Everything changed when I became a Dragon Sage. It even changed how everyone approach my cliched morning.
"Get up, Sage Ulysses. This is your first day in the Dragon Sage Library, right?"
"Uh..." I yawned and wiped the dried saliva on my lips.
When my vision cleared, I saw my demonic mom in her new duchess dress, with a new umbrella for the mix. She seems to be in a good mood since she's not shouting at me.
"If I may, I will open the windows so you can get fresh air, my dear son. Oh, your favorite breakfast is ready. Join your lovely father and sister downstairs."
I lazily went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. Contrary to normal days, I did not fix my hair or appreciate my handsomeness in the mirror. I'm not in the mood. I'm even feverish.
I went to the closet and saw that my Dragon Sage uniform: a long royal black tuxedo with golden buttons, black pants, and black leather shoes are already fixed for me. I guess my mom did it, and this is the first time she prepared my clothes ever since after grade school.
I immediately put it on and did not bother to check if it fits me. After wearing all the clothes that were prepared, I went to my table and opened a luxurious box that contained my Dragon Sage Badge: a golden hexagram sigil with the face of a dragon. I pinned it on my left chest.
Honestly, I feel bad for wearing this badge. I passed the remedial exams because the Dragonoid examiner pitied me. I am well aware that I am undeserving to wear this honor garment.
When I went downstairs, I saw my father and sister already eating at the breakfast table. The breakfast today is one of my favorites, the loco moco with a side dish of mushroom soup. There are also cups of premium-brewed coffee on the table.
I noticed that my father is reading news from his tablet like usual. The news headline was "Dragon Sage found dead in his mansion, culprit not yet identified." It was rare to find a Dragon Sage to be murdered, so it scared me a little.
Before I sat down on my seat, my father greeted me.
"Good morning, my bright son. Congratulations on passing the remedial exams! I know I can entrust our family reputation to you. Now my fellow aristocrats will sing praise for your name! My son is one of the living fifty Dragon Sages that will shape the future of the world!"
"T-Thanks." I forced a smile. Then I muttered, "I don't deserve it, though."
"Do well in your first day in the Library, Lord Corasell!" My sister stood up and conducted a curtsy. Then she went back to the table and continued eating her loco moco.
I just silently ate. My guilt is killing me. I felt like I cheated, but if I tell them the truth that I groveled and begged for my favorable examination results, I might be kicked out of the house and sleep in the streets.
I ate a lot of food just to distract myself from my sense of guilt. But the deliciousness of my favorite food is not enough to extinguish the dark flames of frustration in my heart. I even gulped the premium coffee in one go, and all it resulted in a burnt tongue of mine.
"Pfft! Trash!" My sister chuckled.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, Lord Ulysses Corasell."
After I finished my breakfast, I went to the doorway and waved goodbye.
"I'll be going off!"
"Okay! Take care!" My family said. Then my mom popped a postscript. "Message me whatever food you like for dinner, honey!"
Is it just me, or has my family turned into a bona fide best family ever?
I managed to get on a bus that goes the usual route to the Dragon Sage Library. I noticed that the other passengers are looking at my uniform and my hexagram dragon badge as if I were a celebrity. I heard their murmurs to each other as I walk past them.
"A Dragon Sage! That guy must be a genius!"
"I've never seen a Dragon Sage board a bus before!"
"Mama! Look at that guy! I want to become a Dragon Sage like him one day!"
That murmur from a kid lifted my spirit. I may be somehow a sham of a Dragon Sage, but that power to encourage a kid to pursue his dreams is like a magic pill that would brighten up my day. People look at me as a symbol of power!
Hey, I might be undeserving as a Dragon Sage, but most politicians and celebrities are undeserving either. I should bask myself in the warmth of honor I made! I will live up to the expectations of this Dragon Sage badge!
"I'm a Dragon Sage. I'm a Dragon Sage now." I muttered to myself. Then, I licked my palm and brushed it on my hair. I looked at my reflection on the bus window and appreciated my good looks! "I'm the Sage of Handsomeness!"
After half an hour of the bus ride, I finally made it to the entrance of the Dragon Sage Library.
I have recovered my ego. I have retained my good looks. I had my chin up high, looking at the skyscraper library with pride.
"I'm handsome. I'm smart. I'm powerful. I'm the perfect life form!"
I started to walk in the middle of the library gardens while dancing and snapping my finger, listening to imaginary music inside my brain. I winked at all the maids and other girls I pass through. I even heard them praising me.
"Ew!" The maid said.
"Gross!" A magic academy student said.
"Weirdo." One teenager said.
Before reaching the main door of the Library, I saw that one pretty maid whom I accidentally flipped skirt with my sonic boom before the remedial exams. I slid beside her and shot her with my double finger guns.
"Eh?" The maid is both confused and disgusted, based on her facial expression.
To impress her more, I moonwalked away and winked at her.
"See you- oh shit!" I stumbled upon a trash can and fell; my upper body dipped in the large bin of rubbish.
"Hahahahaha!" All the people who bore witness to my epic failure laughed.
I became a laughingstock on my very first day as a Dragon Sage.