Chereads / Book 1: Snow Princess / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22: Family Meetings

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22: Family Meetings

They finally got there and Arion saw his mom. "Oh hey mom. How are you?" "Good nothing new since yesterday." "That's good." "Hello Arion." "Oh hi Eve." "OK so Eve how do you know mom if I may ask." "Well remember what I said about having to give up a baby girl? This is her." "Really? Mom was her?" "So I have to ask is the father who raised me my birth father?" "Lets talk about it after lunch ok?" "Ok sounds good." Then we all heard voices. "Oh we have company." Said the older man. "Yes this is Talia and her husband Jay. You all know Arion her Godson." "Oh well nice to meet you. My name is Aragon." "These are our sons, Derion he is 23 and Indigo the oldest 25." "Nice to meet you both. I am Talia as you were introduced. I myself have 16 year old boy and girl twins Kida and Adrian. Maybe I can have them visit sometime? My daughter is planning on going to the camp coming up." "Oh I heard about that. Well I hope it goes well." Since they got there we started eating. "Oh I am one of the councilors at the camp. I hope to see her there." Said Derion. "Yes you will." Said Talia.

Finally when we were done we went to the family room to visit. "OK so I asked you if the father who raised me is really my birth father." "OK first let me ask you. Why do you think he is not your birth father? Did you ever feel out of place at any time?" "Well I noticed I sort of looked like my father but not much. I noticed I didn't look much like my brothers or sisters. I didn't want to ask until I talked to Arion when he said he can talk to animals that's when I decided to think and ask father. He said his mother was half elf and you had an arranged marriage with him." "Yes its true. We had an arranged marriage. Except at that time 16 was of marriage age. I gave birth to you at the palace you were raised in. Then that's when I married him. I stayed with him one year then we divorced I went back to this man right here. I'm happy he waited." "He seems like a nice man." "Oh I am a nice man some people say I am to scary to approach." "Hehe Well you do have that aura but now that I meet you your not as scary." "Well thank you." "Anyway as for the answer to your question Talia. No he Is not your birth father but he is related to you by blood that is why you look like him. The Elven blood runs deeper than human." "I see so the Elf parts I have gotten are from dad and you?" "Yes." "I see I guess that is where I get my abnormal beauty from. People say I have abnormal beauty I could be an elf. I guess I really do have it in my veins. OK if father is not my birth father, who is he by blood?" "He is your uncle your birth fathers half-brother." "Ok so who is my blood father?" I saw her eyes move to Aragon. "No way. Seriously? SO that means these boys are my full blood brothers right?" "Yes they are." "OK so I assume Father or should I say uncle raised me so he can have an Heir to the throne right?" "Yes he did. Then I guess they had a kid of their own and now he is heir right?" "Actually no. they took a boy in named Lycan who happened to be my husbands biological brother who was left in the woods for certain reasons and they found him and raised him he is the king now." "Oh I see." "SO if my uncle is Aragon's half-brother, does that mean that Aragon is royalty?" "Well the parent they share is royalty but your uncle married the woman that raised you so he went to be king there. There is royalty here too but he has full-blood relatives that took it, so he decided to come live like a commoner." "Yes and that is where I met Eve for the first time. I was in 20 your mom was 15. We lived as neighbors. Then a year later we found out she was pregnant we were so Excited. We were discussing names and everything. Then a few months after it was about time to give birth you were called to have an arranged marriage then she gave birth and you know the rest." "I see. Well As you can see I am alive and well. They were good people. I grew up with a big sister, big brother and a little brother I am very happy. I'm happier now that I know where I come from." Then I told them about my other gifts I have.

