Chapter 102 - PAGE 6

The girl hunted down the descendants of all those girls and killed them sadistically and ruthlessly. The girl is unable to get any closer to John for he is terrified of her. So she changes into the form of a Wolf cub and approaches. John looks at her and says "Hey there little guy are you lost?" She looks at him and he says "Come here I'll watch over you" She wags her tail and goes to John looks at him and affectionately licks his hand John pets her and says "You can stay with me if you wish" She nods and wags her tail joyfully as she is once again by his side. John says "I think I'll call you Jade" She loves her new name and wags her tail happy. John says "Jade it is than" Jade stays by John's side constantly always being affectionate and loyal she helps hunt food stands watch while he sleeps and never leaves him alone. Than one day an Elf girl finds John she says "Hello sir my name is Lucy an Elf might I ask what your purpose here is?" John says "Training and survival please call me John" Jade growls at Lucy and stands between her and John. Lucy says "Oh so do you plan to hurt the forest?" John says "No I would never harm such a nice place" Lucy says "Very well just don't do anything to our forest" John says "I won't" Lucy eventually leaves Jade growled at Lucy the entire time she was there and once Lucy was gone Jade stopped growling at her.