Chereads / Book 1: Snow Princess / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Getting ready for the ball

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Getting ready for the ball

"Y-Yeah I think so. Cough Cough." "Ok let me help you up." I grabbed his hand and helped me up. "Can you walk?" "Yeah I think so. I might need to be looked at by a doc though. I feel kind of strange." " Those weapons were poisoned. There is no antidote for them." Said the boss. "We will see about that. If she dies you die as well along with your men." "Fine don't believe me then." The knights walked with them in the mountains and I started getting weaker that Tax had to whistle for Elsa.

Tax help the knights take the Boss and his men to the castle I'll ride with my sister to get help." "Ok see you in a few days then." "Tax. Be careful." "I will. You know I always am." "Ha. Yeah whatever just don't die." Then she passed out. "Shit. We got to get home fast." Said Lycan. "OK see you later Tax." Then Elsa flew as fast as she could back home.

They finally got back to the palace and Lycan was screaming to get a doctor and bring him to Talia's room. He got Talia to bed and waited for a doctor. Not long one came in. "Where was she injured?" "Well she was scratched in a lot of different places and they were poisoned." "Poisoned? What are her symptoms?" "Coughing numbness then passing out that is all." "I see I might have an antidote for the poison. Its rare and not many people know about it. I have to inject it into her." He got his vile and syringe and put the syringe in the vile to get medicine and poked her in the arm. "I just got back I heard Talia is hurt is she ok?" "Relax Jay the doc gave her an antidote she should be fine now." said Lycan. "Oh thank god." He stood there until the doctor was done. "When she wakes up call me over. I need to check her condition." "Yes sir thank you." So Jay and Lycan held each of her hands. It was just them inside at the moment. "I heard the news Jay. Congrats." "Yeah thanks brother." "I'm not worried about her cause she can stick up for herself. I'm warning you to be careful not to make her mad or break up with you. She has had one man before you he pissed her off and she beat him to a bloody pulp. So be careful." "Thanks for the warning."

A few hours later. My whole body sat up like I was having a nightmare and I panted. "Ha..ha…Where am I?" "Relax your back home." "Jay. Why am I not surprised." "Lycan wake up. Talia is awake." "Your awake! How you feeling sis?" "Right as Rain." "I will get the doc." Said Lycan. "Ok thanks brother." Jay gave me a hug and said how scared he was because I was gone. "Don't ever scare me like that again ok? Be careful." "Oh you're such a worry wort Jay. We are not even married yet and your freaking out." Then the doctor finally came in and we broke apart fast.

"How are you feeling Your highness?" "Loads better. What happened?" Then Lycan told her the story then she remembered it. "Oh that's right. Makes sense." The doctor finally finished and said, "Well your wounds are all gone so you don't need to rest anymore. Just be careful ok?" "I'll do my best doc. Thanks. Oh yeah Jay. You wanted to see a pic of the Master hang on. This is him." "Wow he doesn't look much older than Lycan or me." "I know. That's what he looked like before he died too. I sort of went on a rampage when he died. I ran into the forest breaking down trees and sorts." "Yeah I can picture that." Said Jay. "So where are you going now?" "Well I have to help get ready for the ball what else? Come on Jay you help too." "OK well I guess I will see you later Lycan." "Yeah good luck." "Thanks."

We were really busy that day. We had to choose the decorations and the menu of the sorts then it was the fun part when we went into town in disguise to look at dresses. "Excuse me can we get a catalogue?" "Only the dress and jewelry stores knew who I was but they knew to keep quiet. "Oh yes of course here you go." "Thank you." So we sat down and looked at the catalogue. "Oh I like this one. What do you think Jay?" "I think you look good in anything. Then he turned back a couple pages. "But if I had to choose, this one I like." "Hang on let me get a woman's point of view." So I found the lady that worked there and asked her opinion. Then I showed her the two we were looking at. "Hmm I see. What color Tux is the man going to wear?" said the woman. "Oh we are going to pick my dress first then decide." "Oh good idea. Well lets see. With the color of your eyes I think this one would be good." "Wow that's the one he said as well. Ok I will go with this one. Thank you." "No problem." Then I went back to Jay and told him we were going with his selection. Then we went up and told the lady we would need it in 2 weeks if she can. "Yes I will do my best. Good luck on finding a tux." "Thank you." Then we left the store and headed for a store that sold tuxes.

