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The seers I $#$$$##

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This is about a girl who dies who becomes the worlds scale

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - The beginning

1. This is a story About A magical world where One person watches over the world but he's not allowed to mess with anything that happens in this world he's only allowed to sit and watch things that go on in this world The only time that he is a loud to mess with the world is when the world is going to end but even then he can not help him self he hast to send somebody else to help his world this person cannot be from his World this person has to be from A different world and this person has to accidentally die to help the Other world and then he will give the person special abilities to help his world the person he sends Will have to save the world he finds himself in and with the person he sends saves his world the person can keep the gifts he gave them but if the person fails the person will have to spend the rest of their days alone lost never to be found again.

Explains the god of this world to a girl named Anna Beth AnnaBeth asks the god of this world how did I come to be here as she talks she looks around at her surroundings and notices she is in a big white room as she looks around She Sees a big beautiful pink and Red flower king size bed with a lace curtain The curtain wraps all the way around the bed the Curtain is purple with white and red roses Anna Beth walks to the write a notice is a cabinet in directly below the cabinet she sees a stove with a rose print kettle resting on it

Then she sees a sink right next to the stove Man she looks farther to the right and sees one round table 2 beautifully crafted chairs that have beautiful wooden red roses wrapped around the back of the chair to the legs of the Chair And on the seat is a fluffy cushion That looks like it has green Vines With little rose Buds on it. Then she looks farther to the right and sees a body length mirror with living purple roses wrapped all the way around it and on the edges of the mirror all little Golden statues of fairies. Then the god of this world says to Anna Beth can you hear me Anna Beth says I'm sorry I zoned out what did you say the god of this world replies I said you died and I brought you here to help me save my world. Anna Beth says I under stand but why did you choose to save me Anna Beth says to the god of this world. The god of this world replies out of every one in your worlds era you had the most open mind about this type of predicament . Anna Beth says this is true I've always believed something like this could happen. The god of this world replies I am glad you have such a open mind about this type of thing.

Most of the other humans I have brought here have all freaked out when I told them what happened and how they got here. You are one of the few that haven't freaked out when they heard my answer. says the god of this world to Anna Beth. Anna Beth asks the god of this world if he made all these beautiful things in this room the god of this world replies yes I did indeed make everything you see in this room and end my world that you will soon see .

The god of this world Says to Anna Beth I have to tell you about some of the magic you can do you here and in my world. There is Earth magic fire magic water magic ice magic wind magic dark magic light magic summoning magic and a few other types of magic that you will half to find for your self. No outs of the magic I have told you which one would you like to try Anna Beth replies l would like to try summoning magic.

The god of this world says summoning magic works the same as in your old world manga books. Anna Beth says to the god of this world so I will need a pen and a knife. The god of this world snaps his fingers and a pen and a knife appear in Anna Beth's hand Anna Beth takes the Cap off The red marker. Then she draws a circle on the ground then she right the name

mo mon in the middle of the circle. Van she takes the Knife and does a shallow cut on her palm Then the blood from The cut trips in to the center of the circle Then poof a mo mon Is standing in front of Anna Beth. Anna Beth Says I will tell you what a mo mon is for those of you that you who do you not know. A mo mon is a monkey with a base of a man and the wings of A starling. And now I will tell you why they are so useful A mo mon can do you magic and can lift over for 1500 Times the amount yet ways. And it likes to give someone a ride by I think it's arms and legs around the salmon ours back then it Will talking and tail and why the salmon or around forever he or she wants to go. Then the god of this world says to Anna Beth you have 10 witches. they can be whatever you would like. Anna Beth says to the god of this world I would like to be able to do any type of magic. The god of this world snaps his fingers and no Anna Beth Can do you any type of magic that exists in this world. The god of this world says to Anna Beth is there anything else you need before I tell you how to get to my world. Anna Beth says I would like a pair of clothes that are easy to run in and move in but I do not want this to be one of my wishes because I only have 9 wishes. The god of this world says to Anna Beth Will this work.

Anna Beth says to the god of this world these clothes will do nicely. They look well crafted. The god of these world says to Anna Beth I'm happy that you like the clothes a gave you. Anna Beth says to the god of these world I am happy with the clothes. But how do I get to year world. The god of these world Sis to Anna Beth first I haft to Say there will be a guide waiting for you when you get to My world. Anna Beth says Is my guide a Elf. The god of this world says to Anna Beth your guide is a elf he has silver hair and blue eyes and he is tasked with showing you or anyone I've sentto my world around. He will show you everything there is to see in my world then he will bring you to stop the fighting between the humans and CHIMAERA. Picture of the CHIMAERA .

