After adding the contact details, Samuel Quentin left to pick up the script from the assistant. He studied it carefully, interpreting the character's emotions, preparing for the upcoming shoot. His aim was to get the scenes right in one take, avoiding blunders that would delay the progress of the crew.
Alison Thomson, who had been eyeing him intently and was set to play Lux Clare, walked over in her white disciple vestment and sat down, a sneer on her lips.
"Stay away from those brothers. They have ill intentions in their hearts. He's not worthy to be linked with you in a scandal." she cynically scorned.
Her ridicule was not hidden, but laid clearly on Kit Lincoln.
The security at the Kingdom Hotel is excellent, leaving no chance for paparazzi to sneak in.
And how could they just happen to be caught in the act? It's likely that this pretty boy staged the whole thing, deliberately spreading the news.
The operation of riding on trending topics was utterly disgusting.