Chapter 3 - PAGE 3

John ducked under a right hook comes up with an upper cut to one thug. Kicks a second thug into a nearby wall. Gut punches a third thug before elbow striking the fourth in the back. Punches the fifth headbuts a sixth knocking them to the ground. Backhands a seventh knocking them to the ground and slaps an eighth into the ninth knocking them both into the nearby wall. All while holding the leader's fist in place. The thug leader says "YOU MUST BE A DEMON PLEASE DON'T KILL US WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!" John says "JUSTICE DOESN'T MURDER!" John swings his wrist throwing the Thug leader into the wall. John than turns towards the boy and girl and says "Are you safe? Did they harm you?" The boy says "No thanks to you they couldn't thank you!" John says "That's good to hear have a good one!" John turns to leave when the girl says "Thank you Demon kin!" John pauses scratches his head and looks at the two and says "I'm not a Demon I'm a human" The boy says "I've never seen a human move that fast or be that strong so you can't be human" John says "I am no Demon however one day I'll slay the demons and then I'll stop the Demon Lord" The girl says "Your going to fight the Demon Lord?" John says "That is the plan I won't stop until justice is served" The boy looks at the girl she looks at him they nod and face John. As if in sync they say (this is all caps not out of excitement but because multiple people are saying it "LET US JOIN YOU!")