As the early morning sun rays shine, somewhere in a forest was a young unconscious girl laying on the ground. As a leaf falls on her nose she scrunches up her face, her eyes fluttered open. Red eyes scan their surroundings. The red eyed girl sits up and scans her surroundings. "So your finally awake." A soft voice says. The young girl jumps seeing a woman suddenly sitting in front of her. "Who are you? and where the hell am I!?" The red eyed girl asks scooting away from the older woman.
"Well to answer the first question, I am the goddess of reincarnation. And your in a world called 'Eclacia'." The goddess explains. "And you Hinokami," She taps the girls' nose. "Are the person I have chosen to save this world." The goddess waits for the young girl to answer but was met back with silence. "Um, Hinokami?" She waves her hand in the young girls face.
"Y-you killed me!" She yells and the goddess rolls her eyes. "I-it was an accident!! That truck wasn't meant to hit you, you were supposed to die a different way!" The goddess retorts. "But you still did it! And why me anyway? I'm sure there's a bunch of people out there that would love to be here instead of me." Hinokami says crossing her arms. "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE SH-" The goddess stops herself and sighs trying to regain her composure. *This fucking kid...!"
"Listen, you were the only on I could get to at the moment," The goddess explains. "So for killing you, I'll give you a system to help with your mission. You remember the talking voice while making your avatar right?"
"Yes- wait I'm as my avatar now!?" The goddess just blankly stares at her. *How can someone be so dense!*
"You can worry about that later!" She shouts gaining the young girls' attention once again. "Listen I brought you here because this world needs saving, and I'm on a very tight schedule so I have to do this quickly." She says. "I have given you a system to help you level up and answer all of your questions. Now, the church had originally summoned you but I decided to move you here instead." Hinokami then speaks. "Why didn't you just leave me with them? I'm now out in the middle of nowhere!"
"Trust me, I did you a fucking favor. The church that summoned you is in the Kingdom called 'Okasis'. They are a corrupted church thanks to the second eldest son of the Lord of Okasis. But besides that, your the hero who's supposed to defeat the demon lord who resides in Gulfen." The goddess says, hoping that the younger girl is listening this time. "So the cliché Isekai plot?"
"Yeah pretty much."
"You seem pretty chill about this. You good?" The goddess asks. "I'm actually freaking out, but I think I'll be fine." Hinokami says. "So in short, I have to fulfill this ancient prophecy? That sounds pretty cliché to me, is there anything else I need to know?"
"Well.... I might've tampered with your age a bit..." The red eyed girl just blankly stares at the woman. "Huh?"
"You know how you used to be seventeen?" The older woman asks. "Well, your fifteen now. But you'll do fine! There's a lot of women in this world that won't mind dating someone as cute as you." The goddess chuckles and the young girl just stares at her. "Wait w—" "Anyways! Here's a sword," A short travelers sword drops in front of Hinokami along with a leather sheath. "Have fun! And remember to head to the lost woods once your strong enough. Have a nice day~!" And with that the goddess disappears.
Hinokami grabs the sword and looks up at the sky. "What the actual fuck..."