Chapter 25 - Calming her down

"Xion! Xion, come back to your senses. You are safe now. There is no dog here to hurt you" Everything was breaking apart and there were that in her arms.

No, not arms.

There were teeth in her leg this time. The monstrous creatures had come back to attack her and Xion needed to defend herself. She needed to get them away.

"Xion, no. You will make the whole building collapse" building collapse? It sounded great. Maybe if the building did collapse, it would take those monstrous creatures back with it.

Xion would be free of them at least.

"She's not snapping out of it. Rhea, any advice you could give me would be good advice" the voices were speaking over Xion's head and they vaguely sounded human.

Not that it mattered. These monsters could have developed this ability recently.

"Don't ask me. Besides, you have spent more time with Xion recently" this was the point Xion decided to tune everything out. She was not in the mood to entertain people, much less spoilt brats like these.

Whatever they wanted from her, Xion would not give it to them. Maybe she should bury them here as well.

"Darn it. Fine, there is no choice left to me now" Xion felt hands on her face and instantly tried to jerk away. She did not want to get hurt by those hands at all.

But it was difficult, next to impossible to break that hold on her by mere human capabilities. It was too strong and it cages Xion inside.

She needed to getaway. The struggling got bad.

And then Xion froze as a pair of soft lips crashed onto her own. Her brain froze at the new sensation she was feeling.

Lips? Those monsters did not have lips.

Those lips were moving on her own and a tongue was trying to probe into her mouth. The sensation was familiar to her. She knew those sensations.

"Good. Come back to us Xion. Rhea, secure the perimeter and join me. I can't do this alone" The voices were back and Xion did not like the loss of sensation.

Talking was bad. It took those lips away from her and Xion did not like that.

She wanted them back on her so she took them. The gasp of surprise just felt soothing on her soul.

"Damn, she seems eager today. Give me a second here" the haze was receding from Xion's mind and so did the fog of fear and kill.

She recognized the pair of eyes looking back at her. Those hands on her body mapped it as if they were familiar with her.

"Emma? What?" Xion could not recognise her own breathless voice. Had Xion had a panic attack just now?

"Less talking, more concentrating. We will have time for briefing later" later sounded good.

The lips were back and another pair of hands joined the first one. Xion looked up into Rhea's familiar and loving eyes and decided that it was alright.

They both knew what they were doing and it felt so good to leave herself in their arms.

Their hands were all over, pulling at Xion's clothes and she decided to let them have this. Xion usually liked to have control but she did not mind giving it over once in a while.

It helped her relax and this situation called for it.

"Xion, open up for me" Xion got only a minute to tense up before there were fingers inside her.

It felt so good and the stimulation was divine as well. The fingers were moving inside Xion and she arched into that touch.

"Look at her. She's so into it already. Maybe we should have brought toys with us" Rhea's voice was teasing as the fingers inside Xion grew bolder.

They were touching places that made Xion lose her current thought.

"Maybe next time. I would like to keep Xion at it for hours but we are short on time. Do you need my help?" Emma asked and Xion was not sure if those words were meant for her or Rhea.

Emma was playing with her breasts, her hands gently massaging them and Xion felt her release coming closer.

"Nah, I got this. She's exhausted already and a little out of it. A little compulsion is all it would take" there was magic in the mix now, a familiar tone to their dance.

Emma was good, Rhea better and Xion had no chance of lasting between them. Not now, when she was exhausted and out of her element.

One second Xion was alright, the next second she was coming. Her release had hit her hard and left her two other lovers hanging.

"You need help?" Xion asked once her high had worn down. Her eyes could barely open but she did force them open.

Only to meet the best view Xion had seen in weeks.

"Give us a minute. We will be done here" Emma replied as she pushed Rhea's lips off of her. The other girl was not about to be outdone though and pulled the elder back into that kiss.

Xion watched the other two go at it in front of her. She might have joined them if she had any energy left. But she was drained and she knew it was partly her fault for engaging in magic inside the safe zone of the building.

Her head turned automatically as the other two finished with a moan of passion.

They really were beautiful, a gorgeous sight to look at. Xion was lucky to have them and she knew it as well.

"Man, I'm beat. System, engage magic sequence T-2. I'm gonna sleep for hours after this" Xion would sleep hours after this as well.

And then she would think back on what had happened. She was not so sure of the details about the happenings but the principal had asked her to do something and it was suspicious in itself.

[Magic sequence T-2 activated. Spacial teleportation.

Warning: energy levels have fallen to a critical level. Rest is administered artificially]

Well, looked like Rhea would be out of commission for a while now. Hopefully, it would not affect her grades in this school. She, out of everyone, needed those grades to make her life better.


"I shall go back to my room now" that was what Milles had said to the principal and this was what he had intended to do as well.

But somehow, he had found his way to the system study building instead. His feet had moved on their own and had led him back here.

The pup was asleep in his arms now. His small body was exhausted from all the excitement as well as magical usage.

It would be hungry once it works up as well and Milles should really start to head back to his dorm. It was not like anyone would be here today.

There was no need for Milles to be here at all and yet he had found himself coming here.

The system study building should be closed and yet Milles found himself walking straight inside. It was not as abandoned as Milles had hoped it to be.

Even the labs were open and Milles felt himself being pulled toward the back section. He had been here a few times with Miss Irena but he had never dared to open this system before.

Milles had a chance now and his hands itched to open it.

Quietly putting the pup down, Milled opened the system and started checking up on the details.

It was based on the neural system, just like everything else at this time. However, there was a major difference between this program and the normal programs.

It was constructed in an isolated system and the sequence seemed to be distorted.

It reminded Milles of a bomb that would go off as soon as someone as much as breathed on it. It would cause a lot of disasters if it successfully went online.

Oh god, someone had constructed a bomb in the academy building and there could only be one person who could have done that.

Milles had to do something. But even before that, he had to erase all traces of this bomb ever having been discovered. Maybe even temper with it a bit so that it would not go off as soon as it hit live.

Milles felt his fingers move over the panel, his brain going into a single-focus mode and his hands were sweating as well.

Once that was done, Milles knew he had to get away from this place. It would not be good to get discovered here and be associated with this.

"System, remove all traces of my presence here"

[Removing all traces. Filling the empty survey blanks]

The neural system was doing its work but Milles still did not feel safe. He felt as if he was about to be dragged into something stupid once again.

"What are you doing here today? It's an off day for you, isn't it? Did you see it?" and Milles was about to step outside the building when he was discovered.

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