The boy's mom was an amazing doctor who excelled in the medical field being the equivalent of her husband. The father's uncle was a unrivaled grand master fighter the boy's entire family lineage was comprised of experts who were all incredibly talented individuals with tremendous influence in their areas of expertise ever since the beginning of history. The boy was a born protege and from a very young age was taught by the individuals in his family where he obtained mastery over all their fields of expertise at the age of only seven he had already surpassed them. The boy went by the name of Alexander and realized that the world was harsh for third World countries and poorer areas of the world Alexander was extremely intelligent and was considered another one of America's treasures a title that his family members also had. At the age of eight Alexander had already graduated from the single greatest school on the planet with beyond perfect performance in all honors and in all classes. At the age of nine Alexander began to travel the world with his bodyguards. Alexander began to use agriculture techniques and gift the entire world with plenty of food all third World countries and any other place that could benefit from the impact of agriculture he also taught the residents how to farm and care for the agricultural creating he did by traveling the world he became fluent in all languages around the world. At the age of forty Alexander managed to successfully eradicate hunger issues and returned to America where he joined the army.