Chereads / The millionaires daughter / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

"Bella hurry, wake up, that monster is coming back into the room."

I jumped out of bed.

"You go hide where I put you last time he must not know that you are here."

I watched her run to the closet. The door opened.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I just want to see how you are doing and I also brought you some food."

"Keep that nasty food to yourself."

"Haha." "I will leave it here like I always do because I know you eat it anyway." "You're still bleeding?" "How can this be?" "I will have a nurse come in and take a look okay?"

"Why are you so consumed with me?" "I thought all you wanted was part of my power."

I covered myself with the blanket on the bed.

"Well I have to consider your well being otherwise if you die I have no powers." "I want you to eat and I will send someone to look at you down there."

He left the room and I ran to the closet.

"He's gone." "He left some food for you."

"Food?" "I am starving." "I haven't eaten since I got here."

Bella handed me the food. It tasted so good.

"Where's your food?"

"I ate last night." "I don't need it, you need it more than me right now."

"I heard that you are still bleeding." "Can you please tell me what happened?" "I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me about what is going on."

I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"It's nothing I think my time of month is out of whack right now and it just needs to be taken care of."

"Won't he give you pads or something for that?"

"That's why the doctor is coming to take a look."


"Hello Miss Bella I was told that you need to be seen." "What seems to be going on?"

"I don't know but my special place is bleeding still even though I had time to heal." "By the way doctor, this is my sister Grace." "Please don't tell the master about her; she doesn't need to be hurt by him."

"I understand Miss Bella's." "It's nice to meet you Miss Grace." "My name is Jennifer." "Bella I am going to take a look so why don't you please lay down on the bed."

I did as Jennifer said I spread my legs for her. She put her fingers up there.

"Ahhh." "Please stop hurting."

I closed my legs and ran into the bathroom tears flowing down my face.

"Oh dear."

"Knock." "Bella are you alright?"

I can hear her crying, so I walk over to Jennifer.

"What happened to her?"

"Miss Bella hasn't told you?" "Well you see, master well he."

I ran out of the bathroom.

"I am fine."

I looked at Jennifer and she understood that I didn't want her to know.

"Grace I am fine I just felt pain that is all I know you are worried about me but I am fine now." "Jennifer, can we talk in the hall?"

"Yes but you know the only way we can do that is if you have your arms tied behind your back."

We walked out of the room.

"So what's wrong with me down there?"

"You have a bad tare it will heal but for now no more sex and here are some pads to help."

"Thank you."

I was locked back inside with my sister.

"Doctor said I am fine, I just need pads, it's just my menstrual cycle."

"Sigh." "I understand you don't want to talk about it but I know he did something to you, I would like to help you as well but when you keep blocking me out it hurts me, and it makes it hard on you to keep that secret."

"I am so happy that you are concerned about me but this is my body and I need to keep something a secret so that I don't feel more ashamed about myself."

I put my hands on her shoulder.

"Will you tell me soon?" "I really want to help you."

I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I let the flow.

"Oh Grace I love you so much but I don't want my burden to become yours as well." "That monster rape me he keeps coming back each day to get the power her wants that is why I keep telling you to hide because he knows I am here but he has no idea about you now that he thinks you have escaped."

I pulled Bella in for a hug. That bastard is going to pay for what he has done to my sister. I will not let this go until he pays. I wish there was something I could do to make her feel better.

"Bella, you shouldn't feel ashamed of your body, it's not your fault that he did that to you." "I promise he will not get away with this." "I have an idea and I will make sure he pays for what he has done to you."


"Oh no you must hide, he can't see you."

"No more hiding."

My sister started to glow as she used her powers. How does she know how to use them? The door opened.

"Gasp." "I thought you escaped." "How did you hide from me?" "Oh well not a big deal now I have both sisters to get powers from."

"Grace be careful he also has powers because of me."

"I see you know how to use your powers, this is going to be so much fun, even more fun than Bella."

"You bastard, you are not going to get away with hurting my sister." "I will make you pay."

I watched as they started to fight. Grace is in the lead. She really knows how to use her magic. The man threw her against the wall oh no this isn't going to be good I have to do something. I can't let her suffer the way I did. I ran in front of them so that she wouldn't get raped.

"No!" "I wont let you rape my sister." "You might have made me a victim but I will never allow you to harm anyone like you have to me ever again."

