled and took out desserts. "Well, you will over eat ladies. But I got just the right thing to finish the night." He gave Ganyu a tiramisu without eggs and shaved ice with strawberry flavoring and sakura mochi to Yae. As their eyes shine. "Ohhhh!? Shaved ice with Mochi? You surely have good tastes." Yae digged in as Ganyu gulped. "Such a finely layered dessert, I shall partake." She took a spoonful and they both looked to be melting to their chairs.

"I guess ladies really do love their desserts huh?" He smiled as they ate happily. After a few minutes, they finished and were satisfied. "Phew, that was dangerous. I almost lost myself." Yae sweated and looked at Ein. 'Such considerable skill in the art of cooking, what a terrifying man. Though Ei could learn a thing or two from him.'

"Ahhh! I made Ein prepare everything, though it was heavenly." She gulped her saliva as she remembered the dishes he presented. "Hah! I need to control myself, or I'll gain weight..."

Yae and Ein laughed as Ganyu cleaned up the plates. "Ein-dono, you do know already right?" She gave him a look as he nodded. "Yeah, she's such a cute little cinnamon roll, I'll take care of her. Maybe help with her paperwork too, as I saw the mountains of it back at her office. Though I expect to be welcomed at Inazuma at a later date." He winked at her as she smiled.

"Good, and do not worry. The shogun would welcome you dearly, just prepare some little offerings like earlier." She giggled and imagined Ei tasting his food.

"I'll hold you to that." Ganyu returned as Ein stood up and went to her door. "Thanks for celebrating my grand opening Ganyu, goodnight. You as well Yae." He patted their heads and gave a smug look to the sly fox as she didn't expect him to do that.

He then left as Ganyu chuckled. "He got you there." She chuckled at Yae's surprised face, Yae then gave a grin at Ganyu. "Oho? I guess breaking your diet gave you the energy to tease back huh?" They bantered back and forth as Ein returned to his building, satisfied with his day.


Thanks for reading! I was inspired by Gimnaeng's vid about Yae Miko arriving at Liyue with food, and of course. Qiqi can now taste her favorite coconuts milku from the cocogoat. Though that would be later down the line.

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