Chapter 28 - PAGE 28

John shows Rouge a new armor crafted with Dragon enchanted with resistances to all Elements magic enchantments healing self repair and Elemental energy along with weapons and gear with the same modifications. Rouge says "I love it John thank you" John puts it away he also made a set for himself and his companions he than gets an idea and says "Lucy says that she was brought back from the brink of death by a healing stone in the ground" John gathered two thousand healing stones two thousand healing potions antidotes and the like he says "Gotta be ready for anything" John uses healing abilities to help out and by draining the healing ability from the stones and potions as well as his own healing abilities and the cloak of healing he used when he killed his first Dragon he manages to craft a shirt of resurrection he was only able to make one so he wears it himself always. The shirt had a delay affect that forces the wearor to wait awhile before it starts automatic recovery. Naturally the shirt was useless to anyone who doesn't have the inner will to resist death and even if someone can resist death unless they can resist it long enough for the auto healing to activate the shirt was wasted. John says "I wonder who else might have benifited from this shirt" John thinks about it than says "Lucy and Flare I don't see anyone else doing that" Six months after the battle with the Dragon God and his team.