Log #1
Novels are one of my favorite things to past time to anime,mangas,novels feels like im just repeating the same thing every
single time i really like writing...i suck at it tho, listening to youtube while playing roblox others say its just a kids game
although for me its fun...and also because my pc is trash and can barely run low spec games, today i did the same thing read
,eat,sleep, repeat sounds pretty boring but its not i find something new to read or watch every single day i should,
probably go out stay away from the screen since its bad for my health although im too addicted and cant let go, i live in a
farm so nothing else to do other houses are far so cant really go play with them and im also an introvert i know that
because i dont speak to anyone i dont know, i wont speak until the other one speaks first im confident in social media but
not in real life wonder, what my life will go to probably nothing fantastic tho, hope god has something planned for me,
i dont really see anything i could do fantastic at beside at playing, thats the thing i do most of the time although im not
really that skilled i might be just a little above average but nothing special maybe i should actually try to do something
else besides than staying at home and staring at the god damn screen of my computer all of the time.END OF DAY