The monsterish John was targeted by the holy church tilted as blashamous and a heritic. John was a man on the run ever since. No one stood a chance except with magic items or enchanted items could they damage or fight against John. Dark magic users ambush John and attack. They are overwhelming John who has zero resistance against Dark elemental magic however that is not enough to kill such a monster. An army of Dark magic users from each nation resulting in 500 armies of Dark magic users attacked John together after his first encounter. John was being killed by his attackers who would switch out for new attackers and exhausted ones to recover an endless attack. John faught through it using his magic resistance strength recovery healing to withstand the attacks while he was gaining dark magic resistance. Dark elemental monsters Darkness Dragons also joined in the attack. John was suffering however before he could be killed his resistence to Darkness evovled to a monsterish level where not even his attackers could scratch him. With the defense against darkness he gained John managed to overwhelm and kill all of his attackers. Later John was attacked by the opposite element of light. The result was the same. At this time The Demon king sent his general Lucifer who was an overwhelming spiritual monster as powerful as John. As well a strategist who could directly attack someone's magic circuts or attack or interfere with their flow of magic. As well as a supporter who had the ability to summon the undead and monsters to fight for them. As well as a member who could enslave people with slavery magic. The team attacked John.