I can feel something inside grow and it is my power. I don't know what is happening but I am just going to let it happen. I closed my eyes and focused.


"Bella, that was amazing." "How did you do that?"

Bella collapsed onto the floor. I saw blood on the floor. This isn't good. I have to find Jennifer after I tie this monster up.

"Oh my she has lost a lot of blood."

"Is there anything you can do for her?"

"No, there is nothing I can do." "We have to get her to a hospital right now before she dies." "Follow me."

I grabbed my sister and when we got to the hospital they told us we had to stay in the lobby. I am so scared I don't want to lose my twin sister.

"What are we going to do with the master?"

"I called the police so I bet he is on his way to jail right now."

"Thank you both so much you just saved us all from being slaves for ever we are very grateful." "How can we repay you?"

"You can all repay us by keeping our secret."

She nodded her head.

"I will be off then there are a lot of things that need to be done."

Jennifer left. I should call my mother and father. I walk over to the desk.

"Excuse me, can I call our parents?" "They must be very worried about us."

The front desk lady smiled and handed me the phone.


"Mother hi this is Grace can you come to the hospital Bella has lost a lot of blood and she needs us."

I explained everything to them about what happened and hung up the phone.I heard the doors open and saw mother and father walking in.

"Oh Grace, we are so glad that you are alright." "Have you heard any news about Bella?"

"No, they won't tell me anything but that they are in a hurry to get her fixed up."

"Excuse me, are you Bella's family?"


"Come with me, she is stable ."

We filled the doctor with a dark room where Bella is asleep.

"She is very delicate right now with her emotions but otherwise she is in recovery." "Oh I almost forgot to congratulate you all that your daughter is pregnant." "I would advise you to talk about it calmly because when I told her she had a breakdown not because she is pregnant I am not sure why but I thought I should let you know."

"Thank you doctor."

We walked into the room where I sat on the bed by her side. She is so pale. I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand.

"I can't believe you both our parents would abandon your own daughter." "Why?"

"She didn't want to be saved, she said that in her note we wanted to keep at least one of you safe so that man couldn't get enough power to destroy the world."

"Shut up!" "Is that all you think about?" "Bella is my sister and your daughter." "You should have done everything to help her." "You both make me sick." "Bella would have done everything to get you both out of harm's way but you both decided to look the other way when it comes to her." "You both shouldn't have thought twice about saving your daughter."

I watched as our parents cried.

"We are sorry you're right we should have done all we could to save her but we didn't realize that until you went missing too."

"Yawn." "Hi."

"Bella you're alright now I am so glad that you woke up." "How do you feel?"

"I feel sick, I think I am going to vomit."

I quickly grabbed a garbage can and gave it to her.

"Vomit." "Cough."

I know why I am vomiting but I am scared. I have never thought about having a child. I am happy but just scared. I hope I am a good mother to the child. I handed Grace the can and she put it on the floor. I looked to see mother and father as well.

"You're both here?" "I missed you both so much." "I am glad that you are both here now." "You should have seen Grace's powers and then mine too. I didn't know I could do something like that but I did."

I stopped talking to see everyone tense at each other.

"What's going on?"

"Mother and father here wanted nothing to do with saving you until I decided to come and save you so I just told them off."

"Ummm." "Lets not worry about it right now I am just glad that you both are here now."

"Bella we, I mean your father and I were wondering what you're going to do with the child when he or she is born?"

"What are you trying to get at?" "If you're wondering if I am going to give my child up, you're both terrible." "I would never do a thing like that." ?Why would you even think of that?"

"So you expect to raise the child on your own?"

"No, I will help her." "You said that you didn't want to give Bella up so why would she give her child up?"

"Gasp." "We thought we raised you better than this."

"Stop!" "You both leave now your nothing to me if you think I would give up my child just like that."

I watched as they walked out of our lives.

"I am sorry our parents are that way."

"It's not your fault they have become greedy just like everyone that has money." "I am not going to let that happen to me." "I will donate it if I have to but nothing will separate me from my family." "Thank you for staying by my side."

"I am glad that I get to be by your side, you're my sister and I wouldn't trade you for the world." "I am also excited to become an aunt." "I am sorry that you had do get raped to become a mother I know that your going to make a great mother to the child."