HELLO!! A Consciousness screamed to the void with it none existing body but to it's dismay it still hasn't gotten a reply wow I guess I'm really here all alone huh the the voice talking to itself states I wonder how long I been in this place….. sigh if only I stayed in that damn line with all the others it said to itself all it could do is take the position of what it assumes is the Lotus position in its current state I wonder how I even got into this mess the being thought thinking of the past
Hello it nice to meet you a young man with above average look around the age of 18 says to a middle-aged man while shake his hand my name is...as the memory stop all you could here in the void is uhhhh what the hell is my name the being screamed out into the void so the being stopped to think of his name after an UNKNOWN amount of time passed the being's consciousness shook MY NAME IS ROBERT ADONAI !!!!the void trembled with power at the mention of his last name but the being seems to not notice
Well we're was I the being know now as Robert Adonai said oh yeah there …..as the memory Resumed hello nice to meet you Robert said as he shook the outstretched hand of the middle-aged man my name is Robert Adonai he said to the man thank you for see me today Robert said as he stood politely if front of the man's desk the middle aged man smiled as he shook his hand then motioned for Robert to have a seat in front of him which he did gladly as he sat down the man started the conversation well good afternoon Robert what brings you to our fine establishment the middle aged man said look at Robert with a smile
Well sir I'm usually a regular visitor to your hotel Robert said with a smile but today I come with the intentions to become a part of your fine hotel establishment Robert said with a serious but also not too serious face The middle-age man continues to listen to Robert with a smile motioning towards Robert to continue and that he did well like I was say I'm a regular here I come every month with my girlfriend to have a walk though your indoor park which I would like to say is very beautiful Robert said the man thanked his as Robert kept talking I even got the privilege to get know the head staff here and pitch out some helpful comments and information about the garden so I came over to try my shot at getting a job Robert said
The man seemed surprised by Roberts request but it did show on his face well Robert if you don't mind can you tell me Some of the tips you gave the head of staff the man said when the man said that Robert seem to glow with excitement as he told the man all that he told the head of staff about a week ago the man smiled but moments later while he was talking the man suddenly raised his hand towards Robert hinting him to stop after a short pause the man says to him
I love your Enthusiasm for my establishment But currently, I'm overstaffed and I'm not looking for anyone to hire here at the moment says the man look at me with a frown on his face now sitting there in awkward silence I nodded with understanding as I got up the man tries to say he may have a position open in a month but I knew he was just saying that to cheer me up while making my way out of the hotel I stop to stroll the indoor park as I made my way through the park I stopped at a wooden bench where you could see the initials A+B with a Heart around it unknowingly I begin to cry see the letters as I look up toward the sky to stop the tears from flowing
After a few moments of staying in that position I wiped my eyes of the tears and put on a false smile as I made my way away from the bench and out of the park back towards the exit of the hotel while walking out I see some staff smiling and waving to me as I smiled and nodded back with a heavy heart knowing what to come