The wind blew through Lean's hair, and electricity ran through his skin as he felt the firm arm that was perfectly fitted around Leansei's waist, reddening his face.
"What's happening?"
"What the hell is going on?"
"An attention seeker!"
"He dares!"
Leansei immediately backs away from the blue murcial eyes and fixes his uniform. He only had his head down to hide his reddish cheeks.
' What the hell is he thinking?! It's very awkward. '
"You should ask your fans not to run towards people. It's an inconvenience. " Leansei said as he emphasised the word
' fans.'
But the blue murcial eyes were emotionless while looking at Lean's face, and that made the atmosphere quite full of awkwardness and tension.
"Idiot." The guy said as he walked past Leansei. Lean was left dumbfounded.
' W-what?! Well, what a moron! What do I expect from a crosswalk arrogant and grumpy jerk? ' Leansei said in his mind, unconsciously saying,
"Arrogant crosswalk bastard." He was about to leave when he felt someone grab his collar behind him. This rendered Leansei unable to walk away.
" W-what--let me go!-- " Leansei flinched when he felt the blue-eyed guy's presence behind him. The guy stopped behind Lean's back and leant his head forward near Lean's cheeks.
Leansei was able to smell the same perfume scent from the first time they met and the minty breath from the guy's mouth.
Unconsciously, Leansei tried to elbow him, but the blue-eyed guy managed to block his attack. Leansei flinched when he felt the dark prescence of the guy.
"What did you call me?" A calm yet deep tone from the guy
"Bastard." He said it fearlessly and stepped on the blue-eyed guy's feet. That made him let Leansei go, and he ran away as fast as he could.
He turned to the abandoned building and stopped as he was continuously gasping for air.
"Weird bastard." Leansei said, while catching his breath.
Leansei leant against the wall as he wondered who that guy was. The presence was enough to piss yourself, the stare was indeed terrifying, and the posture and voice were purely manly.
Leansei heard the breeze and leaves blowing from the ground. The sound of dancing trees as they move to the rhythm of the wind and the chirp of birds in the branches of a large tree.
Leansei walked towards the tree and lay on the grass as he looked at the tree.
Leansei smiled when his hair flew in the wind. He didn't think he would experience this in his life. He never tried to enjoy it nor think about the expenses and work he needed to do after the class.
Leansei thought to himself that even just once—just once, he wanted to enjoy this freedom and enjoyable life. He wants to try living Kean's life, even just for once.
' Will that be known as selfishness? '
"Nice breeze, isn't it?" Leansei immediately sat up when he heard a familiar voice. It was Revin that was leaning against the wall while holding a leaf in his hand.
Leansei looked away as he remembered the punch he had given him. Lean tried to avoid eye contact as Revin stared into Leansei's eyes.
"Look, I don't regret punching your face. It's not really appropriate to sneak like that. But I'll apologize since it's not good to punch someone just because of their own interest. " Leansei said while gently rubbing the grass he was sitting on.
"I don't mind. I.. What I mean is.. why don't you know who I am? " Leansei looked at Revin and was unable to speak.
Leansei doesn't know that Kean is known by many people, but he has a terrible relationship with everyone. Lean wondered if Kean had friends or true friends, but he also knew he may not have one.
"I can't remember anyone. I have amnesia. "
"Is that so? Then when did you learn to punch someone?" Leansei was caught up. He doesn't know that this guy was very observant or that he really knew Kean that much.
"Why? Doesn't everyone know how to punch someone? " Leansei's sarcastic tone.
"In that case, Are you--" Leansei immediately stood up when the bell rang.
"Oh look at that, it's time for class." He said, trying to avoid Revin's question. Leansei walked past him and tried to walk faster, but the guy was following him.
"Hey, wait up," Revin said as he tried to chase Leansei.
When Leansei tried to concentrate on the lectures, a few hours had passed. The looks and glances he received from the students in his classroom, particularly Revin's stares, irritated him as the hours passed.
Leansei stretches his arms while walking to the parking lot. When the classes ended in the afternoon, he immediately ran away and hid from Revin. He almost got to meet the blue murcial eyes. Leansei really tried his best not to get seen by that weird bastard.
' Well, I survived. Who said I couldn't survive this day? ' Leansei said, with overconfidence in his thoughts.
But that's just what he thinks.
Someone covered his mouth and tightly gripped his arm as he walked through the parking lot towards the narrow street.
He tried to struggle, but he was thrown to the ground. He felt the pain from the punches in his stomach as he looked around.
It was a group of troublesome students. There are a total of six guys who are smoking with slobbish uniforms. There was one guy who was sitting in the wooden crate with a cigarette in his mouth.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" a voice from him said.
"It appears, Mr. Boss, like he doesn't remember anyone. " A voice from a guy who abducted him a while ago.
