Chereads / Sinners and Sinner's Ladies / Chapter 17 - Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17

"It's just a few more days, Brian," she said into her cell phone as she walked to her car after work. "I have a bunch of things to take care of here first. I do have a life, you know."

"It's just… I'm going crazy with missing you."

She smiled. "I miss you, too. Thanks for the flowers, by the way."


"Don't play coy. They were signed, See You Soon , so it had to be you. And how did you know gladiolas were my favorite flower?"

"I should have sent you flowers, but I can't take credit. Who would send you flowers?"

"They weren't from you?" She bit her lip. Who would send her flowers? Her parents maybe? Or one of her sisters?

"No, they weren't from me. Is some bozo hitting on you?" He sounded more upset than he should be.

"Nah. Probably from my parents. So, where will you be on Saturday? I should be able to get out of town by then." She unlocked her car and slid her laptop case across the front seat.

"Saturday? That's five days away!"

"Friday night? I might be able to swing that, but it doesn't look good. I need to pack. Get all my obligations in order. The work week doesn't end until Friday and final grades are due tomorrow. I'll be up all night grading." She smiled to herself, knowing the reason for her being behind in her grading was on the other end of the line. Every minute spent with that reason was worth missing out on a night of sleep. "Be patient just a little longer. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"I just miss you."

"Brian, we've only been apart for one night."

"I know. I know." He sighed. "Let me check the schedule."

She climbed into the Thunderbird and waited for Brian to speak.

"Friday. Um… We'll be in Nebraska. Looks like Lincoln."

"That's about four hours from here."

"That's not far," he said, an excited edge to his voice.

"What time is your show?"

"We go on at ten. We have three bands opening for us. The actual show starts at six-thirty."

"I'll probably miss it, but I'll try to get there. I will see you afterwards. I promise."

"Or we can skip the show, meet in Vegas and get married."

"No, we cannot."

"Are you sure there isn't some guy making his move on you?"

"Good-bye, Brian."

He sighed. "I'll call you later."

She flipped her phone closed and tossed it into her purse. She backed the car out of her parking space and headed for her apartment on the north side of the city.

Brian was already getting too close. Too clingy. She didn't do clingy. It made her nervous. And jealous? Jealous led to protective. And protective drove her nuts. She liked him, probably more than she should, but she wasn't prepared to make a long-term commitment. And he kept bringing up this marriage thing. She knew he was joking, but still…

Marriage? Myrna shuddered.