Chereads / War For Williams' Empire / Chapter 2 - Blank Cheque

Chapter 2 - Blank Cheque

Two policemen escorted an handful of law breakers into the station.

The custody sergeant on duty sighed when she recognized a young man in the group. Henry always had a knack for getting in trouble.

"Back so soon, huh?"

"I'm hurt, Trish. You say that like I'm a criminal."

"Yeah, because innocent people end up in cuffs. What did he do this time?" She asked her colleague.

"Indecent and disorderly behavior. Looks like they had too much to drink last night." One of the cops replied, as he handed them over to Trish for processing.

She took their belongings, made them fill out forms and take mob shots, before finally locking them in holding cells.

The arrested youth made their one phone call and waited for whoever they called to bail them out. One by one, they got released...leaving only Henry.

Trish walked to the holding cell to see Henry making himself at home, as if no one was coming for him.

"Are you sure you don't want to call anyone?" She asked, and he looked at her for a moment.

"There's no one to call."

Trish felt bad. How could she forget that he was alone? He had no parents or family relatives. And his friends were the ones you party and get arrested with, not the ones that get you out of jail.

"Um, is there anything you want? Besides getting released?"

Henry shifted his gaze to the TV. "Can you turn it on?"

The TV switched on and Trish changed the channel on Henry's command.

"Wait, go back!"

Henry told the policewoman, and she changed it back to the news station. The news had an headline that announced the death of Empire's Owner and CEO, William Great.

"Oh, bless his soul." Was all the policewoman could say, after reading the sad headline.

She turned to the young man in the cold cell. "Do you want anything else?"

"I'm okay. Thank you for everything, Trish."

"You're welcome, Henry." She replied, before returning to her station.

The young man relaxed as his listened to the news, though he couldn't help but feel weird. This was because he shared the same family name with the deceased billionaire, even though he had no connection with the man.

"...nothing has also been said about his successor but we are most certain it would be his Secretary, whom he raised as his own daughter; though the Board of Directors are yet to say anything on the topic...."

Henry 's eyes slowly closed as the ingested liquor got the better of him.

"Henry? Henry?"

He opened his eyes, to see Trish standing beside an open cell door.

"You are free to go. Someone posted bail."


Trish shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know the person. "Go and see for yourself. She's waiting for you."

Trish led the way, handed him his belongings and pointed him towards a pretty young woman. There was something familiar about her, but he couldn't quite put a pin on it.

"I'm grateful for what you did, but who are you?" He asked the woman.

In response, she stood up from where she sat and observed him with a straight face. Henry couldn't help but feel that this emotion-free look masked her true feelings.

"Looking for you took a lot out of me. Let's talk over dinner." She finally said.


At a classy restaurant, she could only watch as Henry devoured the expensive food in front of him.

This law breaker, that is very likely to eat his cutlery by mistake, is the person William entrusted half of his Empire to?

She lost her appetite, and decided to accomplish her goal as soon as possible. She was sure an honest look of disgust would spill through her poker face if she keeps looking at this unsightly man.

"If I offer you a blank cheque right now, how much would you ask for?"

Henry paused and stared at her, trying to understand her impromptu question. Anne expected his confusion.

"I'm Anne Great. You must've heard of me."

"Ah, I see it now. You are that rich chick on the news, whose father died. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Uh, thank you. Now that you know who I am, you must know I'm not joking."

Henry was still confused, but for a different reason.

"Why me? Why are you giving it to me?" He asked, and Anne rolled her eyes.

"How long will it take you to realize we have the same surname?"

Henry's eyes widened. It wasn't that he hadn't noticed the similarity, he just didn't dare to dream that he wasn't alone. Reality was always harsh when it reminded him of his isolation.

"We're related!?"

"Me and you? Hell no. But you're William Great's grandson."

Henry's eyes widened. The Emperor is his grandfather? He had a lot of questions—

"If you have any questions concerning what I just told you, please keep it to yourself. The person with all the answers is sadly no longer with us. I just want a number from you."

Henry understood where she was coming from. It's possible that William is the only person that can answer his many questions. He suppressed those questions and focused on the matter at hand.

"This blank cheque you're offering me isn't free, right? What's the catch?"

"It's quite simple. To get the blank cheque, you would need to give up your rights to receive inheritance."

Henry stroked his chin.

"Why would I choose to get paid off with money I can just inherit?"

"William mostly had assets. I'm not offering you land, properties or shares but money itself."

"What do you stand to gain from this?"

Anne looked down, as she fiddled with her slim fingers.

"I don't want a stranger to ruin the legacy William left behind."

Henry was convinced. She really looked sincere. She was sincere.

"I might have to think about this." He finally said.

"Hundred million."


"No, dollars. I would give you hundred million dollars if you disclaim your inheritance."

Now, Henry was more than convinced. He didn't know what came over him before. There was nothing to think about.

