Some say it's like fishing, others say it's like dredging a well.
I've never been a person who's experienced intense thirst. That taste of mud and dryness in your mouth, but don't have access to water. That feeling as you feel water leaving your body from sweat. It's so hot out, but you've had nothing to drink and you keep moving on in the hope that if you keep moving forward you'll find a way to get water.
Creativity is like a leaky faucet, the first time you turn it on it works perfectly. The more times you visit it, it starts to break down. The water doesn't come out as smoothly, the ideas dry up. Sometimes you try and go underneath to fix the pipes, but there's nothing to fix.
So you just sit there staring at the faucet head as a writer might stare at an empty sheet of paper. An animator trying to squeeze out an idea, an artist staring at a sketch trying to figure out where it's wrong and how to draw it better.
Honestly, I don't know how people find the ability to continue. It just feels like pushing against a brick wall and trying to push through it.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, nothing worth doing is ever easy, but I never realized how hard it would be. I'm sitting here just complaining that life is difficult, reality is difficult.
Sometimes when you encounter writer's block it's because you're tired and your mind is just exhausted, take a break, listen to a podcast, read a book, dance to some music.
Other times you just have to force yourself to type. Forcing yourself to write is so difficult, it drains your passion and happiness. That's when burnout starts to set in if you don't manage it well.
Get feedback, just seems like fishing for compliments or motivation. Writing is a struggle, suffering, only when you suffer do you realize the value and difficulty of truly good writing.
Some people do it for a living, they live on a cliffs edge. Other's write for a passion, they do it because they love it even though it's painful and suffering. They could choose to suffer doing something else and get paid for it. That's the price of an artist, romantics, dreamers, the cost of being able to dream.
"Sooner or later, people will find that what they love is not him in reality, but him in imagination. He in reality is just a template for the dream lover they created. Sooner or later, they will find the gap between the dream lover and the template and adapt to it. Just walk down and separate without adapting. Unlike most people, you don't need a template."
"But I fell in love with a non-existent person. She was just a fiction of me. Isn't this a pathological condition?"
in fact, you are very lucky, whether he really exists or not, you are very lucky to be able to love.
Liu Cixin "Three-Body Problem"
Some people don't have aspirations or dreams they can't afford it.
never pity the rich, they will find enjoyment in the work that they do. Just as influencers find joy in talking to others, businessmen in making connections, employees find joy in work that they do.
(Actor's reincarnation heaven)
Rich is a relative term, rich and richer means those that have more. Poor and poorer means those that have less than you.
If people were paid on their effort, much more people would be rich. Society doesn't work like that, a rich person working hard will make many times more than if a poor person works hard. Although anyone can become rich, not everyone can.
- no idea where that line comes from (grassroots reincarnation of actor? / value of money, create / generate more value than you consume?, kraut low trust society)
The resources and ability that a wealthy person can generate or encounters is much greater than the average man. Work an assembly line or as a farmer and you do honest work and an honest wage, but those hours pay a lot more for entertainers, sports players, influencers, lawyers, doctors, and programmers.
"Over the years, I have been reminding myself of one thing, don't touch yourself, most people seem to work hard, but it is caused by stupidity.
Why stay up late reading a book until dawn, sleep only a few hours for several days in a row, and have no vacation for a long time.
If these things are worth showing off, then anyone on the Foxconn assembly line has worked harder than you.
It is inevitable that people are born with self-pity. Only by staying awake at all times can we see where the true value lies. "
speech.... justice john roberts commencement to ... (Cardigan) middle school.
hope you will life will treat you unfairly, know the value of justice, suffer betrayal, know the value of loyalty and loniliness - nietzche like philosophy
just enough gloat, you will know the value of sportmanship and compassion.