Chapter 99 - PAGE 3

Through all of that she had devloped a mask that she cultivated to hide behind and be viewed as sane and normal. She than begain the training phase of her life. Than came her service in the Holy Church. One generation a genuis taught her how to analyze an enemy and predict their attack trajectory movements everything. She was than reincarnated as supernatural monsters. Than came the end of those eras and eventually civilized eras. Humanity took in slave system the girl was made a slave one point. Than domestic soon Summoning Demi Human races were than caught in thhe middle of a war between Demons and Humans God's Angels they were long since gone mysterously vanishing. Than came the wearor of the Amulet of Immortality he mastered the training of the Gem obtaining unrivaled abillity he looks around and says "The world is back to normal odd" The man becomes a mercenary to improve and adapt to the fighting of the world while also gaining combat expierence. Four thousand years later he mastered the world's fighting stlyes and had four thousand years of battle expierence. He than looks at himself his body has aged weakened sagging basicly a skeleton kept alive through the Amulet of Immortality and his power he says "Hey buddy mind doing something about this for me?" The Amulet shines and the man's body is reduced to dust and like a phoeniz he is reborn from the ashes. At the same time the girl is reborn as a Wearwolf.