"Oh lucky you." Said Aragon. "Eve, Aragon, do you mind if sometime once I get to know you all, I can call you mom and dad?" "Sure we would love that." "You can call us brothers as well. If you need us we will be there." Said Indigo. "Thanks little brother." "Haha your welcome. Well Arion you got 2 new uncles how does that sound?" "Haha sounds great." "Ok well we'd better be getting back. Aragon if you are on good terms with your family why don't we have a family reunion? Let me know." "Ok sure I'll see what I can do." "Ok." "Well Arion have fun ok?" "Yeah I will mom thanks. Bye dad. Take care of mom." "I always do." They saw us off at the gate and we were off on our horses.

"Father, Mother, I would like all of us to have a family meeting if you don't mind? Jay and the kids as well." "Sure lets go to the family room." So someone went to go find the twins and brought them over.

I was a little nervous and Jay held my hand. "Thanks Jay. I'll be ok." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes then let it out. "There is something you kids should know about my heritage. I am part elf. Our father is actually my blood uncle on my birth fathers side. Onyx you are their blood son. I met my birth mother Eve. I also met my birth father who she is currently with. I found out I have two younger siblings. Derion 23 and Indigo 25 years old. My birth fathers name is Aragon. I talked with him to see if he wanted to have a reunion so he said he would talk with them to find out. His family is also royalty. After his siblings took over he decided to live as a commoner. Since then and here I am. She still lived in the place she lived before she was in a forced marriage with father. Like I said no matter who you all are you are still my family. You raised me. You all grew up with me. I love you all. I will still call you father and mother regardless of who you two are. Father I hope that if Aragon makes the reunion you and mom can make it. The kids will be coming with me. Jay as well." "I will most likely go." "Ok good. So kids that means you have elf in you as well and makes Arion brethren. So Kida as for the camp situation yes you can go. I talked with Eve about it and she is happy to know that the elf kind will still be around. If you get an elf boyfriend." "Mom." She said embarrassed. Everyone laughed. "My birth father is full elf and my birth mother is half. As you can see I have some human features like my ears and my looks. I age like a human and I am sure many others. As for my elven, I noticed my hair was different from normal humans. Its smoother." "Wow mom! That's great! Hey mom if I'm beautiful like you, what happened to Adrian? Why does he look ugly?" "Hey now sis. I'm handsome like dad." "In your dreams buddy." "OK kids stop fighting. You are both gorgeous. In fact you both age like Elves well as I age like a human. You both will most likely look more elf than I am." "Wow mom really?" "Yes you both will. Here is why. Aragon told me that a certain generation of elven kind whether they are half or not take more elf feature than most. In our case its more elf than human."

Once the family meeting was done, I decided to get some rest. "OK I'm going to go lay down a bit. Hopefully I won't have any spirits bugging me during it." Jay walked with me to our room.

"Hey are you feeling ok?" "Just a little tired is all. Meeting everyone then the family meeting it a lot to take in. I guess Lycan and I are alike. After my nap I want to talk to him." "Ok sounds good. I'll check on you later." "OK thanks Jay." He tucked her in waited until she fell asleep then left.

"Has anyone seen the king? I need to speak with him." "Yes your highness. He is in his office." Said a butler. "Thank you." When he got there the guards announced Jay and let him in. "Hello brother in law. I have a message from your sister. She said after her nap she would need to talk to you. I am assuming its to do with her finding out about how you felt when you found out you weren't blood related. Just to get you prepared. She is really shocked and feels bad about it." "Yeah I'm sure she does. I felt the same way. OK I will talk to her. Speaking of marriages, You and the Spring Princess?" "I will be sending out invitations soon. Don't worry." "OK cool. Also hurry on the kids your not getting younger." "Hey you and my dad both. I know I'm not young anymore but jeeze the Spring princess is still young enough to have kids so don't worry." Then Jay got up and left.

