Chereads / HP : The Magician's Rise / Chapter 17 - Violence (II)

Chapter 17 - Violence (II)

--O'Shea's Perspective --

He used a reflective shield as soon as the boys fired a spell at him. He wanted to establish an image for himself and so he decided to paint a picture. The best way to paint a remarkable picture is to make it visually appetizing.

Half a dozen spells, blasting curses to entrail-expelling curses, everything came to mind. But, the impact was missing. Finally, he settled on old Gryffindor's famous spell, SanSlash, also called as the Butcher's blade spell. It was usually ignored by wizards as it was very complex and vague spell. It was mentioned in higher education syllabus for seventh year magizoologist specialization students in care of magical creatures syllabus. It was a violent spell used to deal with wild magical creatures but the book recording it was kept in general section of Hogwarts library. The spell was designed primarily for butchers to deal with magical creatures but made famous by the duels fought by Griffyndior when he casted this spell ruthlessly to cause pain and mental trauma to his opponents.

O'Shea first used a Sectumsempra, currently most popular in his house and made famous by Severus last year, to identify himself as a diligent Slytherin. Then, the Butcher's spell made by his wand slashed apart the wand hand of Smith as clean as a fork going through a chocolate frog.

Perfect demonstration of a Slytherin pureblood's temper. Now, cometh the quote. See, if you have read any great theatre, you will know that an impactful dialogue must accompany a powerful presence. Both of these are mandatory for a tremendous screen presence. So, he began,

" I don't like a wand pointed at me."

Then, he surveyed the room slowly, meeting some eyes, skimming over the rest. Finally his eyes rested on Regulus who was looking a little lost.

"Regulus, sorry about your friends."

"Not an issue. I will drop them to the medi-witch in infirmary."He put a silencing spell over the screaming kids, used a leviation spell without chanting and followed them out.

O'Shea quietly returned to his seat and started studying his new herbology book he has loaned from the library. He was unaware that the spectacle he created was so mesmerizing that soon not only the class but the whole school will hear about it. His plan to create a name for himself was on track and coming along smoothly.

--Scene Break--

--Regulus's POV--

By the time Regulus reached the hospital wing, there was already Sirius lurking around. The moment he spotted Sirius he was certain that the Gryffindor head boy and Slytherin's nemesis James Potter was around. Regardless he can't leave and it was not as if the incident had happened in Slytherin dungeons. O'Shea has blasted these idiots openly in Arthimancy class where students from all houses were present. Even if there was no escaping it, Regulus wasn't one to snitch so he firmed himself, clutched the bleeding hand of Smith and brought all his four silently screaming friends in the infirmary.

"Reg, what happened?"

"Oh my god!"

"Holly molly buttercups"

"Merlin's beard!"

"What? How? Who did it?"

As soon as he entered the infirmary, a cacophony of voices burst around him. His brother, Lily Potter, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, the medi-witch Pomona every one started speaking at once. Remus Lupin was the only one silently standing in the corner but even he was looking shaken.

"Professor you should reattach his arm quickly otherwise I am not certain if it could be saved."

"Yes, yes. Quickly lay him down. What perverse magic are they teaching these days that result in such mutilation and injuries?At my time, the students only came to learn, rarely was if ever someone injured so grievously. "

After handing over the victims to the Medi witch who kept finding fault with the current curriculum, Regulus turned to face the Gryffindors. Unlike the shocked expression on the face of the seniors opposite him he first calmly observed them.Sirius has a few bruises on his arm, which was healing rather rapidly even as he stood there. But, surprise surprise, James Potter was on the healing bed.

If there was one thing all Slytherins will agree on, it was their mutual hatred of James Potter. He was quite certain that the Potter heir was of the similar opinion regarding Slytherins. Rare was a case when a Slytherin did not have their house points deducted if they crossed the path of James Potter and mostly it was just the head boy's bullying rather than his housemates fault. If the students of his house were told to pick the most hated person in their entire school he was quite certain it would not turn out to be Argus Filch but rather James Potter.

What was more surprising was watching both his brother and Potter in the infirmary together. He knew for a fact that both these perennial pranksters were anything but lousy magicians. James Potter had never picked on him, probably a result of his being related to his best friend neither has he crossed James Potter. Mostly because even if he didn't liked his brother's character and opinions on mudbloods but Sirius has never stopped treating him like a brother.

For a moment, it caused him to be confused as he can't deny that it feel good to see his brother safe but it felt equally good to see two of the self proclaimed best magicians in their school resting in infirmary by someone from his house. How did he know that?

Firstly, he has not heard of any incident on the quidditch field, so it was quite certain that they had messed with someone and that someone has put them in there. He knew that because he maintained his social connections quite well even though he didn't like most of them.

No teacher would be so petty to attack students in the classes, not who are that well liked and not under Dumbledore's watch anyway. He knew for a fact that these two were quite famous in their own house so no chance of anyone hurting them there. Most of the senior students in Hufflepuff were either the friend of these or friendly in general. If the incident of their beating had happened anytime in the morning someone would have watched and it would have spread like a fire all over the campus. So the only chance of them ending in infirmary happened because they have been roughed up by someone at night. No bookworm of Ravenclaw would be so free at the time of examinations to be fooling around the corridors last night, then the only chance left was someone from his house. Apart from his house where they were loathed explicitly, no one else remained.