"Oh here we are." I said. "Oh look here is someone who can help. Excuse me sir can you help us?" The man turned around and said, "Oh of course what can I do for you?" He knew me because my brothers got their tuxes from here. "We need a tux for a ball." "Oh certainly what kind of tux are we looking for?" Then Jay told him the kind that he liked which was made for a prince. It was a medieval with a trendy vine embroidered patchwork button down Lapel collar Long sleeve slim fitted swallow tail. It matched the color of my dress which is a beautiful light blue dress. Oh I forgot to tell you what my dress is going to look like. It is off the shoulder sleeves with a sweet heart neckline. It has a vine embroidery on the seam of the top of my dress and around the edge of the bottom of the skirt. It is an A line dress. With an empire waist. He chose a slightly darker color than my dress but that's ok close though. It had a dark blue embroidery just like mine. So we could match. Oh and he is going to have a purple cape with it and I am going to have a purple hooded one. Well you get the picture. Anyways now we are on our way back to the castle.

"Oh I wonder how the animals are doing? Oh and Tax I wonder if everyone came back yet." "Haha Relax Talia. Everything will be fine I am sure." "Haa finally back home and break time. I'm going to find my dad. You can have some free time too. You can do whatever or come with me if you want." "Oh I think I will rest a bit." "Ok I'll come get you when its time again ok?" "Sure thing."

"There you are daddy." "Oh Talia how are you honey?" "I'm good. I'm getting a break now. We just ordered our outfits for the ball. Did you already get the ones for the rest of the Evans family?" "Yes honey I let them choose what they wanted." "OK nice. I'm exhausted dad. I never knew getting ready for an engagement could be a lot of work." "Haha yeah it sure is. I remember the day I was getting ready. It was just as tiring. So what color did you make your dress?" "It's a surprise daddy. You will love it don't worry. Jay's tux is going to be slightly darker but everything else is similar to mine." "Ok honey. So is there something you need to ask me?" "Oh yeah did the others come back yet?" "Oh yeah they did. Tax has been asking for you. He is in the training room." "Ok thanks dad." So I left for the room.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I didn't see or hear anyone then someone tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped and squealed in fright. "Oh its you. You never change Tax." "Haha I know. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you that bad." I gave the old man a hug cause I missed him. "OK now. Don't want your man to accidently see us and get the wrong idea." I call him old man cause he's 4 years older than I am. "So what have you been up to?" "I've been getting ready for my engagement ball. I just picked out my dress and Jay's tux." "Oh can't wait to see it." "Oh so you are coming then? Great can't wait to see what your going to wear. You always surprise me on your outfit." "Haha I know. I like surprising you." "Hey don't let your wife catching you spending too much time around me now." "Haha I know. She'll get jealous thinking your spending too much time with your sister and none with her. You better get home. Oh but before you do what happened with the others?" "Oh the bad guys are in the cells and my men are all fine they went home." "Oh ok sounds good. Tell that wife of yours I say hi and I can't wait to see her at the ball." "Haha ok see you then."

Then I went back to see my father and ask him about something. "Oh dad good timing I have to ask you something. Can we go into your office? Its not something I want the world to know." "Sure ok." So we went to his office, I sat down and got straight to the point. "Father. I want to talk to the men in the cells. I want to talk to the boss." "Honey that is dangerous you know that." "Yes I do. That is why I won't be going alone. I will have my personal knight and her brother." "Ok just be careful alright. Before you go I want to talk to them." "Sure dad be right back."