A couple hours later I woke up and fixed myself up then went to see my brother. "Is my brother here?" "Yes your highness. Your majesty princess Talia is here." "Let her in." "So what do you need to see me about sis?" "First of all have you had a break yet?" "Not from sitting but from work yes your husband came in to talk about me getting married and having kids." "Hehe so like him. Anyway I came to talk about my situation. How did you feel when you knew they weren't your blood family?" "Well I sort of always knew you know the hair." "Oh yes that too. well anyway how did you feel?" "Well I felt grateful for one because of the way they found me. Also bad because I gave them grief from my looks. Even though I knew I was different I was still shocked and nervous to meet everyone. I'm glad I did. Do you regret meeting them?" "No they are very nice people. Maybe they can come over sometime." "Yes that is fine. By the way I heard dad was thinking about moving back with his family in elf city soon." "Oh is that so? What does his family think?" "I don't know I didn't ask." "OK well thanks brother. It helps that someone is the same situation as me." "Sure no problem sis." "Don't work to much. Focus on the wedding and having kids now." "Yes I know." Then I left.

Not long after she left Lycan got two letters. "Oh one is for sister. I'll give it to her after reading mine." Said Lycan. "What? Is she serious? I'm going to be a father?! I have to call a family meeting!" He ran out to tell father that they need a family meeting. Everyone gathered together again. "Oh sis this is for you. Look at it after my news ok?" "Sure." "Well everyone. You can stop bugging me about having kids now. My soon to be wife is pregnant. She just found out a few days ago. When she wrote the letter." "What? Are you serious?" "Yes I'm serious." "Well congrats Lycan." We all gathered around to congratulate him. "Ok sis open your letter what is it about?" I opened my letter. "Oh well it looks like they are going to have a family reunion in the palace. They are going to send a ride for us. Also enough room for dad in case he wanted to come and mom too." "Wow congrats sis." "Hey when are you and your husband having kids sis?" "Actually I am pregnant too. I just found out as well." "Wow sis congrats to you too." "Brother you need to find someone you are 32 years old now." "Yeah I know I actually have been talking with the fall princess. Dawn. We might end up having an arranged marriage." "Well about time. You two are the same age after all." "Anyway I'm glad you all are good. Since you are all grown I was thinking about going back to live with my family in the elf palace. You are all having your own families now I'm all proud of you. If any of you need us we will always be there for you." "Thanks dad. I hope you feel comfortable there." "I hope so too." after the meeting everyone left.

"Well the reunion is in 2 weeks. That gives Kida a week in a half to get ready for the camp." "Oh I forgot about that." He saw her confused face. "What's wrong?" "Well I am confused. I want to move to the elf village but I don't want Lycan not to have family there." "I see. Well he would still have Onyx I don't know what Azura's plans are after the baby." "Yeah since the girl usually stays at the mans palace after all." "Yeah that's usually how it works. We were an exception." "Well ok I will think about it more and talk to the kids about it." "OK. Now lets get to bed." We snuggled then fell asleep.

The next morning I called a family meeting. Everyone gathered. "I know we all just had a meeting yesterday. But this is another meeting. I have been thinking since I met my birth family. I want to talk to the kids first and see what they think. I am thinking about moving to the elf village. I want to talk to the King and see if we are welcome in there. We will talk about it more at the reunion. What do you kids think?" "Mom that's great! More chances of me getting a boyfriend then!" said Kida. "Its ok with me. I will go wherever our family goes." Said Aiden. "Aww thanks son." I gave him a hug and kissed his sweet head. "Mom I'm not a child anymore." "Hehe your always a child to me. OK so that is the news I will let everyone know again when we know for sure." My big sister and little brother and big brother came over. "Are you sure its what you want Talia?" "Yes I think its time for me to move on too many memories here I want new memories elsewhere I will still visit don't worry. I'll still be the same Talia I will never change. If I do then I am either possessed or something is seriously wrong." "Haha yeah that would be the day." Then we all left.

"Oh Kida come here a second." "Yeah Mom what is it?" "Well since the royalty found out you will be attending the camp they will want to talk to you at the reunion to tell you what you need. Others that aren't family or royalty have to do it themselves. Also I will talk to them about any single men in the castle around your age." "Yes please. I won't look I'll just have you sort it out ok?." "Promise." Then she ran out to play with her friends.