Chereads / Saint Patrick's Cathedral. 1609 / Chapter 26 - Wandering the Streets of Dublin

Chapter 26 - Wandering the Streets of Dublin

Not long after, Colman parted ways with Ruby only to wander Dublin's streets. On his mind was one single question.

How can I save her?

Maybe there would be other women. Perhaps Ruby would have to wait. Perhaps Apollo would not have the energy to make the beast with two backs. What if there weren't? What if Ruby just meant to show up and leave through some sort of loophole? What if Apollo tried to—

How can I save her?

What could he possibly do? He, Colman. He hadn't the bravery to be a soldier, yet even then, he had no desire to be, and he was still brave enough to face Hugh. He was brave to face Apollo too, but with the Soldier having been so stupid as wanting to kill him simply by beating him to death with the pommel of his sword, it did not take a great amount of courage to defend himself with what little effort he brought to the moment.

How can I save her?

But were here to interfere would Apollo simply try to beat him to death with the pommel of his sword? Colman doubted it. What training did he have in swordsmanship? None. If Apollo drew his sword to use it as intended, then Colman would be as dead as Julius Caesar, if not more so.

How can I save her?

What was he to do? King James had appointed Apollo Dublin's Captain of the Guard. What if he were to go to the Stuart King now? He was most likely at Dublin Castle at that very moment, Colman could tell him about this, surely, he would do something about it… Wouldn't he?

How can I save her?

Maybe King James would not do anything about it. If he wouldn't then who would? It would have to be him, Colman. He hadn't the bravery to be a soldier, but he was brave still, and he hadn't the strength to be a woodcutter, but still, he would save Ruby. She had saved him and he would save her, his compeer whom he adored.


He had only known her since the previous day. How could he possibly have adored her? Colman knew not, he only knew that he did. He only knew that Cupid's arrow had struck him when he had set his eyes upon the Minceiri girl.

And yet, Colman began to wonder, was his desire to face Apollo solely because he wished to save Ruby? Apollo had slain his father and most likely his mother as well? Was he motivated to save Ruby from Apollo out of fear of what the Soldier might do to her after making the beast with two backs? Perhaps. The thought of Ruby dying was the worst one of all. Even if Apollo forced Ruby into bed with him, Colman would not abandon her. Cupid had done his work and Colman would not abandon Ruby over something so trivial.

Sighing, Colman turned around. He would find Ruby, tell her he would be there for her, stand up to Apollo, fight him if need be. Ruby might have believed Apollo would kill him, but that remained to be seen. Apollo had no doubt defiled many women when serving as a soldier in the Tudor host. Colman would make sure that the Soldier would never defile another woman ever again.

Would he?

He knew not. All Colman knew was that he would live to tell the tale or die trying to save Ruby. If it was the latter, then he hoped that would slay Apollo as well, putting an end to that murderous, drunken womanizer who was the Captain of the Guard once and for all.

The Captain of the Guard!

Pausing, Colman realized what he was intending to do. He was intending to kill the Captain of the Guard in the name of saving Ruby.

Saving Ruby.

Yes, he would save Ruby from Apollo. She would not become one of his conquests and every other woman in Dublin would be free of him. To Colman's thinking, not every woman could have loved Apollo. How many had he forced into bed at knifepoint? How many had been married women faithful to their husbands? How many of those husbands had Apollo slain? Colman did not wish to know the answer. Knowing the answer might make him hesitant, put fear in him. He would save Ruby from Apollo with no fear for his own life.

Would he? If he failed without even giving Apollo a fatal injury—

No, no, he would. He would… He would. He had to. He just had to. He could not let Ruby go through with this. He knew where the Tudor Rose Inn was. At 10:30 he would be there to defend Ruby from Apollo Sidney even if it resulted in his death, though hopefully it would not.

Looking to the sky, Colman wondered if there truly was a God in heaven. Though he was Catholic with how much death there had been caused by the Tudor Huns and their conquest of Ireland, he found himself doubting if there was at times.