The "boss" threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it while smirking at Leansei. But Leansei just looked at him blankly.
Leansei couldn't care less if they beat him for a valid reason, but if he was beaten for a nonesense reason. He won't let it pass.
The leader of the group walks toward Lean's and grabs his hair to force him to look at him.
"What is that disgusting look? You don't have the right to look at me like that! " When Leansei is punched in the stomach again, he groans in pain. He coughed blood and spit it on the ground.
"Who are you?" Leansei said, with a cold tone and a glare.
The leader of the group gave him a mischievous laugh and rubbed his neck. "You don't really remember? What the f*ck is this? " he got a disbelief tone from him.
Leansei fearlessly looked at him with an expressionless face. He wiped the blood from his mouth. "Just tell me what I did. Give me a valid reason. "
"You don't have the right to talk to the boss like that!"
Leansei groans in pain again when he is kicked from behind. He kneeled as he put his hands on the ground.
"Well, you disgusting shit. Let me let you remember. " He said and walked towards Leansei as he grabbed his collar to lift him up. "As for beating you, it's just my hobby. " A smirk from him.
Leansei clenched his fist and glared at the guy. "Then, die." A dark voice from Lean as he punched the guy's face and gave a force from his toe to the guy's stomach that made him let Lean go and give him a flying kick in his face.
The leader of the group fell down on the ground as he was knocked down. Leansei glances at the five guys, who are startled by what happened.
"Who is he?"
"Is he really kean?"
"Shit! Help our boss! "
"Give him a beating!"
Leansei clenched his jaw and removed his blazer to prepare for the attack. He managed to block all their punches. With great timing, he caught one guy's hand and kicked the stomach of the second guy. Leansei twisted the hand of the one guy behind his back, but someone hit him with a wooden stick.
Leansei fell down as he groaned in pain. He looked back and it was about to hit him again, but he rolled over and kicked the third guy's chest as he held the wooden stick and pulled it towards him, then he kicked the third guy's jaw upwardly.
He stood up, but he was distracted when someone kicked his stomach, making him push against the wall. Leansei continued fighting with the two guys left. As their attack continues to hit Lean's back and stomach, he coughs up blood.They never tried to hit his face.
He got to kick their faces and stomachs, but Lean suddenly leant against the wall, sensing Kean's weakness and fragility. He could feel that his body was reaching its limit. He was unable to stand due to the short stamina that Kean's body had.
Leansei thought that he wouldn't be able to experience this again, but here he is again fighting and getting beaten by people. He thought Kean was living his life with freedom and enjoyment, but deep down he was being bullied and beaten by the deliquents group.
Leansei wondered if this was also the reason why he met with that accident. He also believes that if Kean's life before the incident had been this miserable, Leansei would understand Kean's despondent lifestyle. Lean can feel that Kean's body is weak and frail. He could feel that Kean was prone to sickness, and that made his body flimsy.
It was totally different from Lean's body and life. Leansei was used to being beaten in gang fights. During fights, his fists were made of steel.His body was strong enough, with over-average stamina. He never backs down in fights, but he stopped getting involved in fights when his parents died. He started working and, at the same time, going to school. That has made his life purely miserable since then.
Leansei worked hard with multiple part-time jobs so as not to die of starvation. He worked hard for the expenses and debts his father left before he died. He couldn't enjoy life like other people. All he did was go to school in the morning, earn money after class until past midnight, and cycle.
Considering he never got to enjoy it since he was born,
But in Kean's life, it is not really good either. He may have had a stable financial life with a perfect family, a wealthy life, and attended a prestigious school, but he was treated like shit both at school and at home. He was bullied and beaten by people who knew him.
Kean and Leansei's lives are purely miserable, but Leansei still believes that Kean's life is much more good than his. But he can't simply take Kean's life and enjoy it.
He may enjoy this way of life, but Kean's soul may still be somewhere, or they may have been swapped.
Leansei was bearing the pain as he looked at the guys who were knocked down on the ground. Leansei tried to stand on his feet, enduring the pain in his body. He grabbed his bag as he slowly walked towards the exit of the narrow street. But his consciousness is betraying him.
Leansei wondered if he was going to die. He could feel the numbness in his body. He tried to strengthen his spirit and senses, but his knees suddenly stumbled on the ground. Leansei's eyes were slowly closing as his body fell into the ground.
"Damn this body."
He did everything he could to stand, but his body was weak from lack of stamina and numb from the pain. Leansei gradually closes his eyes. But then he saw a pair of shoes in front of him. He tried to look at him, but it was a blurry vision.
He tried to reach him, but he was losing consciousness. All he thought before being swallowed by darkness was the same presence he felt back then and the same scent that he was avoiding.