I thought I needed you to survive... but in reality, with you there I was making it harder on myself... I thought I needed you to be at every event that I thought was important to me. Every day when I was sad or had a bad day, I thought I needed you. You were never there anyways. all I would get is one-word responses, voicemail, left on read. it's been six months since you left, since I last saw you. I miss you so much sometimes and I sometimes wonder how i got here without you but wonder how I am finally happy. You leaving helped me find myself. I thought I needed someone to tell me how beautiful I was, how perfect I was... to feel self-worth. But I was the one needing to tell myself that. I don't need a guy that didn't put much effort into me as hard as that is to say... I miss you like crazy for some unknown reason. miss your hugs,smile,big heart... but all those went away after you broke up with me and ghosted me. 5-year friendship down the drain. Still can't see anything wrong with you. But I guess for now... this is goodbye even though I don't want it to be.