Chapter 49 - PAGE 49

Another one is an unrivaled master of penetrating one's defenses one is an unrivaled elemental user one of them is an unrivaled master of explosiveness and the last one has the power of destruction and an extremely dangerous warrior. All of them were greatly aware of each other and acted as a single mind as a team. John is helpless against them as they prevent him from going all out as they attack him. Soon they delivered the final blow to John as he collapsed defeated. John sees his life flash before his eyes and is forced to come to terms with his actions. How he lost his pride and his honor how he changed as a person. John gets to his feet his honor and pride restored he says "I'm not done yet let's finish this!" John activated his abilities. The mage the explosive user the elemental user and Assassin attacks from a distance while the Destruction warrior fights hand to hand. The defense one protects the Healer watches everyone's back. While the other one prepared to shatter John's defenses. John evades the ranged attacks attacks sidesteps the Assassin's attacks while fighting the warrior he says "I lost my honor thanks to you I regained it" The battle continues. John teleported behind the healer and knocked them out. John than teleported before the defender and says "This is goodbye" John knocked them out with a full strength strike. John than knocked out the Defense shatteror with an uppercut. John than turned to the other four and says "Now than only us fighters remain let's go" Immediately the fight continues. John beats the mage and Assassin quickly.