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Viktors finds his queen

finally the right one is everything to Viktor , when he saw Kari he saw his whole life change before him

Chapter 1 - chapter i

Viktor is a wrestler of Mcw, he was one of the underdogs, that couldn't win a match, constantly getting hurt, top it off Charles told him if he doesn't start to improve that he going to have to let him go.  In the last match, he lost and got her badly a broken leg,  to get him the help to build him up. They walked into the studio doors, " welcome to Christmas fit studio how may we help you? Asked. Lily, his doctor told her that he needs to be trained, he wants to speak with Kari. "(K, are you busy?) Asked. Lily," (at the moment why?) Asked. Kari, "(a doctor and his patient want your undivided attention boss,) she walked out of the office and out of the gates, " I am Kari Christmas of the Christmas fit studio if you follow me, they walked through the gates, " wow, I think I just find my wife. Said, Viktor, they walked into the office and sat down. She closed the door behind them, "I got your message, Dr. Lung,  I don't just do regular Physics but cardio and weight training, our workout coach Lee wong will spot train you also well in the ring, we stayed with you until you say you don't need us anymore, so what needs to work on? Asked. Kari, " everything and after his recovery, he needs to be built in muscles, said. Dr. Lung, "(Jesse will you come to my office, please,)  here what we do, we put him with a weight coach for four weeks, Jesse walked into the office, " this Jesse James my weight coach, Jesse he is yours for four weeks, he needs to be tone bad. Said, Kari, " four weeks, week one I have you start slow by being on the leg press, week two I move you up to the chest press, week three you step up to the higher number on the leg press, then week four the last week are together you be ready for the bench press. Said, Jesse, " after then I will sign you with our fit-inspired coach to work with you in the ring. (Wes come to the office please,) for four weeks you are training with him as well, said. Kari, he walked into the door. " you call boss," he been yours for four weeks after he did with Jesse, tell me what is he doing wrong in his profession? With one look, he already knows what he is doing wrong in the ring. " you mixing two different styles up,  you want to be a bouncer but don't have the moves, so you decide to be a brawler, to me being a bouncer be good for your attached point, but unless you want to flip dance, fly not you, I see that you are sexy boy, you need your own to make the crowd see you, that get you out of the slump, week one we going to work on your entrance, week two we going to find your style, week three we going to practice that style and week four you get to do both against our fit-inspired trainer, who that sounds? Asked. Said, Wes. " sounds good to me, Mrs. Christmas your staff know their stuff, said. Viktor, " thank you, and their training paid off, it's just Ms. Not many yet, said. Kari, " and we will see you back when you're leg is better. Said, Kari. " I like to repay you, will you have dinner with me tonight? Asked. Viktor, " Mr. Nevada you are a customer and I don't mix personal with business. said, Kari, " it is just a thank you, dinner boss, said. Wes, "exactly a thank-you dinner, said. Viktor, " a thank-you dinner? Said, Kari. "Yeah one thank you out, boss sizes you never go out, said. Jesse, " what is your point, Jesse, there is no need Mr. Neveda, I am in the business to help others," okay Ms. Christmas let's get on the first names, I am Viktor Reno Nevada my wrestler name is my middle name, I am not taking no for answers here when I saw you, I saw my wife, my kids, I need you in my life, with you by my side I know everything will be okay. He told, and she looks at him. "He got her Wes. Said, Jesse. " she never had anyone tell her that before Jesse, said. Jesse, " okay it's Kari Madison's Christmas, I go out with you tonight. Said, Kari. " thank you, and Kari I pick you up at eight, she gave him her address, and they walked out of the Studio, " what in the heck just happened!?" Why are you freaking out K he is perfect for you, said. Wes " if I wasn't stray, married with a baby on the way, heck I take a shot at him, come you might fall in love with him, who said I hear wedding bells. Said, Jesse. " crap, you two are all for this are you? " boss you struggle your whole life, you deserve to be happy with someone, who said he not the right guy for you, said. Wes, they hugged her and walked out of the office, it was 7:50 pm, closing hour, they were finished up with customers and cleaning up after the door was locked, everyone is in the office, " K goes home get ready we got the paywall, said. Lily, " Wes, Jessica tell me you did not tell everyone! " Kari come when you did something just for you? Said, Anna. " huh, never see size he might be the one the Mr.Kari Christmas, said. Terry, "go have fun and enjoy yourself. Said, Adam. She looked at them,  " okay, I am outvoted here since you all want me to go out with him, we three will talk in the morning after you do the paywall lock the office and the vault and the studio. Said, Kari. " we want to know everything, tomorrow boss,  she left out to go home to get ready.