The first thing I came to be aware of was the the endless space and stars, it's was beautiful. I was floating or was it swimming among the stars, I wasn't solid more like smoke with a conscious.
[DING... DING....]
a bright big screen appeared in front of me,
[Loading in new user... scanning..... identifying.....done.]
[press START to continue....]
it's was baffling to say the least but for some reason I wasn't surprised or afraid, I was strangely calm about this. I press START to continue and to see what would happen next.
[character creation page]
(Color of skin: pale, tan, black, sand)
(Color of hair: black, sliver, white, red, blonde)
(Unusual color of hair: pink, purple, blue, green, teal.....)
(Mixed color of hair: sliver blonde, black and white striped, red and white striped....)
(Color of eyes: black, blue, green, teal, red, violet...(heterochromia), silver....)
I chose male, pale skin, red and white striped of hair, violet colored eyes.
(press NEXT to continue)