Chereads / Random K-Pop System / Chapter 21 - Ch 21 Contract

Chapter 21 - Ch 21 Contract

"Okay, here's your contract. Please read it carefully, and if you have any question, feel free to ask." P (The president)

Trainee contract (This is just a simple version of it)

1. Term - three years

2. No dating

3. No smoking and drugs

4. Have to attend vocal, dancing, language and ettique classes

5. Have to follow the diet program planned by the company

6. Only allowed to use phone after trainning and classes, or during holidays

7. All the expenses spent on you during your trainee years will be paid back after you debut

(I'm sure there are more details but these are the main ones)

"I only have one question, do I have to train for fully three years in order to debut?" < Jay

"No, we can end this contract as soon as we think you are qualifed and ready to debut, then we will sign a new idol contract." < P

"I see. Okay, no more question." < Jay

"Good, sign here please. Gonna need your guardian's signature and consent too." < P

"She is my guardian." < Jay points at Jee Eun's grandma.

"Okay, but since she is not related to you legally, I will have to be your guarantor and vouch for you. If I do this, you have to promise not to break any rules listed in the contract, because you then become my responsibility." < P

"Okay, I promise." < Jay

"You better." < The president also put his signature in the contract.

"Alright, your part is done, now go outside and notify the four of them to enter the office one by one." < P

"Yes sir!" < Jay

When Jay exits the office, all of them have already lined up, waiting for their turns. He gives them a thumbs up and goes to the back of the line with Jee Eun and her grandma. Yunho is the next one who enters the office.


After waiting for thirty minutes, everyone has finished signing their contracts, so the president gathered all five of them in the office once again for a pep talk.

"Now, you guys are officially members of SM Entertainment. As promised, you guys will be trained as a group, and I will personally supervise it." < P

"Yes sir!" x5

"You guys already have the looks, the vocals, the moves, the charisma and the chemistry, so I believe with proper guidance and trainning system, you guys will improve even more. Which is why the will be providing you guys some of the best instructors in the country." < P

"Thank you sir!" x5

"I have high expectations for the five of you. I believe that you guys have what it takes to reach the top of the business, I put my faith in you guys. Do not dissapoint me." < P

"Yes sir!" x5

"Alright! Since you guys will be trained as a group of five, I would prefer you guys to stay together in a dorm provided by the company. Don't worry, for now you guys can still stay at your home during the weekends and holidays." < P

"Isn't that too soon?" < Changmin

"The sooner you guys get used to it the better. Alright, we should all go back outside to continue the contest. Oh right, since you guys are officially trainees now, go join the other trainees in the company and watch the rest of the contest together. You are also free to go home whenever you want, just remember everything will start next week." < P

"Yes sir!" x5

"Ah! There's one more I forgot about, it's about the songs you made Jay." < P

"What about them?" < Jay

"You said yourself most of them aren't complete yet, so when you are free, you can always come to the studio here, I'm sure there are better equipments here that are able to help you and give you some new ideas. As a producer myself, I can also provide you some help and advice." < P

"Thank you, president!" < Jay

"We should also complete it as soon as possible and register them at KOMCA, remember there are a lot of people that heard you sing today, you don't want people stealing your ideas right?" < P

"Right." < Jay

"Okay, let's go enjoy the rest of the contest, we delayed it dfor too long." < P

"Yes sir!" x5


Lead by the president, the five of them returns to the hall and join the group the trainees. They are immediately surrounded by different kind of emotions, respect, jealousy, curiousity etc, however every trainee avoids eye cobtact with them.

"Seems like we've been isolated." Yunho whispers softly to Jay.

"Can't be helped, we were too high-profile. The competition has started, of course we won't be welcomed here." He replies back to him.

Suddenly, Jay's phone starts vibrating, he received a message.

[Seeing that you are sitting here, you are one of us now? Of course... anyone would be crazy to not recruit you after seeing that kind of performance...] It's a text from Jess.

He starts looking around to find her, just to find her sitting directly behind him, but she just continues looking down and points at her phone. That's when his phone starts vibrating again.

[Don't look back, you guys are like the center of attentions right now, and I myself already have enough attentions on my own, so don't bring me more. Just chat on the phone okay?] Jess

[Ok.] Jay

[Congratz anyway, I don't have to block you on my phone~ :P] Jess

[You were actually serious about that?] Jay

[Hmm, who knows? Doesn't matter now cuz you made it.] Jess

[Right...] Jay

[Hehe, you really are my hoobae now! (≧∇≦)/] Jess

[Pft, it would change if I debut before you, so don't get too excited!] Jay

[You? Before me? Please... don't make me laugh.] Jess

[You don't think that's possible?] Jay

[Of course, because I've already heard rumours about the company wanting to form a new girl group in the next few years. I'm sure I'm one of the candidates for that.] Jess

[You sound confident, how about we make a bet? To see who debut first.] Jay

[Call! If I win, I want you to write me a song that has a better quality than the one you sang just now.] Jess

[Okay! Then if I win, when I invite you to form a temporary duo with me, you have to do it for free.] Jay

[Huh? Are you sure? Because this sounds like a win win for me.] Jess

[I'll take that as a 'yes, I agree' from you.] Jay

[Feels like I'm being scammed real hard right now...] Jess

After that, their conversation ends, and they quietly watch the rest of the contest. However, everything becomes dull after witnessing Jay's, Yunho's, Hyuk Jae's and Hyo Yeon's performance. You even see the president's face slowly turns from smiling, back to his original poker face.

Until the end of the contest, there are no more surprises, maybe there are a few talented ones but the president doesn't show any interest to any of them, maybe because he is already satisfied with what he got today.

After that, everyone goes home with their family. Before leaving, Jess taps Jay on his shoulder and tells him to keep in touch with her, then proceeds to hop into a car and leaves, Jay also caught a glimpse of another little girl in the car, is that Krystal?!



[Mission complete]

3. Join SM - reward: +5 singing (originally +10 but reduced due to skill leveling up from basic to advanced)

Singing - Advanced (26/40)

'Ah... and here I thought I could exploit this bug.' < Jay

'He he he, you will never find any bug in this system, it is always one step ahead of you.' < Random