- [ ] There god of this world says to Annabeth you can either save the humans or you can save the CHIMAERA are you can choose to save them all. But it is a lot harder than it sounds but you can do it if you want to the choice is up to you. And now I will tell you how to get to my world and as the god of this world talks he snaps his fingers then he says first you need to reach into your left hand pocket. Anna Beth slowly reaches in to her left hand pocket and pulls out a skeleton key and who is it out in front of her and asks what do I do with this. The god of this world respond you go over to The fairy near and hold the skeleton key out in front of you and you will see a lock up here on the mirror then you stick the key in to the lock and turn it then you will get sucked in to the mirror and be spit out in my world. And the only way back is to go to any mirror in my world and you have to stick the key i near of the any mirror and A lock will appear and then you stick the key in to the lock and turn it in and you will come back here. And this is how you get to my world and back. But no one from my world can come back here with you and if they try they will die. And with you always keep a small mirror on you you can get back here any time you wish. And now that I have told you how all the stuff to get to my world and back you can begin your quest to save my world. Please help me. 🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️ Anna Beth says to the god of this world I will go and see if your world. See you later then she takes the key out sticks it in front of the mirror land turns the lock then gets sucked in to the mirror. And then she gets spit out of the mirror and notices she is in a little cabin in the woods then she notices a wooden chair with a elf sitting on the he says I've been waiting for you. The elf has long white hair and blue eyes and says the Savior has come at last as and as he Speaks he Bows to Anna Beth and Anna Beth and says you do not need to call me the savior of this world you can call me Anna Beth or you can just call me Anna no I would like to know your name please The elf says my name is crodorian . crodorian says to Anna Beth I have waited two Thousand centuries for this day. And as he talks he has tears coming out his eyes. Then he smiles at Annabeth and says All that you have to do is ask and it will be done with it is within my power to do so. I assume the God has told you what you were supposed to do on this earth. Anna Beth smiles and says he has indeed told me what he would like for me to help him do on his earth. And you are the guide he talked about aren't you?. Crodorian Says I am indeed your humble guide. I will help in any way possible to make your wish reality lady Anna Beth Anna Beth blushes and says I was wondering if you know how to use Magic Mr. Crodorian crodorian says please just call me crodorian. Miss Anna Beth crodorian says I can indeed use mandrake. Annabeth says that is perfect can you teach me how magic works in this world. Crodorian says I will indeed teach you the magic I can do. I can do life Magic I can also do you earth magic and light magic and fire magic and dark magic and a little bit of soul magic but so magic is very difficult to learn. Addressed first learning how to do ice magic. Anna Beth says then can you teach me how to do you ice magic. Crodorian says yes lady Anna Beth first I will need to gather some supplies and then crodorian walks over to the sink and turns on the one in fills up a little wooden bowl with the water and brings it over to Anna Beth then he says you need to stick your hand over the water like this then he reaches his hand over the ball and says lift up my head turned to the sky water and then the water in the bowl floats above it then he says to Annabeth you can give it a go. Annabeth sticks her hand over the bowl and says lift my head turns this guy and the water in the bowl floats above the bowl and then Annabelle says with you ur hand above the mole and says the water show they sharp things and as she speaks the water transforms into long dagger shaped ice shards and then she says with them in the air or water Play play self to sleep in mobile and then the ice turns back to water and goes into the wall Crodorian says to Anna Beth I have nevter seen a living being able to do this this first. You are very unique. Annabeth says thank you it is one of the gives God gave me. Anna Beth asks crodorian are there any lakes ar rivers near here? Crodorian says why yes there is one leak in one river. The river is closer to where we are now. Would you like me to take you to the river ? Anna Beth says to crodorian why yes please take me there Crodorian Says please follow me and he walks and Anna Beth follows close behind him as he goes through the door. When Anna Bath steps through the door she sees a big forest with tons of pine trees and trees in a red would trees in the elf walks down a narrow path and Annabeth follows close behind him as they walk do you see a elf Village ways away from the little track in the world they go past the Village and walk for a couple hours until they get to the River Internet looks across the water and sees a beautiful little island in the middle of the river and says am I allowed to make a house on that island? It is so beautiful. And Crodorian says to Anna Beth you can indeed build a house on the island if you wish to. Anna Bethsays great that would be awesome thank you very much for telling me that. MIE loud to do you magic here? Crodorian says to Annabeth of course you can would you like me to make you some targets out of earth magic? Anna Beth says yes please Crodorian puts his hand out in front of them and says earth awaken from your long slumber and become my golems and then The earth in front of him began to twist and turn. And then three human shaped golems appeared and he said to the golems you to evade the girls are use magic. You oh not allowed to run from hell. Then he turns to Anna Beth and says to her you can now proceed with your practice my lady. Anna Beth turns to face The Water and put her hands out and says water come forth and Do you mine bidding. And show them your icy embrace. Then a fog starts to Former on the water slowly surrounds the earth golems and slowly starts freezing Them in to solid blocks of ice then Anna Beth says water he'd make a man twist and turn and bend make me a spear is quick insert as you can then 10 spears made out of ice went flying and hit the earth golems shattering them into millions of tiny frozen pieces of frozen Earth