OK, in order for me to make sure everyone can follow along with the story, I'll explain a little about how cacti biology works on my book..
P.s. I haven't studied biology since the seventh grade, so I don't remember n all that much about biology, but I've been making some research for this novel soo... Please correct me if you find something wrong
P. P. S. If there is anything you don't understand please comment.
1)cactus stem
A cactus stem is the only thing they need, in order to survive, the 'roots' can pop out and the 'areoles' be reaped off, and the cactus will simply regenerate them.
The branch like things that cactus have, 'spikes' and 'glochids' can grow from there.
Glochids are little balls of spikes with barbs on the tip
On earth its a oily or waxy layer on plants, they are usually hard on cactus, In this world they are more like an armor.
Skin beneath the 'cuticle' VERY thick on cactus in order to protect from the environment and with very little pores in order to preserve water.
6)Mesophill layer
Layer contains 2 types of cells responsible for photosynthesis (WILL NOT TALK ABOUT THEM INDIVIDUALLY) and the 'veins'.
I will usually refer to it as, "I can feel energy being absorve in my mesophill layer" or "I can the power coursing through my 'veins' "
Veins are located in the middle of the 'mesophill layer' .
They have the phloem (WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT IT) wich transport nutrients to the roots, fruits, stem, etc...
And the xylem (WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT IT) wich transport water and a little bit of nutrients to the rest of the roots, fruits, stem, etc...
(mainly transport absorbed nutrients from the mesophyll layer, or water from the roots, to the rest of the body)
They have the xylem (WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT IT) wich transport water and a little bit of nutrients to the rest of the roots, fruits, stem, etc...
And the phloem (WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT IT) wich transport nutrients to the roots, fruits, stem, etc...
*will be used to parasite in this novel (for simplicity sake)
(mainly transport nutrients and water from the roots to the veins, wich will transport them to the rest of the body)
Absorb a little bit of atmospheric water, are barbed and can naturally dissolve after a few weeks.
(A real thing, look it up. Sometimes is better to not take out spikes from a cactus , because it will dissolve after a few weeks and if you take it out you run the risk of infection.)
1)Want water?
Go to the roots(source of water) or to the veins (transport of water), to the epidermis (usually keeps extra water) or to the fruit(keeps water)
2)Want nutrients?
Go to the veins (transports nutrients), to the fruits(keeps nutrients), to the epidermis (usually keeps extra nutrients ) or to the roots (very low amount of nutrients absorbed from the ground)
3)What gets us water?
(spikes also absorb a little bit of water)
4)What gets nutrients AND does photosynthesis?
Mesophill layer
(roots also catch a little bit of nutrients)
5)what keeps bad guys away?
Spikes and glochids located on the areoles.
There are also spikes growing on the outer epidermis and poking through the cuticle.
6)What is the skin?
7)What is the main body? Can it survive if the rest of the body is dead?
Stem and yes
8)What is the armor? What does it look like?
Cuticle, it looks like a hard oily layer