She was offering him money, that would give him problems deciding how to spend it, for what? His stake in The Empire Group? His portion of real estate?

He can probably make much more if he claims his inheritance and sells it, but he isn't that greedy. Maybe it's because he has lived his life worse than most people, or because he knows that money would last him two lifetimes, he just knew he was satisfied with her proposal.

"I can't refuse when you put it that way."

"I'm glad we've reached an understanding. You would receive half now and the other half after you renounce your right to inherit. William's will would be read during his funeral. You should come." She told him, before she stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

Henry was about to resume devouring his food when a waiter walked up to him.

"The bill, Sir." The man said, while handing over a small elegant file that accommodated a piece of paper. Henry glanced at the content of the white slip.

"Ah, fuck me."


Henry staggered on the sidewalk. His stomach was filled up, in complete contrast to his bank account. He couldn't afford a ride back to his apartment so he walked instead, cursing Anne with each step he took.

How could he be so stupid?! She would give him hundred million dollars? She didn't even ask for his account details!

It is more believable that his "friends" bailed him out and hired a method actor to act as the heiress of Empire just to humiliate him. They always liked pointing out the fact he and The Emperor had the same surname but completely different lives. Once he gets home, he is certain he would be sent a video of his walk of shame.

An hour later, he reached his apartment. He simply ignored his roommate, who started talking about how his rent is past due, and just fell face flat on his bed. A second later, he was asleep.


He opened his eyes to see sunlight coming in through his window. It was afternoon, but his shift had been in the morning. His alarm clock hadn't rung.


He looked at his bedside table, his alarm clock wasn't there. He turned to the other side of the room and he saw a familiar dent on the wall. He remembered throwing his clock in that direction two days ago.

He picked up his phone to call his boss, but stopped after seeing the first notification on the screen. His boss had fired him over text.

It was partly his fault, still he couldn't help but blame that viscious woman he met yesterday. If he hadn't walked two miles last night, he would've woken up early...even without an alarm clock.

Just as he was about to curse Anne once more, he saw another notification that had been suppressed by recent alerts. Never have he seen so much zeros in his account before.

He had fifty million dollars.


He jumped on his bed, screamed and cursed, ran round his room and rolled on the floor. He injured himself slightly in the process, but he didn't feel any pain. He was truly going to go insane.

"Looks like someone is finally awake." A familiar voice said.

Henry froze, then turned to see his roommate at the door.

"Pay up or move out." His roommate said, and Henry simply let out a smile.

Normally he would've tried explaining to Chris how a godforsaken living thing made him spend all of his money on elegant food, but he could now afford to move out. He could now live somewhere better than this dump.

"I'll move out."

"You have till—"

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now."

Chris was shocked at Henry's change in attitude. Isn't this the same man that always begs him to postpone the rent payment date?

"Did something happen?" Chris couldn't help but ask. In response, Henry pushed him out of his room.

"I need to pack." Henry said, before shutting the door.

Henry only took the things he needed. He was a multimillionaire now, he could afford to leave unnecessary possessions. Besides most of his belongings reminded him of the lonely sad life he had lived.

He zipped up his small box, brushed his teeth and took a bath. He was finally ready to go.

"What should I do with the things you're leaving behind?" His roommate asked.

"I don't know, Chris. Sell them. Burn them. Do whatever you want." Henry said, before walking to a nearby hotel. He needed to temporarily settle down somewhere he can plan his new life with his recently acquired funds.


"Sorry Sir, your card got declined."

"Eh? Try it again."

"It's still getting declined." The hotel receptionist repeated and Henry's mind went numb.

He rushed out of the hotel and located the nearest ATM. He tried to withdraw from his account, but couldn't. He quickly called his bank and found out his account had been blocked, because his deposit limit had been greatly exceeded.

This was the first time he heard the term "deposit limit". This was also the first time he exceeded it.

Henry sunk into a troubled heap. He was a multimillionaire but he couldn't use his millions. He wondered which one was worse: Not having the money at all, or having it but not being able to spend it.

He rolled his box back the way he came, but unlike earlier, he had a sunken look. He knocked on his apartment door and it opened to reveal Chris, who had a pleased grin on his face.

"You're back sooner than expected."

"Haha, I guess I didn't think things through before I left." Henry replied, as he tried to enter the apartment but Chris blocked his path.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Don't be like this, Chris."

"Pay up or sleep outside."

"Are you really goin—"


The sound of the door slamming shut cut him off. Henry sat down at the doorstep, thinking of how it all came down to this. He finally arrived at a conclusion.

"It's all her fault."

Just yesterday; he had some money he could actually spend, a job and a roof over his head. But now he had nothing, and there was a reason: Anne Great.

If he is given a chance, God knows he would exact revenge on her.

As if to answer Henry's heart desire, a man walked towards him. Upon reaching Henry, the forty-something year old man stopped and observed him.

"You're him, aren't you? You're Henry Great." The man inquired.

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm the executor of your grandfather's will."