A girl is sleeping peacefully on her bed in the tidiest, most formal, and neatest way one could ever think of.
So to say, this girl is rather, a pure maiden in the biggest shrine of the most ancient family in the world which any other family would want to be part of this family no matter how known or not, nor how great they are. Because in a sense, having this maiden in her own family, why could it not be something like what it was just described?
…Literally an exaggeration.
But it's real. The fact that you can see her dazzling beauty while she sleeps makes it surreal that she really is on par with a great maiden in a great shrine.
With her dark wavy and certainly exquisite purple hair which color chosen is perfectly tuned for any others who have the same appearance as her, mid-thick elegantly straightened eyebrows which steals the gazes of the stars when she sleeps, healthy-looking tipsy rose lips which will always want someone to touch or even kiss it, small cute nose where it is perfectly fined, a well-rounded face which fits her entirety to the extent, and her fragile small-looking thin body that it is so fragile even an entire school-body will be her royal army to protect her like a princess.
... She's, beyond doubt, a gorgeous girl.
But it certainly is not the end yet as well.
*Beep beep beep beep beep beep*
The sound of an alarm clock continued its work passionately in the smoothest possible way, unlike any other alarm clock.
Certainly influenced by none other than its owner.
Not like some person and his pitiful alarm clock.
After some few seconds with the sound, a movement was then found.
The maiden woke with great purity...
with a humble resonance following it.
And here's what was being waited for.
The young maiden finally opened her eyes, and only finding out that it can desperately capture the gazes of not just the stars, but even the entire universe.
… Literally over-exaggerating.
But the fact that her priceless-looking emerald-colored eyes are so one-in-a-million unique says it all.
Like a medium of any kinds of arts which all kinds of painters in the world wanted to try and paint with such challenge and satisfaction in any kinds of canvases.
Or even like being called one of the holy children of God for being gifted by one of His treasures, which are also being called as "the pair of God's treasured emeralds".
… Literally true to some.
But then, even throughout all of this, the girl that is being talked about remains a maiden not just externally, but even internally.
It is already known that everyone has their own kind of beauty. And no one can absolutely identify their beauty wholeheartedly, no matter if you really love this person or not. It's because the thing that matters most is that your view about their beauty or even one's own beauty exists, therefore it exists.
The thing is, this girl's beauty, in my own view, is something more than her eyes.
As a humble god of this world, recapping this day's surrounding in the eyes of the puppy is worth the wait. Right, viewers?
… Not like I can hear you anywa-
[Again with such a trademark, current handler of Earth]
… Ehem. My apologies, Lord High Vessel Avetrone
[ It's coming to an end, hays. I know for sure because of that trademark of yours. "Nwot lwike I cwan hwe-"]
Stop that, Lady High Ve-
… Ehem. I mean, I had forgotten to tell you guys about this on the last episode, but…
This is just .5, tehee~~
Anyways, because some of you can't wait, I shall give you guys a bit for the next one.
… The puppy, or let's say Espiridion the 5-year old Shiba Inu dog had also just woken up from his deep slumber.
[That's it? How co-]
As you like it or not, that's it. Bye~~