Sam's house...
Riyu paced in the living room, her hands busy playing with her fingers. Every now and then he looked into the main room, hoping that his daughter would appear and run to hug him.
Meanwhile, Sam was already dizzy enough to see his wife pacing back and forth. "Honey, can you sit down and relax?" said Sam, studying his wife's worried face.
"How can I calm down Sam, I miss my daughter so much" Sam glanced at his watch.
"They'll be here in a minute" said Sam then smiled at Riyu.
Shortly after, a car honked and the gate opened. Riyu and Sam got up from their seats, they wanted to welcome Casandra.
"Father, mother..." Casandra shouted who just got out of her car, she ran and hugged Sam and Riyu very warmly.
"Dear, my daughter. I really miss you" said Riyu accompanied by a warm kiss on Casandra's cheek.
"How are you darling?"
"I'm very good father"