With chairs sitting side by side, the two boys were playing a game with their controllers.
"Greek FIRE", the video game character voices out loud.
the sound of buttons being pushed can be heard.
"Dude, stop button mashing", his friend says in frustration.
"Get Good", Devon replies.
Johnny pressed the continue button on the screen and they continued the fight.
On screen are two pixelated characters with weapons in hand. The screen reads "JAW" vs "DJ Thompson".
Johnny A. Weir vs Devon J. Thompson are the two kids fighting on screen.
Each of their characters ride a hover scooter playing something akin to king of the hill as a side scroller. (Think something similar to Nidhogg)
"Ready, Player One... Ready, Player Two. Armada, Start", the game announces.
Then the next match begins.
Out of game, Devon sniffs the air. It's a physiological attack.
"Stop farting in my general sense of direction... or else", Devon warns Johnny.
Seeing as his opponent is distracted Johnny kills Devon's character on screen advancing further into Devon's territory and closer to the win condition.
Johnny lets out a second wind, "Class H, Class N released. get some of the CH4, noob"
Recently Johnny's in chemistry class, so he's been messing around with some of the chemicals below the sink. Accidently combining windex and bleach, his dad had to clear the air to prevent him from inhaling mustard gas.
Devon quickly grabs his controller, pulling his shirt over his nose to try and breath.
After getting killed a second time, Devon has had enough of Johnny's dirty tricks.
"Rawr, eat my dragon's breath", Devon declares. Exhaling his breath in Johnny's face.
Johnny tried his best to hold his breath and play. He resorts to the ancient tactic of mouth breathing, but eventually he inhaled through his nose.
"More like the smell of cheetos and Takis", Johnny replies and they continue fighting.
The short time he's distracted Devon gains a bonus ability to trample Johnny's video game character.
"Aww man, that was my last free token", Johnny said.
The screen reads "Game Over, Player Two wins!"
Then the two kids log offline. Afterwards two game resetting repairmen enter the scene.
Their badges read, "Game Department Publi" and "Game Department sher"
Mr. Patch, Crane, and Fini are on call for other games in sector Z.
One of the helper bots, Kimhi checks the console for any bugs before resetting the playing field. Meanwhile GD Publi and GD sher get to work running an inspection of the field.
Publi lets out a chuckle asking his collegue, "Do you think they'll get the meaning of the game yet?"
"What? those two, not a chance. Although...", GD sher trails off.
Sher shakes his head dismissing the thought, they both return to work
they leave some white text blinking on the bottom of the screen.
"Game status: 81192 HNI"