I brought my personal knight and her brother to see my dad. "Ok you two. Protect her with your life ok? You know what she is doing is dangerous right?" "Yes your majesty. I told her it was a bad Idea." Said the person female knight Xadia. "Sigh. I'm glad someone else has the same view as me. Well I told her it was fine as long as you two went with her. So tell her to be careful ok?" "Yes your majesty." Said Xadia. "I will do my best too your majesty." Said the brother Wren. "Thank you. You all may go." Then I left with my knights and headed toward the dungeon.

"Hey Xadia did tax tell you which cell the boss was in?" "No but we can ask the person in charge." "Ok good idea." Then we asked and I went to the cell.

"Hello sir." "Hello Princess. What can a prisoner like me do for you?" "Oh don't say it like that. Its not like we are going to kill you. Killing your men wasn't planned but they came after us." "Yeah I know. So what can I do for you?" "Well I came down here to ask you something." "OK what is it? I can tell you if I know and I can." "Are you the ones after the whole Evans family?" "Oh that. Sigh. No we are not. We just took the old man cause he can build weapons. But I do know who they are." "Can you tell us?" "Only if you can make a deal to get us out of here from time to time." "I can't promise anything but I can talk to my father." "OK fair enough. They are a organization called the Sinister Society. There are about 20 of them. Once they heard I told the old man they wanted the whole family." "OK and where can I find them?" "Well I can't tell you I would have to show you. I have to get out of here to do that." "Ok thank you boss. I will come back later. right now I am getting ready for my engagement party in 2 weeks. So I'm afraid we wont be able to do anything until after the party but I can talk to father and give you details on when it will happen if I can talk my dad into it." "Haha good luck with that." "Yeah I know. But like I said no promises." "Thanks for trying though princess." "Sure I will do my best like I said." Then me and my knights left the dungeon and when we were out I said. "I'm going to talk to father. So you both can do whatever." "We will stay here until you are done." "Fine with me." So I went to see my daddy who happened to be in his office at the time.

"Hello daddy. Are you busy?" "I can take a break what is it?" "Well you probably know what I want. I talked to the boss down there and I have an idea." So he stayed quiet to hear my idea. "What if as long as they helped us out they can be free. At least temporarily. They would go back to the cell after they helped us. At least until we find another place for them." "Sigh. I will think about it honey." "Good think by the time the ball comes around ok?" "Why is that?" "Oh because the boss is curious and I told him I would do my best." "Ok I will think about it before then. Let me talk to your mother and Lycan about it since he is the crown prince after all." "Yes daddy thank you. Should I get them?" "No no hurry I'll get them when I have a decision. You should probably get back to preparing for the ball now." "Yes father I will go get Jay." "Ok then keep up the good work." So I left to find my honey.

I went to his room and knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) "You awake Jay?" "Oh Princess. Be right out." He fixed his hair and came out. "Sorry for the wait. Lets go." So we did more business for the ball until the end of the day.

"Sigh. Finally done for the day. I am exhausted." I said. "Haha I know right. Me too. I've never had to work so hard before." "Not even when you hunted?" "Oh that's easy stuff compared to what we are doing. Working non-stop." "Hehe ok Jay. Lets go do the dining room and have dinner." "OK sure." I got changed and so did Jay and He escorted me to the dining room. We all had a good time at dinner and talked about random things.

Finally it was only a few days till the ball and my father called me to his office. "Hello father." "Hello Talia. I'm sure you know why I called you?" "Is it about your decision? Is that why mom and Lycan are here?" "Yes it is. We have agreed to your request however we will allow 4 people at a time to help." "I understand father. Thank you." "Don't thank me. Thank your brother Lycan. He convinced us." "Thank you brother. You understand me." "It wasn't an easy decision. I had to think about it for a bit but your welcome. I know you sister. You have something planned. Whatever it is take some knights and be careful ok? Promise me." "I promise I will be careful ok? Jeeze such a worry wort just like father. Shouldn't it be the mothers job and not the fathers job? I swear I got some odd parents and siblings." Then we all laughed. After our meeting I went to tell the boss about the plan.