Chereads / The Lost God Eater / Chapter 4 - Welcome to Beacon

Chapter 4 - Welcome to Beacon

It was now 7:00 in the morning. Suther informed Ruby's approval of attending Beacon academy with a video that captures her fighting criminals at the darkest of night.

"So Qrow taught her how to fight?" Ozpin asks.

"That is yet to be confirmed. We don't have his number do we?" Suther answered. "Since she displayed raw skill, control, and experience with the scythe that could end her life in any moment, I'd say that she's more fit to be a student of this Academy."

"Fair point." Ozpin commented. "I have to get ready."

"What happened to you feeling under the weather?" Suther asks.

"Turns out it wasn't that serious. It's just stress and me being overworked. The doctor said that I should at least take a day off so that my mind can recuperate." He answered.

"Is that so? Well then, get ready to welcome the new students." Suther requested.


Ozpin is backstage, practicing his short speech. Something is affecting his health but it isn't exactly life threatening. If it was, then Suther would take him to the hospital immediately. Glynda entered from the door beside the backstage and told Ozpin.

"Headmaster, it's time." Glynda told him. Just as Suther was about to give a cup of water to Ozpin, he instantly took it, gargled, and then swallowed it.

"Gotta be in perfect pitch today" Ozpin mused.

"This ain't exactly a talent show, Headmaster." Suther commented. "Off we go then" he told him.

Ozpin walked up the stairs and out of the curtains with Suther and Glynda. He stands in front of the mic and adjusts it to match his height.

Then he spoke.

"I will keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you are finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this Academy will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

He walks back to the curtains with Suther. Glynda took his place from speaking, she then told the students about their lodgings and events for tomorrow. At the backstage, Suther and Ozpin conversed, the topic being the speech he gave.

"Were you scaring them or intimidating them?" Suther questions his Headmaster while he walks back to his office. "Or is it about something else?"

Thus he spoke. "As you know, my condition is not yet satisfactory. So I spoke from the heart instead of reading the speech I wrote in advance." he answered.

"A compelling reason. I sure hope it's true." He commented.

Ozpin, with a wondering tone, asks questions. "Are you doubting me?"

"Ozpin." He spoke his name. "Do you know why I started living as a hermit before I met you?" Suther questioned.

He answered. "Suther, you haven't told me the reason yourself. I assumed that urban life was too overwhelming."

They stop from their tracks.

"Nope, it was not." He debunks his assumptions. "I lived as a hermit because of what happened to me in the past. Lazing around my bed, purposeless. All that I did in my home was stare at the ceiling fan and if I'm lucky, fight some Grimms strolling around the forest. But then I saw something genuine when I first talked to you, almost like light. So I agreed to join without question. I only hope that genuine thing doesn't betray me again." He said with a soft tone.

It was still lies. Thanks to his time in Beacon academy, he concluded that this world doesn't have the means to create dimensional travel yet.

"You know that won't happen. I am the Headmaster of Beacon Academy after all." Ozpin assures him

He chuckled a little bit. "Yeah, my assumption is a little uncalled for." He goes back to his old tone. "I'll be back at the field, teaching fledglings while you do your Headmaster work."

Suther goes on ahead while waving his hand. Ozpin also continues to walk.


The day passed and it's 12:05 pm. All of the students are lined up, while standing on a steel platform at a cliff near the Emerald forest. The Headmaster stood forward while his retainers Glynda, and Suther are beside him. It was rare for Headmaster Ozpin to give the students a lesson personally so most of the students were tense. He wants to see something from these students, something unique perhaps.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest. Among you are exceptional warriors so I changed the test a little bit." Ozpin told.

Glynda added. "Now I'm sure many of you heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates. Today." She said with the emphasis of 'Today'.

Ruby groaned for some reason.

Ozpin then said. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is best to be paired with someone who you can work with. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." He said bluntly.

"What!" Ruby exclaimed. The rest were conversing about the reason.

He continued. "After you partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition in the way. Do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path or you will die."

Jaune gulped.

Ozpin then told the students. "You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. Our instructors will not intervene. All of you will witness an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item as well as your standing and we'll grade you appropriately. Are there any questions." He ended.

Jaune did what Ozpin asked the students.

"Yeah, uh sir." He said weakly to which he ignored.

"Good. Now take your positions." Ozpin instructed.

The platform that they stood on launched the girl from the very left, far away, into the flora of the forest.

"Uh sir, I've got a question. So is there a landing strategy thing, Uh what is it? You're like dropping us off or something?" He asks while stuttering.

Another student was launched into the forest.

"No, you will be falling." He said without hesitance.

"Oh, I see." He was immediately sent flying by the platform. Ozpin looked to see the rain of students. Suther converse a bit with him.

"I've seen crazy things before but not this crazy." Suther told him.

"Relax, they have some exceptional among them. Besides, a bit of reality never harmed anyone." He answered casually while drinking from his mug.

"So nonchalant. Am I right, Glynda?" He turns his head to see a response.

"That I couldn't agree more." She replied.

"I do hope you remember your role in this activity." Ozpin said to him.

A sinister smile formed on his face as he said those words. "I'm not that old to forget that easily."