4.8%-->4.9!--> 5 FUCKING PERCENT!
<[unlocked] evolution:
1)independent small sand cactus
2)independent small wind cactus
3)parasitic sand cactus pup
4)parasitic wind cactus pup
5)subordinated medium wind cactus
6).... >
I didn't need to look any further. Since the day I reencarnated, I've been instinctively aware of all my status and unlocked evolutions, I didn't even need to look at them in the first place to know I've unlocked my parasitic class path.
That's why I've already judged that, in order for me to both maintain my independence (not become my 'parent' puppet) and for me to still be able to survive. I'd have to become a parasite.
If I become independent I'd either die from dehydration or from being taken over by my 'parent'.
It's not like, I wouldn't be able to parasite of off him after if I become independent.
After all, all a evolution does is tailor my abilities to better fit a specific task or goal.
It doesn't make me worst on a subject or weak against a certain element. If it did, it wouldn't be fit to be called EVOLUTION but ADAPTATION instead.
An good example would be a 'fire' element variant, it wouldn't take extra damage against 'water' varients even if fire is weak against water.
All it would have going against it is the fact that water magic is innately strong against fire magic.
If I chose to become independent my roots, my water absorption and photosynthesis skills would either evolve or improve.
As such, becoming 'independent' wouldn't mean I would lose my aura, after all everyone has aura. Regardless if it's me or my 'parent'.
What it would mean, is that my parent would start 'seeing' me as a separate 'independent' being, and all of his aura (which is currently coursing through me) would be able to parasite me.
There's not even a need to speak about the 'subordinated' class path, not only is its potential only at 'medium' but...
It quite literally means becoming a slave to my 'parent'.
The other options are either locked or just plain useless.
All I've got to decide now, is the element... Wich element should I chose.
Well for starters, I'm in a literal desert, so sand is kinda obvious, everything beneath me would be the domain of my magic.
Air would be the opposite, if it took wind, everything above me would be the domain of my magic.
In a way this choice is more about which direction I want my magic to go, up or down.
If I chose 'sand' I'd probably be able to feel any undergrownd enemies, I'd probably also be able to use sand like a wall or barrier against attacks.
In the other hand if I chose 'wind' , I'd likely be able to grow my roots through the air and absorve water from the clouds, maybe I'll even find a way to be see further away or maybe spread my seeds further.
Honestly... I want to chose 'wind' , it's not just about the fact air magic sounds more useful in a non-combat situation or that 'wind' magic might allow me to better be a 'parasite'.
It's MAGIC damn it, 'sand' magic sound cool and all, but I can't stop imagining a giant root floating in the sky.
Cactus growing upside down to the earth or... If I where to chose sand on my next evolution floating islands.
Sand sound cool but... 'wind' sounds cooler.
<[Pick] evolution:
(parasitic wind cactus pup)>
+attached normal cactus pup [detected]+
+analyzing potential.... [pup]+
+potential drained from [pup]-->[pup]+
*first evolution dected.... Aging evolution skill pack activated*
-[new]spike creation (lvl 0)-
-[new]orchid creation (lvl 0)-
-[new]fruit creation (lvl 0)
=needs to evolve at least 3 times to unlock
-[new]flower creation (lvl 0)
=needs to evolve at least 2 times to unlock
+analyzing class.... [attached]+
+class evolved from [attached] -->[parasitic]+
-[new]aura training (lvl 0)-
-[new]aura vision (lvl 0)-
-[new]seed infestation (lvl 0)
= needs 'fruit creation (lvl 1) to unlock
+analyzing element/s.... [normal]...
*first evolution dected.... Transforming [normal] element into [wind] element*
-[old]< young root growth> ( lvl 5) turned into
-[new] wind mana manipulation (# level) -
-[new] focused hearing {wind-type} (lvl 1)-
-[new] tiny wind-pressure resistance (lvl 9)
Woah.... That a LOT of stuff... For starters I can hear now, never noticed I couldn't before, but, it's good to know I guess.
Second, seems like skills have max levels... honestly I'm not that supreised, I could see my root skills getting op real quick.
And third , holy shit, I have flowers now, I'll be the most beautiful cactus in the intire desert.... Besides that fire cactus over in the horizon...
Hmm....i swear every time I look at him, he looks bigger... Or closer? Well either way it must be my imagination, I once heard silence and solitude makes people go crazy after all.
Let's just go look at my status, hmmm, is it possible to make it more presentable?
(A. N. Status on "next" chapter)